

The Production of Magnesia from the Waste Residues of Ethyl Maltol

【作者】 贺召平

【导师】 周继承;

【作者基本信息】 湘潭大学 , 化学工程, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 氧化镁(MgO)是镁化合物的核心,它产量大,应用面广,品种规格多,并且还是其他高纯镁化合物的原料。我国镁资源非常丰富,仅菱镁矿资源贮量约占世界总贮量的2/3,而且具有丰富的卤水资源,既是一个产镁大国,也是一个镁盐出口大国。但目前生产技术水平较低,无法与发达国家相抗衡,是生产大国但并不是强国,主要是以出口低值镁矿和低档次的镁产品为主。同时,由于国内需要,又不得不从国外进口高品质的氧化镁及其它镁产品,这种长期廉价出卖资源的做法,极大的浪费了国内宝贵的矿产资源,不符合我国经济持续发展的政策。作为一种基本的无机化学物质,氧化镁具有极广泛的用途,可以用于耐热材料,高温绝缘材料,照明材料,分析剂,基准试剂等,还用于制药,橡胶和油脂工业。本文介绍了它的主要生产方法,基本性质,用途等等方面的知识。在作为香味剂的乙基麦芽酚生产过程中,每吨产品要产生约2~3吨含镁废渣,如果不加处理直接排放,一方面浪费了资源,另一方面也对环境造成了污染。我国目前乙基麦芽酚产量已名列世界前茅,每年要排出数以千吨计的含镁废渣,因此,如何将其转化为有用的工业氧化镁产品,便废为宝,具有极其重要的现实意义。本课题就是针对这一目标进行选题的。本实验针对乙基麦芽酚生产中的副产物含镁废渣的成分,在查阅大量文献资料并进行分析的基础上,通过实验,找出了将废渣转化为工业氧化镁的合理工艺条件,得出废渣中溶剂蒸出在80℃,60min下完成;沉淀反应温度为80℃,反应时间120~180min,沉淀剂采用NH4HCO3+NH3·H2O,二者比例为1:0.6~0.7,(质量比);煅烧温度为800~900℃,时间为1h。根据此条件制备出了符合工业要求的氧化镁产品,进行了经济核算,提出了切实可行的治理方案,具有一定的经济意义,为合理利用工业废渣,治理环境污染,发展循环经济,提供了可行的措施。

【Abstract】 Magnesia is the core of magnesium compounds,which is very productive,widely used with many categories and specifications,and can be used as the raw material for other high-purity Magnesium Compounds.China is rich in Magnesium;its magnesite storage amount is about two thirds of the whole world.With its plenty of brine resource,China is a big country of producing magnesium and exporting magnesium salts.However,because of the low level producing technique,it is still very difficult for China to compete with those developed countries.In that case,we mainly export low-priced magnesium and low-leveled magnesium products.Meanwhile,we have to import high quality magnesia and other magnesium products from abroad when in need.As time passes,we will have wasted a large amount of precious mineral resources,which cannot be consistent with the economy sustainable development strategy of China.As a basic inorganic chemical material,magnesia can be used in heat-resisting, high temperature insulating,illuminating,analytical reagent,primary reagent,etc,it can also used in pharmacy,rubber and grease industry.This paper introduced main producing method,basic property and usage of magnesia.After producing ethyl maltol by using magnesia as odorant,there always will be two to three tons of magnesian waste residues.If emit them directly without any processing,it will not only be a waste of resource,but also do pollution to the environment.China is leading the way in producing ethyl maltol in the world,then we will emit thousands of tons magnesian waste residues every year.Therefore,it is extremely practical to turn the residues into industrial magnesia products.Based on it, we chose this problem.We aimed at the magnesian waste residues in the outgrowth of producing ethyl maltol,referred to many literatures,did a lot of experiments,found rational conditions for tuming the waste residues into industrial magnesia,we finally drew a conclusion-the reagent will be boiled out from the waste residues 60 mins later at the temperature of 80 degrees centigrade,precipitates at 80 degrees centigrade, which takes about 120-180mins.We generate precipitator by NH4HCO3+NH3·H2O, the proportion of the two elements are 1:0.6~0.7(in mass);calcining temperature is 800-900 degree centigrade,takes one hour.According to all the conditions above,we have prepared magnesian products which are consistent to the industry requirements, we also have done economical calculation and come up with practical plan which can save a great deal of money for companies.Further more,it is a good way to take advantage of industrial residues properly,deal with environment pollution and develop recycling economic.

【关键词】 氧化镁制备性质用途废渣
【Key words】 magnesiapreparepropertyusagewaste residue
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 湘潭大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 05期
  • 【分类号】TQ132.2
  • 【下载频次】80

