

Emergency Control System of Low Altitude Remote Sensing Airship

【作者】 张瑞

【导师】 秦军;

【作者基本信息】 西南交通大学 , 地图制图学与地理信息工程, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 近年来,随着低空遥感的兴起,低空遥感平台的研究发展迅速。以小型遥控飞艇作为低空遥感平台,具有成本低、风险小、操作维护简单等特点,日益受到广泛关注。经过多年的研究,该平台的稳定性与可靠性都有重大进步。但是,作为低速浮空式低空飞行器,遥控飞艇的平稳程度不如有人驾驶飞机,容易受高空风力的影响,造成飞行航线漂移;在发生故障后还可能发生坠落或长时间悬浮在大气层中的严重后果。目前,国内外在小型遥控飞艇的安全保障机制方面还不完善。因此,为保障飞行器与遥感仪器的安全进行应急安全控制系统的研究开发具有重要的现实意义。本次研究在本遥感中心已有低空遥感系统的遥控操作系统的基础上,尝试应用艇载计算机集成多种传感器进行飞行器工作状态的监控。地面端计算机借助原有无线通信系统接收状态参数,并进行可视化输出。结合艇载控制系统和地面端遥控系统,建立起软、硬件混合的故障应急安全控制系统:低空遥感平台飞行安全应急控制系统(Emergency Control System of Low Altitude RemoteSensing Platform),简称ECS。当出现危险状况时,系统自动启动应急控制,进行调整或是控制飞艇安全着陆,保护飞行器与遥感仪器的安全。在本论文中,依据系统设计的步骤对系统的框架设计和各种功能进行了介绍。着重阐述了系统开发过程中的的关键问题,如传感器集成、串口通信、故障建模和状态信息可视化等。对重要功能的实现途径进行了讨论,并介绍了在Visual Basic开发环境下的具体方法。该系统不仅实现了低空遥感平台的监控;同时给遥控人员提供了可视化的参考信息,提高了遥控操作的工作效率;而且能够有效避免遥感作业过程中由于天气原因或遥控故障导致的各类事故隐患的发生。既提高了遥控的可靠性和稳定性,又保障了飞艇和仪器设备的安全。具有很好的应用前景。

【Abstract】 With the development of low attitude remote sensing, study of the low attitude remote sensing platform improved rapidely in recent years. Because there are some advantages such as low cost, little risk, simple handling and convenience maintenance. Little remote controlled airship, as a kind of platform, becomes more and more popular today. With the research in recent years, there are series of great improvements in stability and security. However, as a kind of low speed, air floated and low atitude aerocraft, remote controlled airship is not reliable enough, comparative with plane. The air lines can be changed by winds easily. And, there are some dangerous status, such as downfallen and floating in atmosphere, when airship in trouble. Nowadays, there are some problems in the security institution of little remote control airship. Therefore, researching of emergency control system is a practical means to protect instruments.In the research, I try to improve the old remote control system, which has been produced by our department. Computer in airship is used to monitoring the status of the airship with series of sensors. Then, computer in land base receives the digital information through wireless communication, and displays them in visualization. Based on integration of two computer systerms, the emergency control system of low altitude remote sensing platform (ECS) has been worked out. When dangerous occured, ECS system starts emergency control module automatically, to regulate or control airship landing securely and insure the safety of the aircraft and its remote sensing instruments.This paper introduces the frame design and all kinds of function of the ECS system, in order of system designing. There are some key points that have been explained in detail. And the method of programming development in Visual Basic environment has also been introduced.The ECS system realizes the monitoring of low atitude remote sensing platform. And the reference informations have been shown in visual form, which improve the efficiency of remote control. The system avoids all kinds of accidents effectively. It not only enhances the stability and security, but also protects airship and its instruments. There will be a bright future in using it.


