

Study on the Residents’ Perceptions of Tourism Impacts in Chinese Tourist Destinations

【作者】 何桂培

【导师】 张文;

【作者基本信息】 北京第二外国语学院 , 旅游管理, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 作为旅游发展过程中的重要利益相关者,旅游目的地居民的感知与态度对当地旅游的可持续发展具有举足轻重的影响。本文基于实地调研所得的一手数据资料,对我国旅游地居民感知进行了较为系统深入的实证研究,探讨了居民感知的总体情况和个体差异问题,分析了导致差异的影响因素,并讨论了国外相关理论在我国的适用性。全文共分五章。第一章阐述了本文的研究背景、研究意义及总体思路框架。第二章首先综述了国内外关于旅游地居民感知研究的进展情况,然后简要分析了我国的研究现状。第三章引用介绍了两种相关理论——旅游发展周期理论和社会交换理论。第四章以全国范围内的23个旅游目的地为例,应用SPSS软件,详细分析了旅游目的地居民的旅游影响感知及其差异。第五章是本文的结论部分。本文依据分析结果最终得出的几个结论:1)现阶段我国旅游地居民的正面感知普遍占主导地位;2)旅游影响感知内容可被归纳为六大因子:“生活环境质量下降”、“经济生活水平提高”、“不良社会影响”、“文化交流与发展”、“设施建设与资源保护”和“社区付出多于获益”;3)不同旅游目的地居民的旅游影响感知存在一定程度的一致性,导致感知差异的主导因素为个人内在因素;4)旅游地居民大致可分为三类:具有大局观的积极支持者、矛盾的理性支持者和关注自我的积极支持者;5)就我国目前的发展情况来看,旅游目的地发展周期理论在旅游目的地居民感知研究领域的适用性有限,而社会交换理论的解释力更强。

【Abstract】 Residents are the core stakeholders of a tourist destination. Their perceptions of tourism impacts and attitudes towards tourism development have a great influence to tourism sustainable development. This paper has conducted a questionnaire survey to acquire first-hand data. It inquires into the residents’ perceptions of tourism impacts and the differences of the perceptions among residents in different areas, and discusses the serviceability of some related theories abroad in china.This paper consists of 5 chapters: In chapter 1, the author briefly introduces the background, value and frame of this research paper. In chapter 2, the author makes a detail review of both abroad and domestic literatures on studies of residents’ perceptions of tourism impacts. In chapter 3, the author introduces two theories relating the studies of residents’ perceptions on tourism impacts—Tourism Development Cycle Theory and Social Exchange Theory. In chapter 4, the author inquires into the residents’ perceptions of tourism impacts and the differences of the perceptions among residents in different areas. The first-hand data was acquired by a questionnaire survey covered 23 tourist destinations nationwide and SPSS vl3.0 was used as a tool for data analysis. In chapter 5, the author has come to some conclusions.The paper concludes that: 1) At present the positive perceptions of Chinese residents on tourism impacts are dominant. 2) Six factors relating to residents’ perceptions of tourism impacts are identified, namely "Decline of life and environmental quality", "Economic increase", "Negative social impact", "Promotion of cultural exchange and development", "Improvement of infrastructure and resource protection", and "Community paying more than gaining". 3) The differences of the perceptions among residents in different Chinese tourist destinations are not so significant at present. The differences in perceptions mainly resulted from individual and demographic factors of the residents. 4) Residents in Chinese tourist destinations can be grouped into "positive supporters with an overall perspective" (34.0%), "ambivalent and rational supporter" (32.3%) and "positive but self-centered supporters" (33.7%). 5) For now, Social Exchange Theory is more applicable than Tourism Development Cycle Theory in china.

  • 【分类号】F592
  • 【被引频次】14
  • 【下载频次】1827

