

A Study on Marketing Research and Design of Development Strategy in Inner Mongolia

【作者】 耿白

【导师】 汪波;

【作者基本信息】 天津大学 , 工商管理, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 当前,内蒙古电力的改革发展及市场化建设正处于一个非常关键的时期,建设一个统一完整、开放有序、充分竞争、充满活力的自治区电力市场,积极拓展华化、东北、西北的售电业务,进一步做强做大内蒙古电力,对于内蒙古电力公司落实科学发展观,实施自治区政府“煤电转换”战略、构建和谐内蒙古、支持“三北”地区经济发展和社会全面进步意义重大,影响深远。本文结合国家、自治区总体发展战略、产业结构布局和能源产业政策,结合国家电力体制改革和内蒙古电力改革发展的历史进程及最新态势,对内蒙古电力市场化建设、营销体制改革和机制创新策略进行了分析研究。首先诠释了市场营销学的基本理论、电力市场的基本特点及营销策略;其次分析了内蒙古电力改革发展和市场化建设的历史沿革;最后利用市场营销基本理论提出了内蒙古未来的电力市场建设思路和营销机制创新策略。作为国民经济的基础性工业和自治区的支柱产业,内蒙古电力发展壮大具有丰富的自然资源和得天独厚的区位、政策优势,拥有广阔的市场空间和巨大的发展潜力。我们要认真树立和落实科学发展观,与时俱进地更新电力市场营销理念,不断深化电力营销体制改革,继续推进电力营销机制创新,最终建成统一开放的区内电力市场,积极拓展区外电力市场,建立起以市场为导向的蒙电发展新模式,促进内蒙古电力工业可持续发展和民族地区社会经济的全面进步。

【Abstract】 Currently, reform, development and market construction of Inner Mongolia Power is in the key stage. Constructing Inner Mongolia power market into a unified, integrated, opening, ordered, adequate competing, full of activity one; expand actively power sales in the North China, Northeast China, Northwest China (referred as“Three North”); building Inner Mongolia power more powerful and more competitive. And all these have signality and profound aspect on carrying out scientific development view of Inner Mongolia Power Company, enforcing strategy of“Conversion of coal and electricity”of the People’s Government of Inner Mongolia, making up a harmonious Inner Mongolia, supporting regional economy development of“Three North”and general progress of the society.Linking up with the overall development strategy of State and Inner Mongolia, overall arrangement of industrial structure and policies of energy industries; linking up with historical progress and updated trend of national power system reform and Inner Mongolia Power reform development, the text makes analysis research on market construction of Inner Mongolia Power, reform of marketing system, innovation strategy of mechanism. First, it annotates the basis theory of marketing, basic characters and marketing strategy of power market; secondly, it analysis historic evolution on development of Inner Mongolia power reform and market construction; finally, it puts forward Inner Mongolia power market construction in the future and innovation strategy of marketing mechanism using of basic theory of marketing.As a foundational industry of national economy and pillar industry of Inner Mongolia, it owns rich nature resources, advantaged location, advantages of policies, and owns wider market space and huge development potential for development and grandness of Inner Mongolia Power. We should seriously erect and carry out scientific development view, renovate power marketing concept with age, continually deepen system reform of power marketing, advance mechanism innovation of power marketing, and finally build an unitive, opening power market within Inner Mongolia. We will expand actively power market outside Inner Mongolia, establish new mode for Inner Mongolia power development led under market, advance sustainable development of Inner Mongolia power industry and general advancement of social economy in our minority nationality regions.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 天津大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 04期
  • 【分类号】F426.61
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】174

