

Construction Control & Stabilization Analyse of High Pier and Long Span Continuous Frame Bridge

【作者】 陈舜东

【导师】 夏招广;

【作者基本信息】 西南交通大学 , 桥梁与隧道工程, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 大跨度预应力混凝土连续梁刚构桥作为一种新型结构,以其施工简便、造价经济、受力合理、行车舒适等独特的优势在近年来得到了迅速的发展。自1988以来,我国已经修建了大量的连续刚构桥,跨度也已达到270m(虎门大桥辅航道桥),取得了举世瞩目的成就。连续梁刚构桥跨度越大、墩越高,其施工的难度也越大。对高墩大跨度预应力混凝土连续刚构桥实施施工过程的控制,以及高墩在施工阶段的稳定分析,是确保施工质量和安全的重要环节,也是确保成桥状态符合设计要求的重要措施。本文结合贵州省崇遵高速公路两岔河特大桥的修建,对施工过程进行仿真分析,通过分析理论计算与施工实际情况间的差异,确定了以结构参数调整、计算数据修正、反馈控制分析为主要内容的控制方案,采用自适应控制的方法对大桥的施工过程进行预测控制,通过前进分析和倒退分析对施工状态进行更新,并提出合理的预抛高值指导施工,取得了良好的控制成果。桥梁结构的稳定性是关系其安全的主要问题之一,尤其是一些跨越沟谷的大跨度桥梁,墩柱的高度可达到一两百米以上,在施工过程中,墩柱的稳定性就显得尤为重要和突出,为确保桥梁施工过程中墩柱的安全,防止施工过程中桥墩因失稳而出现突然性坍塌事故的发生,施工阶段专门针对高墩进行施工阶段的稳定分析极有必要。本文以两岔河特大桥的2号墩为背景,使用有限元程序MIDAS及ANSYS,按第一类稳定问题的线性有限元分析方法对墩柱进行了简单的稳定分析,分析表明墩柱在施工阶段的几种不利荷载组合作用下的强度和稳定性均满足施工安全的需要。

【Abstract】 With the development of national economy and bridge design and construction technology, because of the construction convenience, low cost, rational load-bearing, and well comfortability of passing vehicles, long bridge prestressed continuous rigid frame bridge has been rapidly developed in resent several years. For these notable advantages, the continuous rigid frame bridges are comprehensive used in bridge construction in resent several years. Now, a large number of continuous rigid frame bridges have been constructed in China, and the maximum span has reached 270m that is Humen Auxiliary Shipping Channel Bridge, which shows that the attracting achievement have been achieved. The construction difficulties of continuous rigid frame bridges become more serious with the larger span and higher pier. The construction control and stability analysis in construction phases become the most important part to ensure the construction quality and safety, and the important procedure to ensure the final bridge state reaching the design state.This thesis takes the example of construction of Liangcha River Bridge which is on Chongzhun highway in Guizhou Province, the finite element analysis on construction procedure was done, and the differences between calculation results and real results were analyzed. Then the control scheme was selected based on structure parameters adjusting, calculation data revising and feedback of control analysis. The self-adapt control method was used to forecast and control the construction process, and construction state was refined by forward and backward analysis methods, then the rational pre-camber was provided to guide construction. With the construction control methods, the fairly effect was achieved.The stability of bridge structure is one of the main issues which attaches to the structure safety. With the development of technology, long span bridges are daily more extensively used. Especially some bridges over valley, the height of its pier can reach more than 100 meters, so the stability of the pier during the construction becomes more important. In order to ensure the safety during the construction, the stability of high pier in construction phases is necessary. This thesis based on the Liangcha River Bridge, the stability in construction phase of the 2nd pier with the height of 101 meters was analyzed. And the analyzed results show that the strength and stability of the pier can satisfy the safety of construction phases under some worse combination of loads.

  • 【分类号】U445.4;U448.23
  • 【被引频次】14
  • 【下载频次】248
  • 攻读期成果

