

The Auxiliary Technologies of Ultrasonic Diagnosis and the Design of Information Management System

【作者】 秦明艳

【导师】 张力新;

【作者基本信息】 天津大学 , 生物医学工程, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 近年来PACS和HIS、LIS的迅速发展为医院的信息化建设提供了坚实的理论基础,三者在全院范围内的信息共享更是为提高整体医护人员的工作效率和诊断质量作出了贡献。然而对具体的科室部门来说却不可避免地存在着信息重叠和资源浪费的问题,重复输入也无法保证数据的一致性。解决的办法是针对不同科室建立相应的子系统如超声子系统、手术室、病理、检验等系统,将HIS、LIS和PACS中的有效信息一体化、集成化,客观准确地为医生在第一时间里提供病人的基本信息、检验结果及各种影像报告。本文主要针对超声系统的需求进行研究,按照超声诊断的读图->图像处理->数据入库管理的流程顺序介绍了两部分内容:针对超声影像的辅助诊断技术和诊断信息管理系统的设计。首先介绍DICOM文件的构成分析、解码思路和实验结论,解决图像显示的基本问题;然后针对超声影像诊断过程的需要给出几种辅助处理,包括伪彩、测量以及基于Gabor环的改进特征提取等的算法说明和实验结果。特征提取中针对用一个中心频率来描述一种纹理对能量集中在多个频率点的纹理图像往往不能取得理想的效果的不足,提出一种根据频谱特征值向量构造Gabor环的改进方法,通过松弛因子的加入改变不同滤波器的作用强度,综合考虑多频率多相位对纹理特征提取的影响,并给出实验数据分析。最后介绍超声诊断信息管理系统的设计过程,按照一般的设计步骤介绍了系统的框架分析、概念结构设计、逻辑结构设计和应用程序设计等内容,并给出了数据库的E-R图和程序流程作为说明,最后给出系统的主界面。系统的预约登记、信息分类、查询统计功能,基本达到将HIS、LIS、PACS三者有效信息集成化和一体化的目的。

【Abstract】 The rapid development of PACS、HIS and LIS has built a solid theory base of the info-construction in hospital, and the share in these three systems contributes a great efficiency and quality to hospital affairs. But there are still many problems such as information repeating、resource wasting and lack of consistency in application to some certain departments. The way to solve it is to establish some corresponding subsystems like ultrasonic、surgery and so on, integrating all the necessary parts among PACS、HIS and LIS, and giving the basic information and catamnesis in the first time. This thesis aimed at ultrasonic section and the main contents of this research is made up of two parts: the auxiliary technologies of ultrasonic diagnosis and the design of information management system.At first introduced the structure of DICOM files and the method of decoding first , then gave the experimental conclusion , solving the basic problem of image display; subsequent content is several image manipulation , including the arithmetic illustration and the experiment results; finally an arithmetic for getting image characters was brought forward , which is based upon Gabor ring: enhanced the convergence characteristic by combining the different frequency and phasing filters with a group of relaxation factors , then analyzed and evaluated the result of experiment.In the last part mainly introduced the design of information management system for ultrasonic diagnosis, contents including the system E-R model and program diagram, then gave the main interface of the system. The system provides basic function to enregister、classify and query , has basically achieved the goal of integrating the necessary parts among PACS、HIS and LIS.

【关键词】 超声图像信息管理PACSDICOM纹理特征
【Key words】 Ultrasonic imagesInformation managementPACSDICOMTexture feature
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 天津大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 04期

