

【作者】 汤凌洁

【导师】 李立新;

【作者基本信息】 南京艺术学院 , 设计艺术学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 在20世纪的最后30年,全球的产品设计进入了一个崭新的发展阶段。相较于以前仅考虑产品功能和造型的设计,设计开始重视人的因素。人们对于产品的需求逐渐上升至情感的诉求,产品设计的趋势也由功能主义转为以产品语意为导向。以此为契机,感性工学作为设计和工程学领域的重要研究成果在日本诞生,并在大量的设计研发过程中发挥了重要的作用。运用感性工学方法设计的产品也在市场中获得了显著的绩效。在中国,感性工学作为一种新兴的产品研究和开发的方法,一直缺乏深入、系统的整理和研究。本文拟在此方面作初步的探究,以期为中国设计界产品研发方法的研究提供具体的基础和理论。本文首先从感性工学诞生的时代背景着手,探讨了感性时代中感性思想的产生及发展的状况;其次,分析了感性与感性工学的定义和内涵,并针对感性工学的诞生、发展和研究范畴进行了综述;接着,从研究方法入手,通过具体产品研发个案的分析,论述了感性工学六种研究方法的概念及其运用;最后,介绍了感性工学中所运用的情感量化方法,并在此基础上将感性工学和其他目前在世界上运用较为广泛的情感设计的产品研发方法进行了比较,归纳出感性工学方法的具体运用流程。通过本课题的研究,期望能够加深中国产业界和设计界对感性工学的认识与了解,促进感性工学在中国的运用与发展。

【Abstract】 In the last 30 years of the 20th century, the global product design came to a new development stage. Nowadays design puts more attention on users, instead of the function and form of the products. The requirements of people towards products change to the emotional ones, at the same time, the trend of product design changes to the semantic ones form the functional ones. At this turning point, Kansei Engineering is born in Japan as the research results and plays an important role in the development of products. And the products developed with Kansei Engineering are also proved successful. In China, as a new method of product development, Kansei Engineering lacks the deep and systematic research. The thesis plans to do the primary research under this background and provides some fundamental theory for Chinese design circle. Based on the above, the author begins with the background of Kansei engineering, analyses the birth and development of perceptual idea. After studying on the meaning of Kansei engineering, the author states the birth, development and research field of Kansei engineering. Through the research on the specific case, the author discusses the concept and application of six methods of Kansei engineering. Finally, through the introduction of the emotional qualification method, the author compares Kansei engineering with other emotional design method and points out the application process of Kansei engineering. The purpose of this thesis is to deepen the understanding of Kansei Engineering and to promote the development of Kansei engineering in China.

  • 【分类号】TB472
  • 【被引频次】27
  • 【下载频次】800

