
论E. M.福斯特小说中的性爱观

Analysis Concept of Love about E. M. Forster’s Novels

【作者】 范慧玲

【导师】 童真;

【作者基本信息】 湘潭大学 , 比较文学与世界文学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 福斯特一生只写了六部长篇小说,但已足够体现他毕生的思想,即对人与人之间自由连接的思考与追问。这也是资本主义中产阶级乃至整个社会传统思想、异性恋机制对女性和边缘群体爱情、婚姻压制的反思。福斯特六部小说中男女主人公在资产阶级传统思想文化的压制与束缚下的爱情、婚姻处于一种被扭曲的状况。十九世纪末二十世纪初,英国中产阶级仍然处在传统思想文化的包围之中,思想僵直,目光短浅,性情虚伪,还盛行禁欲主义和男权思想,而那些渴望真诚爱情、幸福婚姻的人们,在这种状况中倍感压抑与痛苦,福斯特通过描写这些人失败的爱情与婚姻,不仅鞭挞了英国中产阶级虚伪、势力、大男子主义作风,还对中产阶级知识分子所担心的问题做出了回应——对中产阶级与其他阶级、其它民族之间交往连接的反思和提出利用爱情、婚姻来解决这一问题的方案。福斯特的性爱观受到三个方面的影响,一是西方和英国传统性爱自由观的影响;二是英国自由——人文主义的影响;三是福斯特自身的同性恋经历的影响。福斯特的这种性爱观无论是对于当时还是后来的人与社会都有不可忽视的价值,它启发人们:性爱必须建立在自由和平等的基础之上,性爱是人与人之间连接的桥梁。它还启发边缘群体进行自省。福斯特作为一个同性恋作家,在禁欲主义和同性恋受到法律制裁的严酷现实面前,难免有过抱怨与失望,但同时也有自己的理想与追求。这种理想和追求是对英国中产阶级异性恋机制的反思和对人们的警醒,体现了对社会与人类的责任感。

【Abstract】 Forster have finished six novels in all his time, and these novels can reflect his ideas which are thinking and questioning for connecting freedly between people. These ideas are also reflecting to the heterosexual mechanism which repress the love and marriages of women and marginalized groups.E.M.Forster’s six novels are talk about the six men and women’s love and marriage which are suppressed by bourgeois traditional ideology and culture. The end of 19s and the start of 20s,however,the English middle class are surrounded by traditional ideology and culture, their ideas rigidity, they improvidence and hypocritical, alsothey scrupulously abide by asceticism and androcentrism. Therefore, some people have a feeling of agony and oppression who are long for pure-hearted love and blessed marriage. E.M.Forster depict these unsuccessful love and marriage in order to castigate English middle class’s hypocritical and force and androcentrism. At the same time, he in response to the questions which are solicitous about by middle class. They are have three aspects affected E.M.Forster’s Eros’s value.The first is the tradional Eros’s value;The second is the free——humanism thought and the third is his homosexuality experience. E.M.Forster’s Eros’s value which is depicted in Forster’s six novelsis is important for social and people then and there. And, we should realize that . This Eros’s value tell us that Eros’s value must base on the freedom and equality,Eros’s value serve as a link of connect between us ,and it let borderline people in England go on self-examination.As a homosexual writer, Forster have some Complaining and disappointed for Asceticism and legal sanctions. At the same time, he must have Ideal and pursuit. In fact, his Ideal and pursuit are responsibility to social and human, which reflecting to the Heterosexual mechanism and Alertto people.

【关键词】 福斯特性爱观异性恋同性恋爱情婚姻
【Key words】 Forstersex conceptheterosexual mechanismhomosexuallovemarriage
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 湘潭大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 05期

