

Research on the Choice of Sale’s Logistic Mode for Small-Medium Manufacturing Enterprises

【作者】 韩俊德

【导师】 赵道致;

【作者基本信息】 天津大学 , 工商管理, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 中小企业在推动我国国民经济发展,促进市场繁荣和社会稳定,活跃市场经济,优化经济结构等方面发挥着越来越重要的作用。但是长期以来,我国中小企业物流管理问题始终处于薄弱环节。在我国目前现代物流开始起步发展的新形势下,由于缺乏全面、系统的理论指导,中小企业却又出现了“大而全、小而全”的自办物流倾向。从我国中小企业物流现状来看,中小企业自办采购、销售物流严重,第三方物流发展水平较低,物流结算手续复杂,物流库存管理落后,物流运输效率较低,物流作业表现较差,物流成本费用较高,自办物流设施设备老化陈旧,导致中小企业难以适应社会分工要求和社会化大生产需要,满足不了现代市场多批量、小批次、多品种、紧急性的市场需求和个性化、多样化的消费要求。因此,应该积极吸收、借鉴世界先进物流管理国家的经验,实现我国中小企业现代物流的跨越式发展。现代社会经济发展证明,中小企业具有同大企业一样的生命力,而且以其不同于大企业的性质和特点,表现出更为强大的竞争力和更为广阔的发展前景。因此,搞好中小企业物流管理,对于进一步促进中小企业改革和推动中小企业发展,进而促进我国现代物流产业形成和发展,通过中小企业和现代物流产业发展带动国民经济快速、健康发展,无疑具有极其重要的战略意义。最后又对中小型加工制造企业今后的发展,提出了相应的发展策略。本文的出发点是试图给出一个思路,帮助中小型加工制造型业选择一个适合自己的销售物流模式。通过实证研究的方法、对比研究等方法,对瑞斯达公司的物流模式影响因素的具体分析,同时对不同销售物流模式下的成本进行定量计算,对计算结果进行比较,选择适合瑞斯达公司的销售物流模式,然后给出瑞斯达公司选择销售物流模式的具体方案。

【Abstract】 Medium and small-sized enterprises are playing a more and more important part in promoting China’s national economy development,by facilitating market transaction and activating market economy, adjusting industrial structure and etc. But in a long period, they are short of systematic logistics management. While China’s modern logistics industry is stepping into a prospective development stage now, medium and small-sized enterprises tend to take on logistics business by themselves for the lack of the guidance by comprehensive and systematic logistics theory. Viewing from the existing status of their logistics business, medium and small-sized enterprises have certain weakness as follows: They are mostly carrying on purchasing and distribution logistics by themselves, while the proportion of third-part logistics acting is smaller; logistics settlement procedures are complicated, while logistics inventory management is behindhand, with low logistics transportation efficiency, poor logistics operation performance as well as high logistics cost. Additionally, logistics equipments owned by those firms are very outmoded. As a result, these deficiencies make these medium and small-sized enterprises faced with many difficulties to adapt themselves to the deepening of labor division and socialized mass production, while they are incapable of satisfying multi-batch and small-scale market demand and diverse consumer demand. So it is very urgent and necessary for these medium and small-sized enterprises to pursue path breaking development by learning experience from foreign logistics partners, which own advanced management knowledge and technologies.Modem social economy development has demonstrated that medium and small-sized enterprises hold the same strong vitality as those large-sized enterprises; moreover, they have showed stronger competitiveness and brighter prospect based on their own advantage and characteristic compared with large-sized enterprises. Therefore, significant reform in modern logistics management will indubitably have vital strategic significance in promoting medium and small-sized enterprises reform and impelling medium and small-sized enterprises development, and through that endeavor facilitating the forming and developing of our country’s modem logistics industry, furthermore, impelling national economy to develop rapidly and smoothly. Finally, series of implications and suggestions have be presented in this paper on the development strategy of medium and small-sized enterprises.This essay aims at taking researches on how to help medium and small-sized enterprises choose a suitable sales logistic mode. By using comparative empirical method, a case study on the logistic mode in Ruisida Company has been conducted, as well as calculating the logistic costs under various sales logistic modes. By comparing our various calculation results, certain conclusions have been reached on how to choose a suitable sales logistic mode for Ruisida Company, as well as making a specific sales logistic choice plan.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 天津大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 04期
  • 【分类号】F252;F425
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】594

