

Research on Urban Road Network Rationality

【作者】 武晓晖

【导师】 叶怀珍;

【作者基本信息】 西南交通大学 , 交通运输规划与管理, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 由于近年来城市交通问题的突出,城市道路网的合理性越来越引起人们的重视。在道路改造过程中如果一味新建道路,或大造高等级道路,或盲目改造交叉口,则缺乏对路网合理性的正确认识,只能造成城市交通问题越来越复杂尖锐。然而,什么样的路网是合理的,路网规模是否越大越好,怎样的路网结构才能更好的适应城市交通,这些都是值得研究的问题。本文提出了从供需关系和内部结构两个层次上研究路网的合理性。首先从城市道路等级的划分、路网结构的层次划分和路网布局的基本形式几个方面对城市道路网特性进行了分析,在此基础上,对城市道路网容量、等级结构和布局结构的合理性进行了初步的分析。然后对城市道路网容量的概念进行了阐述,并介绍了路网容量的分类,同时分别介绍了基于微观和宏观的城市道路网容量计算方法,即割集法和时空消耗法。在城市路网容量的计算和城市交通需求的预测的前提下,引入城市道路网供求匹配指数,进行了城市道路网容量和需求的匹配分析,对其数值区间对应的供需状况做出评判。继而进行了城市道路级配影响因素分析,研究了等级级配的确定方法,并引入合理性评判系数对其合理性进行研究。接着从密度指标、路网指标和服务特征等方面建立了城市道路布局评价指标体系,并对各评价指标进行描述。最后,本文以深圳石岩为例,对其现状路网容量和需求进行了匹配分析及等级级配评价,并对其交通整治规划后路网合理性进行了分析,以此验证了本文研究方法的正确及内容具有现实的研究意义和应用价值。

【Abstract】 In recent years, the rationality of urban road network gives rise to our value gradually with the prominent urban traffic problems. In the process of transforming the road, if blindly building new roads, or creating high-grade roads, or rehabilitating intersections, it can cause urban traffic problems increasingly complex. However, what kind of road network is reasonable, whether the network size is the bigger the better, what kind of network structure to better adapt to urban traffic, these are all worthy of study.The paper researches the rationality of road network form the supply and demand relations and the internal structure of two levels. It analyzes the characteristics of urban road network in three aspects: the division of the road grade; the division of the road network structure level; the basic form of the road network layout. On this basis, it analyzes the reasonableness of urban road network capacity, hierarchical structure and layout of the urban road network. Then the paper expounds the concept of the urban road network capacity and gives a briefing on the classification of the network capacity. At the same time, it gives the calculation method based on the macroscopic and microscopic urban road network capacity which is cut set method and space-time consumption method. Based on the calculation of urban road network capacity and demand forecasting for urban traffic, the paper joined the index of urban road network for matching supply and demand, to analyze the match of urban road network capacity and demand. Then it analyzes the influencing factors of the urban road grade proportion. It gives the grade established methods with the introduction of reasonable judgment coefficient to evaluate its reasonableness. To establish urban road layout evaluation index system, it describes the evaluation index from the aspects of density, road network and service character. Finally, the paper uses the traffic problem of Shenzhen Shiyan as an example, to evaluate the road network capacity to match demand and estimate the level of the road network. By estimating whether it is reasonable after traffic regulation planning, this paper can verify its practical significance and application value.


