

Equivalent Translation Based on Text Function

【作者】 齐明珍

【导师】 孙迎春;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 英语语言文学, 2008, 硕士


【摘要】 本文试图在文本功能和翻译对等方面建立紧密关系,同时认为文本功能应该成为翻译对等实现的基础,而建立在文本功能基础上的对等则可以成为一种翻译标准。在今天以及过去的两千多年的翻译理论研究中,尽管有关对等定义和可实用性具有很大的争议性,对等一直是翻译理论领域的一个中心概念。在过去的几十年里,翻译研究者从不同的角度提出了不同的对等概念。翻译理论研究在很大程度上是围绕对等概念而发展的。在对等翻译研究领域最为著名的学者及其理论为:罗曼·雅各布森认为对等是“差异中的对等”;尤金·奈达把翻译看成一种交际活动,区分了“形式对等”和“动态对等”;卡特福特将系统功能语言学理论引入翻译研究,区分了“语篇对等”与“形式对应”。他们对对等翻译的研究奠定了以后该领域研究的基础,并且设定了其未来的发展历程。翻译研究有很悠久的历史,从西塞罗在《论演说术》中提出了“不要逐字翻译”的译学主张到现在,翻译已经发展成为一门涉及语言学、哲学和文化研究等领域的多语言、多学科研究科目。从19世纪50年代和60年代起,语言学理论在促进翻译研究方面做出了重要贡献。语言研究影响翻译研究,每一个翻译理论作品都是在一个或几个语言学模式下进行的。语言学是翻译进行分析和描写的工具,语言学基础上的翻译研究反过来又会测试语言学理论的可靠性和实用性:语言研究理论与翻译研究是共赢的关系。文本功能是涉及翻译研究的语篇语言学中的一个重要概念,它是科学、客观的进行翻译研究的基础。语篇语言学的理论在20世纪80年代由一些研究文本层次上的对等翻译的西方学者介绍到中国。20世纪70年代和80年代,在以翻译为导向的文本类型学研究影响下,篇章语言学对翻译的研究从静态的语言文本类型学发展到从功能和交际途径分析翻译。最早在以翻译为导向的文本类型学研究方面做出贡献的是赖斯。她主要阐述了三个功能文本:信息功能文本、表达功能文本与操作功能文本。三大功能同时工作,但是它们在某个具体文本中的重要性是不同的。在后来的研究中她又把文本类型、文本功能和翻译策略联系起来。赖斯的理论为以翻译为导向的文本类型学的发展奠定了基础。文本类型学研究的另外两名著名的学者为哈蒂姆和梅森,他们归纳了三大文本类型,并细化为七种。在前人研究的基础上,作者区分了四种功能文本:信息功能文本、表达功能文本、呼吁功能文本和论证功能文本。本文认为以文本功能为基础的对等翻译应该成为一种翻译标准,该标准的合理性和实用性将由中国旅游文本的翻译来证实。改革开放以来,中国的旅游业取得了繁荣发展,但是中国目前对旅游翻译的研究还远跟不上旅游业的发展。旅游文本作为一种文本类型,同时具有呼吁功能、信息功能和表达功能,但是呼吁功能处于中心地位,信息功能和表达功能处于附属地位,帮助文本呼吁功能的实现。针对旅游文本的功能特点,作者有针对性地提出了不同的翻译策略:(1)以读者为中心,实现文本的呼吁功能的充分对等;(2)通过增加相应的背景知识、删减一些不必要的文化信息等,以外国读者对旅游文本的需要为基础,实现信息功能的对等;(3)充分考虑外国读者的审美情趣,实现表达功能的对等。基于语篇功能的对等翻译原则能很好的指导旅游文本的翻译,而旅游文本的翻译也证实了该标准的可行性。

【Abstract】 This dissertation intends to argue that translation equivalence is closely related to text-function and that the realization of translation equivalence shall have text-function as its basis. Text-function-based equivalence has a great possibility to be considered as a translation criterion.Equivalence has been the central issue both in translation theory over the last two thousand years and in modern translation studies although its definition, relevance and applicability within the field have caused many heated controversies, and many different theories of the concept of equivalence have been elaborated within this field in the past decades. To a large degree, translation theory has hitherto evolved around the concept of equivalence. The remarkable scholars and theories in this field are Jakobson’s concept of "equivalence in difference", Nida’s "formal correspondence" and "dynamic equivalence", and Catford’s "textual equivalence". Their theories have paved the foundations for the concept of equivalence, and have, to a large degree, shaped its later development.Translation study has a long history which develops from Cicero’s perception of not translating "word for word" to the present time when translation has become an interlingual and interdisciplinary study encompassing linguistics, communication studies, philosophy and a range of types of cultural studies. Since 1950s to 1960s, the development in the linguistic theory has been promoting the development of the translation theory. The study of language has something to say about the study of translation, and every translation theory works within the framework of one or more linguistic models and uses them as its analytical and descriptive tools. The application of linguistic findings to translation studies will offer a critical ground on which to test the linguistic issues. It is a win-win relation between linguistic studies and translation studies.Text function is one of the important notions in text linguistics in relation to translation from various perspectives and for different purposes, and has been the basis of various attempts to make translation "scientific" or objectively justifiable. In the early 1980s, the theory of text linguistics was introduced into translation studies by western scholars who study translation and equivalence on the textual levei. Text typology refers to the typology that concerns text linguistics and is the main areas where text linguistics can contribute to or benefit from translation studies. The 1970s and 1980s, under the topic of "translation-oriented text typology", witness a shift from the static linguistic typologies of translation and the flourishing of a functional and communicative approach to the analysis of translation. The study of translation-oriented text typology probably first goes to the work of German scholar Katharina Reiss in 1970s. Working within the tradition of functionalism, Reiss puts forward a function typology of three main "pure" text types: informative, expressive, and operative and considers all the three functions figure simultaneously, but not equally in any linguistic expression. She maintains that one of these functions becomes dominant in any given text. Reiss also has put forward the idea that translation strategy has something to do with both text type and text function. To a great extent, Reiss’s study serves as the foundation for the later exploration of translation-oriented text typology. Hatim and Mason are also famous for their text typology. They put forward totally seven text types under three main categories. Based on the previous studies, the author classifies four text types: informative function text, expressive function text, appellative function text, and argumentative function text. The paper argues that equivalence based on text function can serve as one criterion for translation, whose validity and applicability will be proved by its application to the activity of rendering Chinese tourism text.Tourism in today’s China is an increasingly booming industry owing to the opening and reform policy, the rise of multinational exchanges and corporations. However, in China, the study of tourism translation is far behind what is expected. Tourism text, as a certain text type, has its own particular text functions. According to the translation-oriented text typology, three key text functions can be identified from the tourism text, namely, appellative function, descriptive function, and the informative function. Different translation strategies are advanced in relation to these three text functions: (1) appellative function equivalence: reader-centered; (2) informative function equivalence: reader’s needs-centered, by adding necessary explanation concerning relevant background information, omitting some cultural information; (3) descriptive function equivalence: aesthetic interestsThe dissertation places text-function-based translation equivalence as a sufficient way to translate tourism text, which in turn proves the credibility and feasibility of text-function-based translation equivalence.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 01期

