

The Study on the Factors of the Middle School Stutends’ Social Adaption in Yantai

【作者】 刘一霞

【导师】 傅茂笋; 何守森;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 儿少与妇幼保健, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 研究背景社会适应越来越受到教育者的关注。中学阶段是人生发展的重要时期,帮助中学生适应社会,促进他们更好的发展是社会和教育的基本责任。然而目前我国的家庭教育和学校教育忽略了学生社会适应能力培养,以致中学生中出现了许多社会适应不良的问题和行为。研究目的了解烟台市中学生社会适应情况,探讨中学生社会适应能力的影响因素,为政府、学校相关部门制定针对中学生的健康行为指导、健康教育和心理辅导等对策提供参考依据。研究方法1.抽样方法:根据烟台市经济社会发展水平,采用分层整群抽样方法,从13个县市区中抽取芝罘区、开发区、栖霞市作为本次调查点,各抽取辖区内城市和农村初、高中各一所。随机抽取初一、初二、初三年级一至两个班,高一、高二年级一至两个班作为调查对象。2.调查方法:问卷法。测评工具:中学生社会适应量表、简易应对问卷、青少年气质量表、父母教养方式评价量表(EMCU)、中学生基本情况调查问卷。主要结果1、中学生社会适应能力受多种因素影响。与父母婚姻状况、家庭亲子关系、家庭住址、是否独生子女、母亲职业、家庭经济状况、对自己学习成绩的评价、父母教养方式、应对方式、气质类型等呈显著相关关系。独生子女在社会交往适应因子和挫折耐受力因子得分均低于非独生子女,且存在显著差异。居住在县及县级以上城市的中学生与居住在乡镇或农村的中学生社会适应总均分及各因子均分比较显示,居住在县及县级以上城市的中学生在自我意识因子和社会交往因子得分均高于乡镇或农村学生,且存在显著差异。重点学校与普通学校在中学生社会适应因子总分及各适应因子上没有显著性差异。是否住校在家庭环境适应因子和校内人际关系因子上存在显著差异,而在其他适应因子及总分上,两者间的差异不显著。男女中学生社会适应因子总均分及各项因子均值比较显示,男生社会适应因子总均分值及各因子分值除学习适应因子外得分均高于女生,但只有挫折耐受力因子差异显著(P<0.05)。父母亲的受教育程度不同对中学生社会适应能力的影响有显著性差异,从中学生社会适应各因子得分的整体上看,表现为大学及以上>高中或中专>初中>小学>文盲的变化趋势。经常参加社会或集体活动的中学生社会适应能力各因子得分高于从不参加的学生,差异有显著性。2、中学生社会各适应因子得分与应对方式两表得分表现出强相关性,积极应对方式与适应各因子及适应总分呈显著正相关关系,消极应对方式得分与适应各因子及适应总分呈显著负相关关系,即积极应对因子得分越高,社会适应适应因子得分越高,消极应对因子得分越低,社会适应各因子得分越高。3、中学生适应量表总分及各因子得分与多血质和粘液质类型得分呈强正相关关系,与抑郁质得分呈强负相关关系。与胆汁质类型得分呈显著相关关系。4、父亲、母亲的情感温暖、理解因子与中学生社会适应各因子分及总分间均呈显著正相关关系,父亲、母亲过分干涉、过保护因子得分及与其适应总分间呈显著负相关关系。5、logistic回归分析进一步发现,对中学生社会适应因子总均分有显著影响的因素有积极应对、粘液质、消极应对、抑郁质、母亲情感温暖理解和双亲婚姻状况,其中积极应对、粘液质和母亲情感温暖理解是社会适应的保护因素,消极应对、抑郁质和双亲婚姻状况是危险因素。结论与建议家庭环境、父母教养方式、应对方式、气质类型对中学生社会适应能力都有显著影响。因此,父母应和睦相处,不断学习,提高自身的文化素质。家庭和学校应加强沟通交流,对处事消极,学习成绩不佳的学生要合理引导,帮助树立乐观积极的生活学习态度;根据不同气质类型的心理特征,强化积极的气质特点,塑造良好的个性品质,避免和克服消极品质的发展。

