

A Study of China and ASEAN to Promote Investment Liberalization

【作者】 杨媛媛

【导师】 姜爱丽;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 国际法, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 当今时代,经济全球化和区域经济一体化已经成为一股不可抗拒的潮流。2001年,中国和东盟十国一致同意在十年内建立中国—东盟自由贸易区(CAFTA),并于2002年11月正式签署了《中国与东盟全面经济合作框架协议》。协议签订后,自贸区建设取得显著进展,双方投资额大幅度提高,双边经贸投资关系进入新阶段。尽管数字彰显着自贸区建设已经取得了喜人的成果,但仍然存在很多问题,其中法律制度建设滞后是一个不可轻视的问题。目前调整中国—东盟之间投资关系的法律体系是一个涵盖各国国内投资法及其它相关法,双边投资协定,WTO框架下与投资相关的规则等多层次法律体系。一方面,由于各方不全是WTO正式成员,且经济发展水平悬殊,因而在某些投资问题的规定上会出现碰撞、冲突或不一致的状况;另一方面,多边和双边投资法规的不完善、不协调也不能符合现有投资关系的发展对法律协调的需求。因此,一边修改、完善十个双边投资协定,一边创制《中国—东盟投资自由化协议》势在必行。对CAFTA投资自由化规则的总体设计,本文针对三种主流观点加以评析,并指出通过对WTO投资规则进行参照与转化,对东盟投资区规则的借鉴与承继,对中国与东盟之间相关协议的运用和发展,对中国与东盟国内相关法的吸收和兼容,参考其他区域性经济体中有关投资的规则创建符合中国与东盟经济现状,切实可行的自由化协议。并给出了在具体谈判中,中国参与投资自由化谈判应该把握的原则。有关中国—东盟投资自由化谈判的具体对策,本文主要从外资准入逐步自由化和有步骤有条件地实施国民待遇这两个方面加以论述。通过分析国际上的做法以及中国与东盟国家的具体规定,给出了我国下一步参与投资协议谈判的具体对策。

【Abstract】 Nowadays, the economic globalization and regional economic integration has become an irresistible trend. In 2001, China and ten ASEAN countries agreed to establish China -ASEAN Free Trade Area (CAFTA) in ten years, and signed a framework agreement of China -ASEAN overall economic cooperation in November 2002. After the agreement was signed, the building of the free trade area has made significant progress, the bilateral investment has a substantial increase, and the bilateral trade and investment relations have entered a new stage. Although the figures highlight the building of the free trade zone has achieved gratifying results, but many problems still exist, including the legal system construction which is lagging behind.Current legal adjustment between China and ASEAN investment relations is a multilevel legal system including domestic investment law and other related laws, bilateral investment agreements, and the WTO framework and investment-related rules. On the one hand, because not all of the ASEAN countries are a formal member of WTO, and the level of economic development in different countries differs greatly, hence rules of investment in some respects will appear on collision, conflict or inconsistency; On the other hand, multilateral and bilateral investment regulations are imperfect, not incompatible with the existing investment laws to the development of relations. Therefore, while revising and improving the ten bilateral investment agreements, while creating a "China - ASEAN investment liberalization agreement" are imperative.To the design of China - ASEAN investment liberalization agreements, this thesis focuses on the analysis of the three mainstream viewpoint, and pointed out a practical liberalization agreement should be created through referring and transforming the WTO rules on investment, applying and developing China and ASEAN relevant agreement, absorbing China and ASEAN relevant domestic laws and referring other regional trade arrangements. And some specific principles of China’s participation in the investment liberalization negotiations also be given.To concrete measures of China - ASEAN investment liberalization negotiations, this paper discusses mainly from the liberalization of access to foreign capital and National Treatment. By analyzing the international practice as well as the regulations of China and ASEAN countries, this paper gives some suggestions of China’s participation in investment negotiations in next step.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 01期

