

Study on Efficacy and Evolution of Network Supervision

【作者】 彭芃

【导师】 赵国杰;

【作者基本信息】 天津大学 , 公共管理, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 互联网的普及改变着人们的生活方式,也包括政治生活方式。公众通过互联网了解国家事务,广泛充分地交流和发表建议,对国家政治、经济、法律、文化、教育、行政等活动进行褒贬与评价。这是现代社会民主化发展进程的必然选择,更是宪法赋予我国公民的基本权利。当前,基于互联网发展起来的网络监督活动已经逐渐成为舆论监督重要的组成部分。网络监督由于具有互联网开放、自由的性质,所以具有其他媒体监督不可比拟的优势,如发表言论的自由性、获取信息的随时性、隐私的保密性等。这些特性推动了网络监督力量的不断壮大,也促使各个公共管理部门根据公众需要改进工作方式方法,因此涌现了很多新型的网络监督模式和公共管理方式。第一章介绍了本文选题的背景,在当前国际国内互联网活动越来越活跃,网络舆论在人们生活中扮演着越来越重要的角色的背景下,文章选择了网络监督功效分析和深化发展分析的主题,通过案例分析、数据统计分析、网络资料搜集分析等方法对网络监督的功能效用进行了研究分析,并结合实际对网络监督深化发展提出了建议。第二章通过对舆论监督和网络监督的关系的辨析,介绍了舆论监督和网络监督在我国的产生和发展状况,并对网络监督进行了分类,使网络监督与舆论监督之间互相依存的关系更加明确,也为后面阐述网络监督的重要性奠定了基础。第三章与第四章对网络监督的优越性与功能效用进行了深入的研究分析。特别是运用了“妞妞事件”等典型案例,分析了网络监督为公共管理事业带来的新方式和新意义,并且为今后网络监督的发展开辟了新的道路。由于网络充分开放的特性,给网络监督带来了很多弊端。文章第五章结合网络公信力不高、网络监督个体权利得不到保障等问题对网络监督的局限性进行了讨论,对网络监督有了更全面正确的认识和评价。在最后,文章结合今后互联网与公共管理事业的发展趋势,对网络监督的深入发展提出了自己的建议,其中包括加强规范引导,创新网络监督新形式、建立网络舆论监督制度与途径等。笔者希望通过探讨和研究,促进我国网络监督之路走上正规化、法制化轨道,使网络监督成为实现政治民主、建设政治文明的最佳手段。

【Abstract】 The popularization of internet is changing our lifestyle, even political lifestyle involved. By internet public know national affair, communicate widely and give their advice, comment on national politics, economy, law, culture, education, etc…This situation is a certain choice in the evolution of modern democratization, all the more it is basic right of citizen authorized by our national constitution. Currently network supervision activity based on internet has been becoming a more and more important component of public supervision. Due to open and free characters of internet, network supervision has some unique advantages which other media supervision is not comparable, such as free press, information available at any moment, privacy protection. These characteristics promote developing of network supervision, and also push each public management department to change their work style according to public demands. And then many new-style network supervision and public management modes come forth.In the first chapter the background of this study is introduced. Currently internet and network consensus becomes more and more active. Just in this background, this study chooses the theme of network supervision efficacy and evolution analysis. By means of case analysis, statistical data and network information collection, the efficacy of network supervision is studied and some advice is given for further evolution of network supervision.In the second chapter the relation between consensus and network supervision is analyzed in detail. The birth and development of consensus and network supervision in our country is introduced, and classifying network supervision confirms the relation between consensus and network supervision is interdependent. This chapter lays a foundation for expatiating importance of network supervision in the following content.In the third and fourth chapter, the advantage and efficacy of network supervision are lucubrated. Especially some typical cases are quoted which illuminate network supervision brings some new styles and significance to public management, and emergence of network blog creates a new direction for future network supervision development.However network is too open which brings a lot of disadvantage. In the fifth chapter, limitation of network supervision is analyzed by listing some familiar problems, such as poor credibility of internet, no guarantee of individual right by network supervision. All of these make us know network supervision more comprehensively and correctly.In the last, by synthetically analyzing developing trend of internet and public management, some advices are given for further development of network supervision, which include strengthening network criterion, innovation of network supervision mode, establishing network supervision system and route, and so on. Author hopes to improve network supervision normalization and legalization in our country by exploring and study on this theme, and also hopes that in the future network will become one of optimal means which can realize political democracy and build up political civilization

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 天津大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 04期
  • 【分类号】G124;D630.9
  • 【被引频次】20
  • 【下载频次】1828

