

Notional Design of an Experimental Model in Evacuated Tube Transportation System

【作者】 李炎炎

【导师】 马祖军;

【作者基本信息】 西南交通大学 , 物流工程, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 随着信息技术逐步走向成熟及其应用的深入普及,一场新型运输技术革命正在酝酿之中。上个世纪末短短的20几年中,以计算机、互联网和通讯手段为代表的信息化浪潮,使全球政治经济与社会生活方式发生了深刻变化,虚拟沟通、视频会议、网络银行、网上购物和电子商务等得到蓬勃发展。与此同时,快速和高效的物流配送,成为信息化时代难以逾越的瓶颈问题。虽然大规模的高速公路兴建、铁路提速、航班增加和物流模式优化等缓解了物流不畅、配送时效不高的尴尬,但是,难以从根本上改变货物运输严重滞后于信息化的现状。这一滞后的最显著差别是——当前的货物运输速度跟信息化的即时沟通速度不相匹配。在火车、汽车和飞机等运输方式之后,人们认识到,磁悬浮技术将是未来交通运输领域的一个重要发展方向。这种磁悬浮车辆适合放置于管道中,再把管道中抽成一定真空,由于同时消除机械摩擦和空气阻力,其运行速度能比飞机快许多倍,此即真空管道运输系统。本文将从分析管道实验模型的尺寸、各功能部件的概念设计出发,研究管道模型内部的隔离室、密封舱等应用部件,并讨论管道内电机冷却方案以及实现需求真空度的真空获得设备的选择。

【Abstract】 With the growing up and promulgation of IT industry, a new transport technology revolution is being brewed. In the past 20 years, the information wave that is marked mainly by computers, internet and communication instrument, have brought sound changes in many areas such as economic, politics and social life style all over the world. Virtual communicating, video conferences, web banks, shopping online and E-commerce have developed vigorously. At the same time, how to meeting the demand for fast and efficient logistics is becoming the chock point which is difficult to be overstepped in the IT times. Although the large-scale construction of highways, railway velocity improving, flights increasing and optimization of logistics mode etc., relaxed the situation about unsmoothed logistics and low distribution efficiency, it is impossible that those improving methods solve the current situation that freight transportation is lagged behind the IT development. The basic prominent distinction is that the velocity of the freight transport doesn’t match the velocity of byte in IT industry severely.Luckily, after the train, automobile and airplane, Maglev had been proved to be a feasible and useful technology. Maglev is very suitable for being put into the tube that will be evacuated, namely vacuum tube. Because both mechanical friction and air resistance are eliminated, the vehicle in such kind of evacuated tube could run much faster than airplane. This evacuated tube transportation (ETT) system is fit to not only transporting people, but also transporting goods.

【关键词】 真空管道运输管道模型概念设计
【Key words】 ETTTube modelNotional Design

