

Application of Virtual Reality in Subway Station Fire Simulation

【作者】 王莉

【导师】 杜文;

【作者基本信息】 西南交通大学 , 安全技术及工程, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 随着社会经济的飞速发展,我国目前许多大中型城市都在加速建设城市地铁。地铁在城市发展和市民日常工作生活中正发挥着越来越重要的作用。但是,目前国内外地铁安全事故时有发生,在造成了巨大生命和财产损失的同时,也造成了严重的社会影响。因此,对地铁安全的研究成为越来越需要关注的课题。论文针对地铁火灾的特点,详细分析了地铁火灾发生的主要原因,并采用了地铁火灾安全的防护措施,介绍了虚拟现实技术及其在地铁火灾安全管理的重要作用和优势。虚拟现实技术能够利用计算机生成较为真实的模拟环境,使用户沉浸在虚拟环境中,同时通过人机接口,实现用户与虚拟环境直接交互。在沉浸感、交互性和实时性综合效果方面的优势是传统平面效果图与动画技术所无法比拟的。基于虚拟现实技术的地铁站火灾模拟,为研究地铁运营安全及可视化仿真提供了技术保障。本文以地铁站环境为研究背景,运用虚拟现实相关技术,建立了地铁站三维环境、漫游交互控制、火灾模拟等基本功能,为传统的地铁安全管理提供新的方法,为地铁站的可视化安全防范奠定了基础。论文综合应用3DS MAX软件和OpenGL图形编程技术,设计了虚拟地铁站场景渲染流程,分析了3DS数据的存储格式,实现了虚拟地铁站场景的漫游和交互,并采用基于AABB包围盒的碰撞检测算法,实现了场景漫游的碰撞检测功能,增强真实感。论文介绍了火焰模拟的常用方法及其技术特点,重点分析了粒子系统火焰模拟基本模型,研究了基于粒子系统的实时火焰模拟算法,将多边形面片与纹理映射技术相结合,实现了火焰绘制的实时动态效果;最终,将火焰模型应用于虚拟地铁站三维环境中,模拟了机车及地铁站内环境的火灾现象,初步实现了地铁站火灾模拟仿真的构架。

【Abstract】 With the development of society and economy, a lot of medium-sized and large cities in China are accelerating the construction of urban subway. The urban subway is playing an increasingly important role in urban development and the urban residents’ daily work and life. But in the course of operation, security accidents often occur, it causes not only tremendous loss of lives and property but also serious effects. Therefore, to research subway safety has become a subject of great concern.Aiming at characteristic of subway fire, the reason of subway fire and protective measures are analyzed. The virtual reality technique and its advantage in subway fire safety management are introduced.Virtual Reality is one kind of technology that can produces a highly real simulation environment by using computer algorithm to make users immerse into the virtual environment. In this system, man-machine interfaces are used to accomplish interaction between users and virtual environment. Compared with the traditional planform and computer animation, the immersion, interaction and real time function of virtual reality is unapproachable. Based on virtual reality, fire simulation of the subway station provides a technological guarantees for researching subway operation safety and visualization simulation. Aiming at the environment simulation of the subway station, the basic function such as three-dimensional scene of the subway station, roaming and fire simulation are developed by applying the virtual reality technology. Providing a new method for the traditional subway safety simulation and laying a foundation of visualizing security protection of the subway station.By using 3DS MAX software and OpenGL graphics programming techniques, the rendering pipeline of virtual subway station scene is designed Based on the 3DS file format, virtual subway station scene is rendered and can be roamed and implemented in real time. By applying AABB - Axis Aligned Bounding Box algorithm, the collision detection is implemented and strengthened the realistic effect.The fire simulation methods and its technical features is introduced. According to the fire simulation model, the real time fire simulation algorithm based on particle system is studied. The dynamical fire effect is rendered, by using the polygon-patch and texture mapping techniques. Finally, the fire model is used in the virtual subway station, and the locomotive and subway station fire are simulated. Preliminary fire simulation framework of the virtual subway station is established.


