

Conceptual Design Automation of Mechatronics Product Based on Biologic Flow

【作者】 林淑彦

【导师】 黄克正;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 机械电子工程, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 机电一体化技术的迅速发展已使机电一体化产品的个性化、柔性化、智能化成为机械产品的重要发展方向。面对世界市场日益激烈的竞争,单纯靠模仿国外产品将使企业失去市场竞争力。只有通过产品创新,才能从根本上解决企业的生存和发展问题。产品设计的概念设计阶段更加注重设计的整体性、创造性,在概念设计阶段进行的设计方案的创新具有较高的创新层次。概念设计自动化技术是实现机电产品快速创新设计的基础。原理方案创新与结构创新设计的快速实现与有机衔接技术是概念设计自动化的关键。本文以生物流理论与功能表面分解重构理论为基础,深入研究了支持产品快速创新的概念设计产品信息建模技术,“功能—结构”自动映射技术等。本文对目前的产品概念设计及机电系统的概念设计方法做了总结,指出了机电系统概念设计中的关键问题、深入研究概念设计的内在规律、实现概念创新过程集成化和自动化的概念设计研究目标,并把产品原理方案创新和结构创新的快速设计及其有机衔接作为实现产品快速创新设计的关键技术加以研究。本文的主要研究内容如下:在设计理论的研究方面,本文以功能表面分解重构理论及广义定位原理作为理论基础,在LORD原理、生物流理论和能量链原理的基础上,针对机电一体化产品,特别是机电控制系统的设计提出了“信息转换原理”及“基于生物流的机电产品设计自动化理论”,为机电产品原理方案创新与结构创新设计过程提供了理论基础。在概念产品信息建模方面,提出了信息传输表面的概念,其作为一种综合的物质单元具有功能与结构的二元属性,支持功能的明确定义与几何信息的表达。针对概念产品信息建模技术的实现,从能量和信息转换的角度划分定义功能表面类型,并给出了相应的编码规则。为了支持概念方案的快速表达,提出了功能模式的概念,定义了用于能量和信息转换的具体功能模式及容器模式。结合上述理论研究,建立了概念零件表达的编码规则及概念设计自动化流程,使产品原理方案的创新设计与结构创新设计集成到统一的设计过程中。最后,介绍了产品设计软件DARFAD和pre-D系统,并在pre-D系统中以水位控制系统为例验证了本文所提理论的可行性和有效性。对全文进行了总结,提出了课题尚待进一步深入研究的内容,并对以后的工作进行了展望。

【Abstract】 The individuality, flexibility and intelligence have become important development direction of mechanical products with the development of science and technology. In the face of drastic international market competitions increasingly, and great attention in intellectual property rights, enterprises will lose market competitiveness if they simply rely on copying foreign products. Only through the product creativity, can enterprises solve the problem of surviving and developing fundamentally. As an important part of production design, conceptual design pays more attention to the integrity and creativity. In the creative design process of mechatronics system, the creation of design schemes is in a higher creative level in conceptual design. Conceptual design automation is the foundation of fast innovation methodology. Fast implementation and join of principle innovation and structure innovation is the key of conceptual design automation. Based on Biologic flow and Principle of Decomposition and Reconstitution of Function Surface the technology of model building, the automation mapping between Function and Structure.Give a summarization of present conceptual design of common products and mechatronics, point out the key of conceptual design of mechatronics system. It is pointed that the research on the design essence, the automation and integration of conceptual design process is the target to conceptual design research and it is the base for fast innovation methodology. The fast implementation and join of principle innovation and structure innovation is the key of them.The main contents of this paper are organized as:From the viewpoint of design methodology, based on the Principle of Decomposition and Reconstitution of Function Surface、Generalized Location Principle、LORD、Biologic flow Principle and Energy Chain Principle, "Information Chain Principle" and "The Design Automation of Mechatronics Product Based on Biologic Flow", which provide the uniform guidance for principle innovation and structure innovation.In the aspect of conceptual model building, Information-transforming Function Surface is proposed. With the double attributes of function and structure, it supports the definition of Function and the express of geometry information. It provides the operable models to express the abstract thinking of conceptual design logically and visually. According to energy and information transforming mode, the Function Surface is classified. The Location Code、Energy-transforming Code and Information-transforming Code of Function Surface are established.In order to support the fast express of conceptual design, Function Pattern is put forward. It improves the ability of Function and Surface describing. Some Function Patterns are defined according to the application of energy and information transforming. The Code of conceptual product and automation design process are established to unify the principle innovation and structure innovation.At last, the conceptual design automation system DARFAD and pre-D is introduced. With the example of water level controller, the feasibility and validity of the principles provided in this paper are proved. The research contents are summarized, and the questions that need research in future are put forward. A prospect about the next research contents is made out.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 01期
  • 【分类号】TH122
  • 【下载频次】125

