

Stochastic and Dynamic Location-Routing-Inventory Problems in Optimization of Closed-Loop Logistics Systems

【作者】 王婵婵

【导师】 马祖军;

【作者基本信息】 西南交通大学 , 物流工程, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 近年来,随着环保法规的日益完善和可利用资源的不断减少,闭环物流系统越来越受到人们的重视,特别是再制造产品和再利用产品的闭环物流系统。设施定位、运输路线安排和库存控制是物流系统优化中的三个关键问题,传统上大多分别解决定位—配给问题(Location-Allocation Problem,LAP)、车辆路径问题(Vehicle Routing Problem,VRP)和库存控制问题,但实际上三者之间有着重要的关系,为此,有必要进一步分析三者之间的内在联系,进行定位—路径—库存问题(Location-Routing-Inventory Problem,LRIP)的集成优化与管理。本文针对闭环物流系统中的再制造系统和再利用系统,分析了再制造系统和再利用系统的特性。根据再制造闭环物流系统有一个再制造的过程,在新产品库存和回收产品库存相互独立情况下,建立了再制造闭环物流系统优化中的LRIP研究的非线性整数规划模型,其中需求随机、回收量与配送需求相关。根据再利用产品通常属于循环使用且循环周期较短的特点,每个周期配送客户和回收客户的需求不同,由此引起的巡回车辆路径在每个周期都会有所不同的特点,建立了随机动态闭环物流系统优化中的LRIP研究的非线性整数规划模型,其中客户需求随机,动态车辆路径、动态库存,且回收与配送需求相关。由于LRIP属于NP难题,所以本文对再制造闭环物流系统优化中的LRIP和再利用闭环物流系统优化中的LRIP的求解算法进行了研究,提出了解决该问题的混合启发式算法,最后通过算例对模型和算法的有效性进行了验证。

【Abstract】 With the legislation is perfected and the useful resources decreased day by day, there are more and more enterprises are interested in closed-loop logistic systems, especially about remanufacturing logistics and reusing logistics.As we know, location, routing, and inventory are the most important factors in logistic systems, and there are closed relationships among them. So it’s need to study the management of Location-Routing-Inventory Problem (LRIP) as a whole system. But most of scholars’ study only focused on the Location-Allocation Problem(LAP), Vehicle Routing Problem(VRP), or inventory alone, so LRIP in remanufacturing logistics system and reusing logistics system are studied in paper.When it comes to remanufacturing products, we know that they are durable and the periods of reclaim is long, so we define the inventory of new and inventory of reclaim are unattached. In this circumstance, we study the combined LRIP in remanufacturing logistics system, based on the stochastic and interrelated demands between distribution and pick-up. As the reusing products are circulated frequently, and the volume of reclaim is interrelated with the distribut(?)n demands, we study the combined LRIP in reusing logistics systems, based on the stochastic demand and dynamic vehicle routings, where the demands how many to pick-up is connected with how many to distribution. Therefore, two non-linear integer programming models are established respectively for LRIP in remanufacturing logistics system and LRIP in reusing logistics system. Simultaneity, heuristic algorithms are developed to solve the two NP-hard problems. Finally, the models and heuristic algorithms are proved to be true and validity through the corresponding case studies.


