

Study on the Reatoration of Yufuhe River

【作者】 刘继永

【导师】 曹升乐; 马承新;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 水利工程, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 河流生态修复,是指为了维护河流的生物多样性,保护河流的自然生态环境,采用生态与水利工程相结合的技术,提高河流生态功能的一种治理方案。虽然,国内对河流生态修复已有较多的研究和论述,也有一些成功的工程实例,但针对我国北方地区季节性河流的生态修复技术研究成果尚不多见。所以,选择具有我国北方特色的河流进行生态修复技术的研究,具有重要的理论和现实意义。本次以济南市玉符河为研究对象。玉符河干流长85.40km,流域面积827.3km~2。由于受自然降水条件及上游水资源开发利用等多方面的影响作用,年均断流天数达240天,严重损坏了河道生态系统,生物多样性日益降低。随着济南市区“东拓、西进”战略的实施,玉符河的生态环境状况已难以满足城市整体发展需要;而城市居民环境意识的不断提高,也客观上需要通过玉符河生态修复来提供一处具备休闲娱乐功能的场所。本课题在进行玉符河流域及河道调查的基础上,确定了其生态修复的目标及步骤,提出了保障中、下游干流河道基本生态用水的规模及运行策略,探索了适于我国北方地区季节性河流生态修复的模式及关键工程技术。主要完成了以下工作:(1)采用资料分析、现场调查、遥感调查等方法对玉符河流域进行了河流现状调查,并分析了该流域存在的主要生态环境问题。在此基础上确定了该河道生态修复的目标与步骤。(2)采用拐点法计算了玉符河干流段的生态基流量,利用Mikell软件进行了修复方案的模拟分析,探索出适宜我国北方地区季节性河流生态用水的计算新方法和补水新模式。(3)建立了利用卧虎山水库向下游河道实施生态补水的水库优化调度模型,经过多方案比较分析,提出了保障玉符河干流常年流水的水库调度运行方案,为玉符河河流生态修复提供了水量保证。(4)根据河流生态修复理念以及河流修复的具体目标,提出了玉符河生态修复的技术方案,进行了典型工程河流生态修复工程建设实践,总结了河流生态修复的成功经验。(5)提出了玉符河生态修复的管理措施,为今后的河流规划和修复提供了技术依据。

【Abstract】 River restoration embraces a great variety of ecological and engineering measures to improve rivers’ ecological function, maintain river biodiversity and protect ecological environment. Though, there have been some research and successful engineering practices in China, relative research on northern seasonal rivers are less. So, it is of great theoretical and realistic significance to carry out research on northern seasonal rivers.Yufuhe river in Jinan has been taken as a case study in this paper. The main stream of Yufuhe river is 85.40 kilometers long and the river basin covers an area of 827.3 km2. The annual equal period of river interruption has amounted to 240 days, which has damaged the river ecosystem, reduced biodiversity gravely because of water development and natural precipitation condition. With Jinan’s citilization strategy, Yufuhe river ecological situation can not adapt to the city development need; and urban resident environment consciousness improvement requires that Yufuhe river provides more resorts by river restoration .In the paper, restoration targets and steps have been ascertained on basis of investigation of river basin, and water demands and patterns ensuring fundamental water resource requirement of ecology for middle and lower reaches are provided, and river restoration patterns and key engineering techniques for seasonal rivers in north China have been probed. Main jobs accomplished as follow:(1) By data analysis, field survey and remote sense, the current situation of Yufuhe river basin have been investigated, and main ecological environment problems have been analyzed. On the basis, targets and steps of river restoration have been ascertained.(2) By inflection point method river, basic ecological flows of Yufuhe river mainstream is calculated, and river restoration scheme’s are simulated by making use of the Mike11 software. New calculation method of water resource requirement of eco-environment and new pattern of water supplement for northern seasonal rivers are investigated.(3)Models for reservoir operation optimization have been built making use of Wohushan reservoir to satisfy ecological water requrement of lower reaches. By alternatives comparison, the reservoir operation mode ensuring Yufuhe river to be a perennial river have been proposed which has provided water yield guarantee for Yufuhe river restoration.(4) According to new river restoration ideas and the concrete targets, the technical scheme have been brought forward for Yufuhe river restoration, and engineering practice of typical reach have been carried out. Successful experience for river restoration has been summerized.(5) Yufuhe river restoration management measures have been brought forward which provide the technical basis for river plans and restoration in the future.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 01期
  • 【分类号】X171.4
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】983

