

Comments on the National Obligation of Protecting HIV/AIDS Patients’ Human Rights

【作者】 周捷

【导师】 蔡高强;

【作者基本信息】 湘潭大学 , 国际法, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 艾滋病已发展成为对社会和经济发展、国家稳定、国际安全造成巨大损失和深远影响的史无前例的流行性疾病。预防和控制艾滋病的蔓延与泛滥,已成为严重的社会问题。国际社会的实践已不止一次证明,艾滋病问题是一个考验人类社会的综合性系统问题,在防治艾滋病的同时,必须要特别重视对艾滋病人的人权保护。因为只有重视了对艾滋病人人权的保护,才能从根本上遏制艾滋病病毒的肆虐。而国家在保护艾滋病人人权方面所扮演的角色及其态度就显得尤为重要,国家必须履行其在艾滋病人人权保护方面的基本义务。国家在履行艾滋病人人权保护的义务时,其核心包含四个方面:即承认艾滋病人人权的义务;尊重艾滋病人人权的义务;保障和促进艾滋病人人权的义务;保护艾滋病人人权的义务。只有做到了这四方面才能被认为真正做到了切实对艾滋病人人权的保护,也才能使其他针对艾滋病的防治措施不至于成为空中楼阁。各主权国家围绕这四方面为保护艾滋病人人权做出了各种努力,从法律、社会和其他等几个方面切实履行艾滋病人人权保护的国家义务。具体来说主要包括:完善各国立法与宪政制度,建立健全人权保护制度;增加针对艾滋病人的法律援助服务;加强对艾滋病人人权保护的监督及执法机制建设;加强与国际组织和民间组织的交流与合作;大力发展国民经济以及加大宣传艾滋病知识,以消除对艾滋病人的歧视和侮辱性态度等方式。面对严峻的形势,我国为履行艾滋病人人权保护的国家义务做了大量努力。在法律方面,通过完善立法以及强化人大监督;逐步建立和健全确保法律有效实现的社会环境和法律机制来保护艾滋病人人权。在社会、政治方面,通过宣传教育,向民众传达正确的艾滋病知识;积极听取人民群众的意见,发挥新闻媒体的舆论监督功能以及积极寻求国际合作与援助的方式保护艾滋病人人权。但尽管如此,我国在履行艾滋病人人权保护国家义务的实践中仍存在一些不足之处,我们应正视自己的不足与缺点;确立有关防治艾滋病立法的基本原则;清理有关法律法规;完善相关法律体系;制定和完善刑事法规以及为非政府组织的发展提供法制保障。

【Abstract】 HIV/AIDS has already developed to be an unprecedented epidemic brought tremendous loss and far-reaching implications on many aspects as human society, economic development, national stability and international security. Prevent and control its spread with deluge has become a serious social problem. International society practiced more than once and proved the AIDS problem is a compositive system problem, now is testing the whole human society, which required while is working on preventing HIV/AIDS human must pay more attention on the protection of AIDS patients’human rights. Reason is that only being valued the protection of AIDS patients’human rights can against the raging HIV havoc fundamentally. Thus, the nation’s role and its attitude played on protecting AIDS patients’human rights is of particular importance, namely, it is inescapable to fulfill the fundamental obligation of protecting AIDS patients’human rights for a nation.The nation’s performance on the obligation of protecting AIDS patients’human right has mainly the following four aspects as: firstly, the obligation to confirm the AIDS patients’human right; secondly, the obligation to respect the AIDS patients’human right; thirdly, the obligation to guarantee and promote the AIDS patients’human right; forth, the obligation to protect the AIDS patients’human right. The protection of AIDS patients’human right won’t be recognized as indeed performance in practice unless the nation has fulfilled the above obligations, or else the other comprehensive measures focus on preventing and controlling AIDS will be a cloud-castle. Every sovereignty made earnest efforts of these four aspects have being protected AIDS patients’human right, and to fulfill the national obligation of protecting AIDS patients’human rights effectively by legal means, social means and some other means. Concretely include follow items: complete all nations’legislation and constitutionalism, then constitute and complete the law of protecting human rights; increase the legal aid service made for AIDS patients; enhance the constitution of supervising system and enforcing system for the protection of AIDS patients’human rights; strengthen the exchanges and cooperation with international organizations and non-governmental organizations; energetically develop national economy and enlarge the publicity of HIV/AIDS to remove all kinds of discrimination and insult against AIDS patients.Face the rigorous situation, our nation made great efforts on fulfilling the obligation to protect AIDS patients’human rights. Legally, due to complete legislation and strengthen the supervise function of National People’s Congress, the law was set up and consummate gradually, then the AIDS patients’human rights have being protected effectively by means of social environment and legal mechanic. The correct AIDS knowledge was delivered to public people by propagandizing and education in social and political. Moreover, many other ways should be implicated as developing the supervisory function of the media, energetically look for international aids and cooperation, and actively solicit and listen to the views from our people. However, there still some flaws in the process fulfilling the national obligation of protecting AIDS patients’human rights, and then we should, envisage our own shortage and weakness; establish the fundamental principle about the legislation of preventing and curing AIDS; remove some laws and regulations which is not proper; complete the legal system connect to this issue; constitute and complete the relative penal statute; and provide the legal supports for nongovernmental organizations to protect AIDS patients’human rights.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 湘潭大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 05期

