

The Research of Acquisition System for Electrical Acupuncture Signals

【作者】 李诺

【导师】 王江;

【作者基本信息】 天津大学 , 检测技术与自动化装置, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 针灸是中华民族的瑰宝,它具有独特的疗效和丰富的内涵,是我国具有特色和优势的学科之一。针灸医学已进入现代科学的领域,引起了各国医学家极大的关注和兴趣。但是,当前针灸疗效机理研究多为统计学意义上的比较研究,缺乏规律性、系统性的归纳和量化。目前虽然脑电图仪、心电图仪、肌电图仪等均能在一定程度上反映针刺的作用和疗效,但其采样频率都在200Hz以下,还不能满足利用多点、同步电极研究体表电信号针刺传导与作用规律的要求。本文首先从应用屏蔽线将体表电信号引入初级放大器开始,提出一种多点同步体表电信号检测装置,然后对各级放大器的放大倍数及电阻,电容的正确配比和噪声的大小进行详细的理论分析、仿真和实验;利用采样定理计算出合理的采样频率,并提出运用复杂的可编程逻辑器件(CPLD)控制模拟数字转换器(AD),将模拟信号转化成数字信号。在此基础上,本文首先通过CPLD对先入先出存储器(FIFO)进行控制,实现数据缓冲;然后利用高速的DSP将数据转存到大容量的同步动态随即存数器(SDRAM)中,最后,通过通用串行总线(USB)接口芯片将数据上传至PC。本文基本上实现了一种高速,多路,同步采集的体表电信号检测装置,所研究的装置具有高精度、高抗干扰的特点,为量化不同针刺手法及疗效,揭示针刺电信息传导与作用规律提供了重要的基础。

【Abstract】 Acupuncture is a Chinese treasure which has a particular good curative effect and plenty of connotations. It has now entered the field of modern science and attracts much attention from foreign medical scientists. However, current research mostly focuses on the comparison with the statistics method which lacks of the regular, systematic conclusion and quantification. Although currently, the EEG, ECG, EMG and so on can all respond to the acupuncture’s effect at a certain extent, but their sample rates are all less than 200Hz and they aren’t fit for detecting and processing the multi-spot and synchronized signal.The thesis begins with introducing the electrical signal to the first equipment amplifier and develops an equipment which can detect and process the multi-spot and synchronized signal at a high speed. The thesis calculates the amplifier gain, resistance value, capacitance value and analyzes the noise value with detailed academic analysis. Then it simulates and realizes the whole analog system. By careful analysis, it gets the calculated sampling rate. Subsequently the analog data is converted to digital data with AD controlled by CPLD. After getting the digital data, these data are cushioned by FIFO and are stored into SDRAM by DSP. At last, these data is passed to PC by USB port.The design realizes a multi-spots synchronization high-speed collecting system which is high-precision and anti-jamming. The design is the requirement of quantify various acupuncture manipulations. It contributes to reveal the conduction and effect ion of the surface electrical signal.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 天津大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 04期