【Abstract】 BACKGROUND More and more education concerns to the social adaption. The secondary school stage is an important development period of life. To help students adapt to society and promote them better is the basic responsibilityof socialist and educaters. However, China’s family education and school education overlook the social ability to adapt to the culture. So that secondary school students have gotten many social problems and bad behaviorOBJECTIVE To probe into the social adaption of the middle school students in Yantai and the influence factors of middle school student’s social adaptive capacity. The data would be used as a referrence for the government’s decision-making such as the healthy behavior guidance, health education and psychological consultation of the middle school students.METHODOLOGY 1. Sample method: According to the economical and social development in Yantai, the author uses stratified cluster sampling,that is Zhifu district, Kaifa district, and Qixia county are selected from all 13 counties and districts in Yantai. draw off each one middle, high school in the cities and countryside in the area under one’s jurisdiction. Draw off one to two classes from Junior One, Junior Two, Junior Three, and Senior One, senior two randomly regard as the respondent.2. Survey method: Questionnaire. Test and assess tools: Middle school student’s social adjustment scale, replying questionnaire, teenagers’ makings scale, parents and bringing up the way and appraising the scale (EMCU), middle school student’s social adjustment questionnaire simple and easily.MAIN RESULTS 1. Middle school student’s social adaptive capacity is influenced by many kinds of factors. With parents’ marital status, family’s parent-offspring’s relation, home address, only-child, mother’s job, family’s economic situation, appraisal, parents of the own right school grade bring up the way, should be prominent relevant relations to the way, type of temperament and so on.The only-child get score lower than the not only-child at meeting factor and setback tolerance factor in social communication, and the prominent difference exists.Comparing Middle school students living in county and city to students living in villages and towns at social adaptive capacity, the middle school student who lives in county and city is higher than the villages and towns or rural student in the ego consciousness factor and social communication factor, and the prominent difference exists.There is not significance difference on middle school student’s social adjustment factor total points and every factor of meeting between the key school and ordinary school. The prominent difference exists in family’s environmental adaptation factor and school on the interpersonal relationships factor to board at school, on other adaptation factors and total points, the difference between the two is not prominent.Social adjustment factors of male and female middle school students are always divided equally and every factor mean value relatively reveal, the boys’ social adjustment has total factor the score and every factor score and higher than the girl besides studying the factor of meeting, but only the factor difference of setback tolerance is prominent (P<0. 05).Parents’ different education impacts on middle school student’s social adaptive capacity of schooling have significance differences, look from whole that every factor of middle school student’s social adjustment scores, is shown as university and the above >High school or special secondary school >Junior middle school >Primary school >The illiterate’s variation tendency.2. Middle school student society meet factor score until should two form a goal demonstrate better relevance to way each, reply way with meet every factor and meet total points prominent positive correlation relation actively, passivism should score and meet every factor and meet total points to present and shoulder relevant relations to the way notably, reply factor score high, social adjustment it is high for factor to score actively, the more low passivism should score to the factor, the higher every factor of the social adjustment scores.3. Middle school student meet scale total points and every factor score with sanguine temperament and lymphatic temperament type it scores to be strong positive correlation, it is to shoulder relevant relations to get scores with the melancholic temperament strongly. Present prominent relevant relations with the type score of choleric temperament.4. The father, mother’s emotion is warm, the understanding factor and middle-school student social adaptation various factors are divided and the total score assume the remarkable correlation dependence, the father, the mother interfere, the protection factor score and assume the remarkable inverse correlation relations with its adaptation total score excessively, but the father, mother’s being partial to is tried the factor to dispense the middle-school student to adapt between the total score not to have the remarkable correlation dependence.5. the logistic regression analysis further discovered that always divides equally to the middle-school student social adaptation factor has the remarkable influence factor to actively responding, lymphatic temperament, passively responding, melancholic temperament, the mother emotion warm understanding and the parents marital status negatively positively, actively responding, lymphatic temperament and the mother emotion warm understanding is the social adaptation protection factor positively, others are the dangerous factors.CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTIONS Middle school student’s social adaptive capacity is influenced by a lot of respects. Parents should fully realize the family environment, bringing up the social adaptive capacity that the way will influence the middle school student directly to the child, should live in harmony, is studying constantly; improve one’s own cultural dynamics. Passivism to handling affairs, study the students not doing very well to guide rationally, help establishes the optimistic and positive attitude towards study of life. According to the psychological characteristics of different types of temperament, strengthen the positive makings characteristic, mould good individual character quality, avoid and overcome the development of passive quality.

【关键词】 中学生社会适应影响
【Key words】 Middle School studentssocial adaptationinfluence
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 01期
  • 【分类号】G635.5;G631
  • 【被引频次】9
  • 【下载频次】603
  • 攻读期成果

