

On the Unilateral Accomplice

【作者】 张怀宝

【导师】 杨凯;

【作者基本信息】 湘潭大学 , 刑法学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 在社会生活中,片面共犯是客观存在的。然而,学界对于片面共犯虽然有不少探讨,但是却认识不一,众说纷纭。这不仅与有关刑事立法有关,而且和司法实践中如何认定片面共犯有关,但是主要还是由于对有关刑事立法缺乏科学的认识。因此,片面共犯主要是刑法理论问题和刑事司法问题,而不是刑事立法问题。既然如此,为了繁荣刑法理论并有助于刑事司法,确有必要对片面共犯进行新的探讨。关于片面共犯的概念,从犯罪的角度对片面共犯进行定义更为科学,认为片面共犯是行为人在自以为是他人不知情的情况下,故意对他人的犯罪予以暗中加功、协力,因而构成的一种特殊犯罪形态。然后从主体要素、主观要素和客观要素三方面对片面共犯的成立条件予以详细地阐述。同时以行为人的人数为标准、行为人的性质为标准和行为人的身份为标准对片面共犯进行科学分类。关于片面共犯的性质,存在片面共犯共同犯罪说和片面共犯单独犯罪说之争。对有关学说予以详细的评述,基于犯罪构成的主客观相统一原则,认为片面共犯不构成共同犯罪,而应属于单独犯罪。片面共犯的存在根据有法律根据和事实根据两个方面,法律根据有宪法根据和刑法根据,事实根据有实在性根据、必要性根据和可行性根据。为界定片面共犯的存在范围,对各种观点进行了介述,认为片面实行犯、片面帮助犯以及片面教唆犯均可成立片面共犯,并对它们的成立条件进行了阐释。最后探讨了片面共犯刑事责任的追究原则,认为应当包括以下原则:以事实为根据,以法律为准绳原则;个别化原则;适当从重原则。这些原则为从刑事司法上认定片面共犯的刑事责任提供了科学依据。

【Abstract】 In social activities, the unilateral accomplice exists objectively.The current academic have been studying the unilateral accomplice ,however,they hold different opinions about it and have drawn different conclusions.This is not only because of the criminal lawmaking, but also is concened with how to identify the unilateral accomplice in judicial practice,but it is mainly for lacking of scientific understanding of the criminal lawmaking.Therefore, the unilateral accomplice is mainly about the criminal theory and jurisdiction,rather than criminal legislation.That being the case, to enrich the criminal theory and be contributive to the criminal justice, it is necessary to carry on new study on the unilateral accomplice.It is more scientific to give a definition of unilateral accomplice from the criminal perspective. It concludes that the unilateral accomplice is a special crime pattern in which the actor add the joint force to others secretly intentionally while the actor considers the others to have no consciousness about it. It elaborates in detail on the constitution elements of the unilateral accomplice.from the subject, the subjective element and the object. Menwhile ,it carry on scientific classification to the unilateral accomplice according to the standerd of the number, nature and identity of the perpectror.Concerning the nature of the unilateral accompice, it argues that the common crime of unilateral accomplice and the single crime of unilateral accomplice exist simultaneasly.Based on the subjective and objective principle of the crime constitution, it comments the theories mentioned, and concludes that the unilateral accomplice does not belong to the common crime,but the single crime. The exsistive source is based on two aspects: legal source and factual source. The legal source has constitutional source and criminal source. The factual source has substantiality source, necessity source and feasibility source.In order to definite the existive scope of the unilateral accomplice, it presents various viewpoints and concludes that the unilateral doer, the unilateral incitor and one_sided accomplice can commit the unilateral accomplice, and also clarifies their constitution elements. Finally, it inquiries into the principle of how to pursue the criminal responsibility of the unilateral accomplice,and it shows that the principles below should be concluded: the principle of the facts as source and law as the yardstick; the principle of individual punishment; the principle of appropriately hervier_punished penalty.The principles provides scientific basis to affirm the criminal responsibility of the unilateral accomplice from the perspective of the criminal judiciary.

【关键词】 片面共犯概念根据范围刑事责任
【Key words】 the Unilateral accompliceConceptSourceScopeCriminal responsibility
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 湘潭大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 05期

