

A Chinese Learner English Corpus-Based Error Analysis and Research into College Non-English Major’s Interlanguage

【作者】 彭阳华

【导师】 吕长竑;

【作者基本信息】 西南交通大学 , 外国语言学及应用语言学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 本文运用语料库方法,以中介语理论和错误分析理论为基础,对中国非英语专业大学生的中介语言语失误作了研究。本研究采用以英语为外国语的学习者语料库——中国学习者英语语料库(桂诗春教授和杨惠中教授主编的中国学习者英语语料库中的两个子语料库)数据,运用的检索软件为Wordsmith。本文首先回顾了几十年来中介语理论和错误分析等方面的研究,在此基础上采用定量分析和定性分析相结合的方法,从中国学习者英语语料库中的两个子语料库中搜集了60多种失误进行分类,索引和统计,通过对错误频率超过1%的21种言语失误的观察,根据James和桂诗春的观点,将失误划分为三个层次(词汇感知层次、词汇语法层和句法层)并主要从词汇再现的角度分析和探讨了中国非英语专业大学生(St3和St4)在词汇语法层失误的主要原因,如母语的干扰、过渡概括和交际策略等。文章主要探讨以下三个问题:(1)中国非英语专业大学生中介语言语失误的特点和分布规律;(2)造成这些言语失误可能的主要原因;(3)研究结果对大学英语教学的启示。本研究对中国非英语专业大学生中介语言语失误的分析结果及对英语教学的启示归纳如下:(1)语言转移渗透到言语失误的各个层面,母语的负迁移仍然是中等水平学习者言语失误的主要原因。(2)词汇和句法为基础的英语学习仍然应该是英语教学的重点。(3)错误是学习者中介语中不可分割的部分,对待学习者言语失误应采取折衷态度。基于以上研究,本文认为言语失误分析有助于了解中国非英语专业大学生在英语写作中言语失误方面的问题,帮助教师更加系统地理解和对待学生的错误。建议把本族语语料库、课程语料库运用于大学英语课堂进行辅助教学。

【Abstract】 Based on the theories of Interlanguage (IL) and Error Analysis (EA), the present study has conducted a quantitative and qualitative research of Chinese non-English major’ IL errors applying corpus approach. The study uses data taken from the two sub-corpora of the Chinese Learner English Corpus (CLEC) that have been compiled mainly by Professor Gui Shichun and Professor Yang Huizhong. The concordance software Wordsmith is used in the study.The author first reviews the development of IL theory and EA and then analyzes errors based on the two sub-corpora. More than 60 types of errors taken from the two sub-corpora have been classified, indexed and counted. According to James’ classification of error and Gui Shichun’s attitude towards error from cognitive aspect, 21 types of errors which frequency is more than 1% have been grouped into three categories at three levels-lexical perceptual level, lexico-grammatical level and syntactical level. Analysis of errors in this thesis is mainly at lexico-grammatical level and syntactical level in the compositions of college students (St3 and St4).This paper will address the following three questions:(1) What types of errors are most frequently found and what is the distributional regularity of IL errors of Chinese non- English major in CLEC?(2) What are the possible causes of IL errors committed by Chinese non-English major based on question one?(3) What implications can we get from the research based on the result of question one and two?The research findings show that "Mother tongue interference is the main cause of errors in the foreign language learning of intermediate learners." and "Emphasis should be placed on teaching of lexical and syntactical levels." and "Error is committed inevitably in the process of language learning, therefore, proper attitude should be taken towards error".Based on the research result of the study, it has been found that error analysis and research is of great help and significance for the researchers and teachers to form a better and systematic understanding of Chinese non-English major’ IL error. Finally, this thesis suggests teachers resort to native language corpora and college English course corpora to aid their English language teaching and learning.


