

Tension between Two Worlds: On Peter Pan Complex in Katherine Mansfield’s Works

【作者】 黄庆欢

【导师】 王建香;

【作者基本信息】 湘潭大学 , 英美语言文学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 凯瑟琳·曼斯菲尔德(1888-1923),英国20世纪初短篇小说大师,以五本短篇小说集赢得世界文学界的广泛关注。她以一个孩子的心理和角度塑造了诸多孩童形象和孩童式成年女性形象。近一个世纪以来,曼斯菲尔德和她的作品一直是国内外批评家经久不衰的研究课题。但对于体现在她个人生活和作品中的彼得·潘情结却未引起足够的注意,更未有过详细的研究论证。本论文以曼斯菲尔德不同时期不同背景的作品中的小孩和孩童式女性为研究对象,以她遗留的大量书信和日记为基础,分析她作品中彼得·潘情结的形成原因:曼斯菲尔德体现在诸多名篇中的彼得·潘情结既是她与生俱来的桀骜不驯的个性所致,更是她快乐无忧的童年生活和漂泊困顿﹑充满焦虑和恐惧的成年生活之间的强烈反差影响所形成的。彼得·潘情结是她文学创作的巨大动力并对她的短篇小说的主题和风格产生潜意识的影响。本论文通过解读曼斯菲尔德对儿童的单纯和成人的堕落间的反差的深刻感受﹑考察她逃避主义者的情感和心理﹑分析她作品中的幻想和幻灭主题和死亡主题以及她面对死亡的态度,从而得出结论:在她的作品中,儿童世界和成人世界的对比明显,形成强大的张力:纯洁与堕落﹑幻想与幻灭﹑自由与责任﹑生与死无一不是矛盾和冲突的。成年的曼斯菲尔德在经历了流离失所﹑恶疾缠身之后对自由无忧的童年充满留恋;在饱受疾病﹑死亡带来的焦虑和丧亲之痛后,童年生活成了她唯一的安慰,所以她在心理上拒绝长大,想回到童年,以此来逃避困苦和折磨,这正是彼得·潘情结的具体体现。在挣扎于冷酷堕落的成人世界和死亡的恐惧中,她试图从写作中获得安慰和解脱;在虚幻的文本世界里,她可以重温童年的单纯无忧,使她的亲人复活;可以摆脱时空的约束,永不长大,在写作中寻找心灵的家园,得到精神的平衡。

【Abstract】 Katherine Mansfield (1888-1923), the master of English short story in early 20th century, gained worldwide popularity with her five volumes of stories, in which she portrayed a number of children and psychologically immature female images with the view and psyche of a child.This dissertation is an exploration of Katherine Mansfield’s Peter Pan complex: the formation and reflection of Peter Pan complex in her personal life and its implication in her short stories by employing the approach of psychoanalysis and focusing on her main short stories to analyze the themes and typical characters in the stories, in relation to her letters, journals as well as her biography.According to Jung, complex is the repressed but continuing presence in an adult’s unconscious. It is formed because of the individual’s outer and inner conflicts and greatly influenced by one’s growing experiences and living environment. Mansfield’s free and pure childhood in New Zealand, her wandering poverty-stricken adult life in Europe, her turbulent love experiences and her anxiety to death had great influence on her formation of personality. She expressed her Peter Pan complex in her fiction to overcome her personal conflicts and repressions by creating innocent child images and childish female characters which reflect Mansfield’s rebellious, illusive and exceptional personality as well as her desire, fear, anxiety and dreams.In her fiction, Mansfield emphasized the sharp contrasts between the child world and the adult world: innocence versus degeneration, fantasy versus disillusionment, freedom versus duty, life versus death. By indulging herself into writing, she tries to come back to her free and pure childhood to overcome or escape her fear and anxiety and to obtain some comfort and consolation. That is actually a“tragic optimism”—to put all the hope into the past and consider it the most valuable part of one’s life—so that one could keep a mental balance in real life.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 湘潭大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 05期

