

Research on Reliability of Detector Box of Axle Counter

【作者】 杨洋

【导师】 郭进;

【作者基本信息】 西南交通大学 , 交通信息工程及控制, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 计轴检测盒,又称高频EAK,是铁路计轴设备的重要组成部分,其可靠性和计轴设备是否能可靠工作密切相关。为保证铁路行车安全,在应用计轴设备的线路充分考虑设备的可靠性是十分必要的。本文主要依据相关铁路信号设备可靠性、安全性的相关规范及标准,对成都铁路信号工厂生产的JZ1-H型高频EAK为例,运用可靠性工程基本理论和方法,构造了设备可靠性框架体系。1、根据设备原理图,完成对设备的功能层次的划分,分析基于功能模块的可靠性逻辑关系,做出系统及子系统的可靠性框图。2、结合GJB/Z 299B-98电子设备可靠性预计手册,分析每个元器件的可靠性参数,对整个系统进行可靠性预计(预计中所用到的所有器件型号及器件质量等级参数均由成都铁路信号工厂提供,在本文中示对其进行真实性的核实)。3、分类整理EAK在现场使用过程中的故障数据,通过概率论与统计学的方法,运用可靠性工程理论对EAK进行寿命数据分析,并与预计结果进行比较,分析其中产生差异的原因。4、分析元器件的各种失效模式,并在此基础上建立系统故障树,进行可靠性定性、定量分析。5、对高频EAK进故障模式、影响及危害性分析(FMECA),包括对电源板,通道板,传感板三个子系统的定性和定量分析,得出整个系统的危害性矩阵,根据危害性矩阵和FMECA表,得出影响系统可靠度的重要部件。本文不仅从理论上对系统进行可靠性分析,更重要的是结合工程实践中的实际数据,计算结果更具可信性,同时为可靠性工程在实际中的应用提供一种新的参考模版。

【Abstract】 Detector box in axle counter is also called high-frequency examine ark of axle counter (EAK). As a concernful component of axle counter track section, its reliability relates the credibility of axle counter. For the safety of the train route, it is necessary to consider the reliability of EAK where the axle counter is used.This paper references the interrelated standards about the research of railway equipments’reliability and safety. Take JZ1-H EAK, made in ChengDu railway communication equipment factory, as an example, and use reliability engineering theory and method to make the reliability configuration up.1 According to the elements circuit diagram,finish the partition of task modules and analyze the logic relations between them, give the system and subsystem reliability block diagram.2 Based on GJB/Z299B-98(reliability prediction handbook for electronic equipment), determine the reliability parameter of each circuit component, and finish the reliability parameter prediction of the whole system. (All devices model and device quality grading parameters used in the prediction is offered by ChengDu railway communication equipment factory,this paper to verify the authenticity of its)3 Assort the failure data about the actual use of EAK, use methods in probability and statistical theory to do some analysis about the failure data, from which we will get another reliability parameter. Then compare this with the result of prediction, and find the reason for the difference.4 Analyze different failure models of circuit component, build up the fault tree for the system, and do qualitative and quantitative analysis on reliability.5 Finish the Failure Mode, Effect and Criticality Analysis (FMECA), including the qualitative and quantitative analysis of power board, transporter board and transducer board, educe the criticality matrix, sum up key components which influence the reliability of whole system seriously.Besides doing the system reliability analysis in theory, this paper does more analysis based on actual data, which makes the calculation more believable. it provides a new way to combine reliability theory with practice.


