

Clinical Observation on Treatment of Childhood Coughing Variant Asthma with Shegan-Mahuang Soup

【作者】 李虹乐

【导师】 张凤春;

【作者基本信息】 黑龙江中医药大学 , 中医儿科学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 目的:咳嗽变异性哮喘(cough variant asthma)又名咳型哮喘、隐匿型哮喘或过敏性咳嗽,是以持续或反复发作性咳嗽为主要临床表现的一种非典型哮喘,是儿科常见疾病。其唯一症状是慢性咳嗽,症状多发生于凌晨夜间或就寝时,无明显阳性体征,易被误诊为支气管炎,反复呼吸道感染。目前众多研究一致认为:CVA是支气管哮喘的特殊类型,是哮喘的早期阶段,若不及时治疗,可转变为典型的哮喘发作,反复发作,经久不愈,严重危害了小儿健康。本次临床观察通过CVA患儿经过射干麻黄汤化裁治疗前后症状及其T细胞亚群CD3,CD4,CD8,CD4/CD8的改变探讨射干麻黄汤对小儿CVA的治疗效果,肯定中医药在小儿咳嗽变异性哮喘中的疗效,减少西药对患儿的毒副作用。方法:40例病例均来源于黑龙江中医药大学附属二院儿科门诊就诊的患儿,将所有病例随机分成治疗组及对照组。其中治疗组25例,男15例,女10例,年龄在4.5~12岁,平均年龄为7.4±0.86岁。对照组15例,男7例,女8例,年龄4~12岁,平均年龄为6.8±1.37岁。治疗组以射干麻黄汤化裁为基础方根据每个患儿不同症候加减,每日一剂,早晚分服。而对照组给予口服富马酸酮替芬片,患儿每次1片,每日两次。舒喘灵片每次0.1 mg/kg,每日3次,口服。结果:通过治疗后发现,治疗组及对照组在治疗效果及其辅助检查方面比较下经统计学处理无明显差异。参照国家中医药管理局1994年制定的《中医症状诊断疗效标准》有关“咳嗽”的疗效标准拟定。治疗组25例中,显效18例,有效5例,无效2例,显效率72%,总有效率92%;对照组15例中,显效9例,有效4例,无效2例,显效率:60%,总有效率86%。两组总有效率比较,无显著性差异。治疗组未见不良反应,对照组部分患儿出现嗜唾、倦怠、口干、恶心等胃肠道反应,少数患儿出现头痛,头晕等症状。

【Abstract】 Objective: To observe the curative effect of children cough variant asthma treated by Chinese medicine method, approach therapeutic efficacy and the superiority of Chinese medicine treatment in alleviates the clinical symptom and reduces adverse reaction.Method: 40 cough variant asthma children were collected, they all came from Heilongjiang traditional Chinese medicine learns second subsidiary hospital paediatricses outpatient, accord with children cough variant asthma in 1998 the asthma diagnose standard, divided into the treatment group and control group stochastically, treatment group 25 examples, male 15 example, female 10 example, average age 8.9±2.23;control group 15 examples, male 7 example, female 8 example, average age 7.6±1.73. The children of the treatment group were given Shegan-Mahuang soup.Result: according to treatment, there were no difference between the treatment group and control group in the clinically symptom. There were no adverse reaction in treatment group. And a few children of the control group appears some trouble symptoms such as headache, dizziness, nausea and so on.

  • 【分类号】R272
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】354

