

The Improve of the Rural Official Crime by Taking Advantage of Duty and the Prevention Mechanism

【作者】 郑志武

【导师】 梁丽芝;

【作者基本信息】 湘潭大学 , 公共管理, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 村官职务犯罪及其防范机制的完善是我国当前面临的一个重大社会政治问题。当前,我国村官职务犯罪从区域特征来看集中在城乡结合部和封闭的欠发达地区,从主体特征来看以一把手为主,大部分犯罪主体文化素质低,法律意识淡薄,犯罪主体党员多,呈现集体犯罪的局面。犯罪手法简单粗糙。从犯罪动机看主要是升官和狭隘的“报恩"思想。犯罪性质主要是经济犯罪和罪错交叉。村官职务犯罪近年来在我国呈现数量大,大案、要案增多,土地交易成为高发领域,并伴随暴力现象。村官职务犯罪造成干群关系紧张,严重破坏了农村社会政治稳定,影响党和国家各项政策在农村的落实,损害党和政府的形象。村官职务犯罪主要由主客观两个方面的原因造成,主观原因主要包括教育机制不完善,村官个体素质不高,民主法律意识淡薄、个体心理失衡等造成。客观方面的原因主要包括经济、制度和用人机制等方面原因。近年来我国在防范村官职务犯罪上加强了村官审计,实现了“三大转向”,提高了村官的待遇,但在监督和审计还存在不足。我们要从党执政兴国的高度,充分认识遏制“村官”职务犯罪的重要性和紧迫性,坚持标本兼治,综合治理的方针,加强和完善村官职务犯罪防范的教育机制、干部选拔任用机制、监督机制和保障机制。

【Abstract】 The improve of the rural official crime by taking advantage of duty and the prevention mechanism is a major social issue faced by our country. At present, rural official crime by taking advantage of duty is viewed from regional features most intensive in city skirt and under-developed areas, in the view of main part features, crime is made by top posts mostly. For the most part of subject of crime those criminals who without much education and legally ignorant and also have a lot of party member, and take on some group criminal aspect, the criminal style is simply and crudely. In the view of motivate for the crime, mostly is promotion and limited thought of return. The quality of crime is mainly in the economic crime and also the crime and faults cross each other. In recent year, the rural official crime by taking advantage of duty showing the magnitude, and the increase of big and main case, land trade also become the high incidence of the crime with the violence in our country. Rural official crime by taking advantage of duty made the big tension between mass and cadre, undermine the social stability, exert bad influence on the implement of the Country and Party’s policies on rural, damage the image of the Country and Party.The rural official crime by taking advantage of duty was assigned to object and subject reason. The subject reason has the following main aspects: The education mechanism imperfectly, rural officials low quality, lack of legal awareness, psychic trauma and so on. The object reason has the following main aspects: economic, system and personnel mechanism and so on. In recent year, to prevention the rural official crime by taking advantage of duty, our country tighten the rural official audit supervision, let the "Three big turns" comes true, increase the salary of the rural officials, however, still deficiency in supervision and audit.We must stand on the Party revitalize the Country’s height, have a full realization of the importance and the urgency of the rural official crime by taking advantage of duty, also we must adhere to the principle of addressing both symptoms and root causes of corruption and taking comprehensive measures to rectify both while devoting greater efforts gradually to tackling the latter, and to strengthen and improve the education mechanism, cadre selection mechanism, supervision mechanism, prevention mechanism of the rural official crime by taking advantage of duty.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 湘潭大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 05期
  • 【分类号】D917;D422.6
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】541
  • 攻读期成果

