

The Research of Lhasa’s Urban Management

【作者】 胡洁

【导师】 戴宾;

【作者基本信息】 西南交通大学 , 行政管理, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 拉萨是西藏自治区的首府,是藏族文明的主要发源地之一,历来是西藏政治、经济、文化、宗教的中心,也是西藏主要的交通枢纽,是我国链接西南各国的重要门户。因此,拉萨具有自身的特殊性:(1)位于藏族地区,一是城市所在的区域社会经济背景特殊;二是城市原住居民以藏族为主,同时也有大量来自国内不同地区的汉族居民,管理对象复杂;(2)实行民族自治,城市管理的政府主体特殊;(3)西藏地区总体上仍处于前工业化时期,拉萨城市总体发展水平低,城市功能特殊。本文通过对拉萨城市管理现状的调查,通过对这些调查所获得的资料的分析,运用现代的城市管理理论,对拉萨城市管理的现状、问题、对策进行分析和阐述,以期找到拉萨城市管理体制中存在的问题,并在此基础上提出政策建议,为以后对拉萨城市管理体制进行研究,政府部门更好地开展“十一五”规划提供一定的参考依据。本文通过对拉萨城市管理特殊性的分析,有针对性选择拉萨城市管理中的若干重要问题进行深入的剖析,提供解决问题的对策措施,找出符合拉萨当地实际的城市发展和管理模式,积极寻求一个符合高原地理气候条件、市民由多民族构成,并且大多数都有佛教信仰的城市的独特的管理模式,进一步充实和发展城市管理理论。

【Abstract】 Lhasa, the capital city of T.A.R, is one of the major birthplaces of Tibetan civilization and the center of Tibetan politics, culture and the religion as well. It is also the important transport hub which links the countries in the southwest of China. Lhasa has its own unique features: (1) located in the Tibetan region, it has special social and economic background; furthermore, Tibetan being the majority of the population, it has also a large number of Han people from China’s mainland which makes the management complicated (2) region autonomy being implemented here, Lhasa Municipality government is of great difference in comparison with other provinces of China, (3), staying at a level of pre-industrialization, the general development level is relatively backward.In order to ensure the quality of the study, this paper uses results of surveys on the present situation of the urban management model. It analyzes the present situation, states existing problems in the field of urban management and provides countermeasures to the problems to the local government. Based on the analysis, the paper provides policy suggestions to the Government in order to better carry out "Eleven Five-Year-Plan".Targeting the fact that various ethnic groups live together and most of them hold a strong Buddhism belief, this paper tries to find out a urban management pattern which suits the particular situation in Lhasa.

【关键词】 拉萨城市发展城市管理对策
【Key words】 Lhasaproblemsurban managementurban developmentcountermeasure

