

Research on ADS-B Application in Civil Aviation Flight University of China

【作者】 黄晋

【导师】 吕红霞;

【作者基本信息】 西南交通大学 , 交通运输规划与管理, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 随着民航航空运输的快速发展,建设新一代的民航航行系统成为世界各国的发展趋势。广播式自动相关监视ADS-B由于其突出的监视性能、低廉的成本,使航空监视技术取得革命性的进展,成为国际民航组织推荐发展的CNS/ATM系统中监视部分的主要系统。我国目前二次雷达还不普及,推广更先进的ADS-B系统更具后发优势,因此本人着重研究介绍了ADS-B系统的原理、种类、特性、功用,以及在世界各国的发展情况,论文还着重介绍了UAT模式的ADS-B在飞行学院的选型、安装、布局和实际应用情况。由于中国民航飞行学院是全国第一家使用ADS-B设备的单位,目前没有使用该设备实施空中交通管制的标准运行程序。为尽快能使用该设备提供“类雷达”的空中交通管制服务,本论文根据国际民航组织发布的一系列促进ADS-B应用的指导性文件,参照国内各空管局实施雷达管制的经验,结各飞行学院飞行训练的实际,通过试验研究提出了飞行学院ADS-B管制的标准运行程序及其补充程序。该标准程序主要包括从飞机进入管制区的识别到移交整个过程的管制服务程序及应急程序。补充程序包括席位工作程序、进程单、通话术语等。以上程序的建立为飞行学院实施“类雷达”的ADS-B监视管制服务提供了较为完整的运行标准程序,为中国飞行学院运行ADS-B监视管制提供了依据,也能为以后制定全国的ADS-B运行标准提供借鉴。

【Abstract】 With the rapid development of civil aviation transportation, construct a new generation of civil aviation systems become a trend in the worldwide. Because of theirs outstanding performance, low cost, and it’s makes a revolutionary progress in air surveillance. Automatic dependent surveillance broadcast (ADS-B) technology is recommended by Civil Aviation Organization to be the main part of surveillance system in the CNS / ATM systems. The secondary radar is not universal in current China, to promote a more advanced ADS-B system is more advantage. so my research is focusing on the ADS-B system in principle, type, features, functions and its development of all countries in the world. The presentation also focused on patterns of UAT ADS-B in Civil Aviation Flight University of China in the selection, installation, layout and practical application.As Civil Aviation Flight University of China is the first user of ADS-B equipment units, there is no standard procedures for the equipment to implement "like radar" air traffic control. In order to provide the air traffic control services with ADS-B as soon as possible, according to the guiding documents issued by the International Civil Aviation Organization to promote the applications ADS-B, in the light of the implementation of all domestic radar control experience, joint the practical flight training in CAFUC, this paper study and formulate a ADS-B controls normal operating procedures and additional procedures for CAFUC.The normal procedure includ the whole control service procedures from the aircraft identify to entere the control area to the aircraft to be transferout, including the emergency procedures. The additional procedures including seat procedures, standard strip, terminology for air communicationsuch. These procedures provide a more comprehensive standard operating procedures for CAFUC to operate f "like radar" ADS-B air traffic control services.it’s also provide a reference to development a national ADS-B operation Procedures in the future.


