

Clinical Research of the Treatment of the Disease of Cystosarcoma in Pelvic Attachment with Dispersing the Depressed Liver-Energy and Eliminating Stagnation

【作者】 张占波

【导师】 韩延华;

【作者基本信息】 黑龙江中医药大学 , 中医妇科学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 盆腔附件区囊性包块性疾病是妇女常见病,主要包括卵巢囊肿和附件区非赘生性包块,发病率较高,多发生在生育期妇女,且容易复发,严重影响患者的身心健康和生活、工作质量,对于本病的防治工作一直困饶广大医务工作者。近年来随着中医药研究的不断深入,笔者随师查阅大量古今文献,对本类疾病的相类病——癥瘕、积聚、肠覃的病因病机,以及古今医家治疗方法和认识进行了系统阐述。并根据导师的疏肝散结法对83例附件区囊肿患者进行临床研究,治疗组给予妇炎汤,对照组给予桂枝茯苓汤,同时治疗三个疗程,观察临床症状、体征及超声下囊肿大小变化情况,进行自身前后和组间比较。结果表明:疏肝散结法是治疗附件区囊肿的有效方法,能明显改善患者的临床症状和体征,并能使超声观察下囊肿在短期内消失或明显缩小,疗效明显优于对照组。

【Abstract】 The disease of cystosarcoma in pelvic attachment is a normal disease among women. It can be mainly divided into two types, ovarian cyst and non-superfluous cystosarcoma in pelvic attachment, both of them are seriously developed and easily relapsed among women in child-bearing period. The disease constantly troubles medical staff and impacts patients’ healthy both physically and mentally, and has a bad effect on their life and occupation.With the constantly intensive research of traditional Chinese medicine, a large amount of literatures in ancient and present stated the cause and mechanism of mass in the abdomen, and medical professors both ancient and present systematically explained the therapy and cognition of the disease. After intensively reading all the literatures, we treated 83 patients who has cystosarcoma in pelvic attachment according to my supervisor’s therapy of dispersing the depressed liver-energy and eliminating stagnation for clinical investigation. Among all the patients, patients in the treated group were cured by Fu Yan Soup, and patients in control group were treated by Gui Zhi Fuling capsules. In the tris-time of therapy, we searched all patients’ clinical signs and symptoms and compared the size of cystosarcoma by ultrasonography with both themselves and in different groups. The consequence stated that the therapy of dispersing the depressed liver-energy and eliminateing stagnation can effectively cure the cystosarcoma in pelvic attachment, and can dominantly improve the patients’ clinical signs and symptomos comparing with control group, and can deflate or even eliminate the cystosarcoma under ultrasonograph in a short period of time.


