

On the Legal Protection of the Expressions of Folklore in Our Country

【作者】 彭旻璐

【导师】 王太平;

【作者基本信息】 湘潭大学 , 经济法, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 长期以来,在知识产权制度“鼓励创新、保护创新”理念的影响下,人们关注的目光多集中在与科技革命专利保护有关的法律问题上。但是,随着知识经济时代的到来,文化多样性的发展,人们重新意识到了作为现代知识之“源”的传统文化在现代社会的影响力。作为拥有五千年历史文明的文化大国,我国拥有着丰富璀璨的优质文化资源。民间文学艺术表达作为其中的重要组成部分之一,长期以来由于法律制度的不健全,面临着严峻的法律保护问题。对民间文学艺术表达的歪曲和滥用不仅损害了来源群体的财产利益,伤害了他们的民族尊严,同时传统文化资源的大量流失使得世界文化多样性遭到破坏。如果对这种侵害民间文学艺术表达的行为不加以制止,我们将会在不知不觉中痛失中华民族宝贵的文化遗产。纵观世界各国对民间文学艺术表达的立法,存在着几种不同的立法模式。其中以非洲国家为代表的大多数国家采用的是著作权保护模式,另外有少数国家采用了综合保护模式,而大多数发达国家则推行公有领域付费制度。但随着各国研究的深入,越来越多的学者认为保护民间文学艺术表达最合适的方法是特别法保护模式。《示范条款》已经明显体现出这种趋势。我认为不论是从民间文学艺术表达本身的特殊性还是现有法律的不足,都应该设立一种相对独立大的权利,采用不同于著作权的特殊方式对其加以保护。首先,尽管民间文学艺术表达与传统知识产权客体有着一定共通性,但其差异也是十分明显的。民间文学艺术表达的创作具有群体性、地域性、传承性以及变异性等特征。这种特征决定了它与传统知识产权在制度理念上的不可调和性。如果照搬著作权的有关制度,不仅会引起已有制度的理论混乱,事实上也难以对民间文学艺术表达提供有效的法律保护。其次,从我国现有的法律来看,至今我国在民间文学艺术表达保护领域的立法并没有显著进展。尽管云南、贵州等地相继制定了地方性民族民间传统文化保护条例,但这些地方性法规法律效力层次偏低,缺乏统一性和权威性,影响执法效果。我国学术界已经普遍认识到了民间文学艺术表达保护的重要性,主张尊重民间文学艺术表达来源群体的权利。通过立足于国际立法的大环境以及我国的实际状况,分析我国民间文学艺术所面临的问题,在对民间文学艺术表达的特殊价值及其制度理念分析的基础上,对各种保护模式的剖析与对比,我们得出这样的结论,应该采用以不同于著作权保护方法的特别立法为核心的综合法律体系对民间文学艺术表达加以保护。

【Abstract】 For a long time,under the influence of intellectual property about“encouraging creative and protecting creative”, people pay more attention to the law of the patent. But with the coming of intellectual economic era, and the development of cultural multiple, people are aware of the influence of traditional knowledge.As cultural power nation with 5,000-year history, China has rich cultural resources of the dazzling quality. As one of the important part in it, for a long time, because the legal system is not perfect, expressions of folklore faced tough issues of legal protection. Distortion and abuse to the expressions of folklore not only damaged the original colony’s property interests but also hurt their national dignity, at the same time , the huge loss of the traditional culture resources makes the the world’s cultural diversity be destroyed. If such a violation to expressions of folklore did not stop, we will unknowingly lost our precious cultural heritage of the Chinese nation.Throughout various countries’legislation to the expressions of folklore , there are several different legislative models. The majority of countries have adopted the copyright protection mode, and a small number of countries have adopted comprehensive protection model, and most of the developed countries carried out public domain payment system. But with all the in-depth research, a growing number of scholars believe that the protection of expressions of folklore of the most appropriate way is to adopt a special law protected mode.《Model clause》has clearly reflected this trend. I thought that no matter from the particularity of expressions of folklore or the legal protection’s insufficiency, we should use one kind of relatively independent right, and take special way to its protection which is different with copyright.Firstly, although between expressions of folklore and the tradition intellectual property rights object, there are certain compatibility, but its difference is also very obvious. The expressions of folklore have the characteristic of colony, localization, changeability and variability and so on. This kind of characteristic has decided the unreconcilability in the system idea between expressions of folklore and the tradition intellectual property rights .If we copy copyright’s related system, not only will cause system’s theory to be chaotic, in fact , will also provide the effective legal protection to expressions of folklore with difficulty.Secondly, looking from our existing law system, until now ,there are not remarkable progress on. the legislative protection of expressions of folklore. Although places such as Yunnan, Guizhou have constituted the local statute of national and traditional culture protection one after another, but these local statutes and regulations’legal effect level is somewhat low, lacks the unity and the authority, affects the law enforcement effect. The academic circle already generally realized the importance of expressions of folklore, and advocated to respect original colony’s right.Through based on the big circumstances of the international legislation and the great background of China’s reality, analyzing the problems that country faced in protecting expressions of folklore, and the special value and institutional ideology, In contrast with kinds of protected mode, we draw such conclusion, we should use comprehensive legal framework to the expressions of folklore that take special legislation as the core which different with copyright protection.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 湘潭大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 05期

