

【作者】 刘东芹

【导师】 黄惇;

【作者基本信息】 南京艺术学院 , 美术学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 在清初的书坛上,遗民书家是一个特殊的群体。宋曹作为清初书坛享有盛誉的遗民书家代表之一,却一直未见深入研究。本文在深度挖掘文献的基础上,对宋曹的生平交游和书法师承进行了细致的梳理。并结合其传世作品,对其书法渊源、书法风格进行了详细分析。对于其在清代书法史上产生重要影响的书论著作《书法约言》,本文从成书时间、版本流传以及所蕴涵的书学思想等角度进行了阐述。

【Abstract】 In the late Ming and early Qing Dynasty of the ancient China,Calligraphist of a Former Dynasty Group was a special community in the art of the calligraphy area. Less in-depth study was found about Song Cao, a famous calligraphist with high reputation in this area and one of the representatives of this Group. Based on the deep exploring on the related literature review and combining with his calligraphic work, the current study introduces the commentaries of this calligraphist and analyzes the calligraphic style in detail as well as the calligraphic origin. In addition, through such aspects as the time of composing, the carrying on of the edition, and the deep ideas on calligraphy emerged in the book, this study expatiates on“Comment on Calligraphy”a famous book on calligraphy which played an important role in calligraphic area in Qing Dynasty of ancient China.


