

Research of Structure Style and Steering Principle of 100% Low Floor Lihght Rail Vehicle

【作者】 王欢

【导师】 戴焕云;

【作者基本信息】 西南交通大学 , 载运工具运用工程, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 随着全球工业化的不断发展,城市人员迅速增加,使得城市交通日益拥挤,世界各国都在寻求发展与之相适应的城市交通工具。轻轨交通以运量大、环境污染小、节约能源、投资少且建设周期短而得到广泛的运用。尤其是100%低地板轻轨车辆以其无须设置站台、方便乘客上下车,特别是便于残疾人和儿童上下车的优点而倍受欢迎。为了满足国内市场的需求,国内已有工厂开始着手开发100%低地板轻轨车辆。因此,开展100%低地板轻轨车辆的结构型式和导向机理研究具有重要的理论意义和广泛的工程应用价值。本文首先阐述了100%低地板轻轨车辆的发展概况,提出了车辆结构型式和导向机理两个关键性问题。分析了国内外研究现状,指出了开展结构型式和导向机理研究对发展国产100%低地板轻轨车辆具有重要意义。接着,本文对各型100%低地板轻轨车辆的结构型式的优缺点进行了分析和比较,并结合国外运用经验,提出了适合国产100%低地板轻轨车辆采用的结构型式。然后本文对各型100%低地板轻轨车辆的导向机理进行了分析,首次提出了纵向耦合独立车轮转向架的概念,并对其导向机理进行了理论和仿真分析。在对各型100%低地板轻轨车辆动力转向架的综合分析基础之上,提出了适合国产100%低地板轻轨车辆采用的动力转向架型式。最后,依据前两章的选型结果,结合国家科技攻关项目,提出了铰接式5模块100%低地板轻轨车辆,并运用SIMPACK多体动力学软件对车辆的动力学性能进行了分析。

【Abstract】 With the development of industrialization all over the world, more and more people live in the city. They make the urban transportation rather jam. A suitable transportation model is being looked for. The light transit with the advantages such as huge capacity, little pollution, saving power, relatively small investing and short construction cycle has been adopted widely, especially the 100% low floor light rail vehicle which provides more convenience to the children and handicapped have been developed quickly. About 30 styles of the 100% low floor light rail vehicle were produced by the main manufactures in the world. The R & D of 100% low floor light rail vehicle has been started in several domestic manufactures in order to satisfy the domestic requirement. So it is worthy of important theory significance and wide application of value to research the structure style and the steering principle of the 100% low floor light rail vehicle by using for reference abroad.Firstly, a general development situation of the 100% low floor light rail vehicle was expatiated in the paper. And the structure style and steering principle were put forward as two key problems. Then an analysis of the inland and overseas research actuality was made. It is necessary to do the research of the structure style and steering principle of the 100% low floor light rail vehicle in order to develop the domestic 100% low floor light rail vehicle. Secondly, the structure style of the 100% low floor light rail vehicle all over the world was compared in the paper. And a suitable structure style was confirmed with the operation experience abroad. Thirdly, the steering principle of the 100% low floor light rail vehicle was introduced in the paper. And two suitable styles of bogie were brought forward after a comparison was made by the soft SIMPACK. Finally, a dynamics simulation analysis of the 100% low floor light rail vehicle was made in the paper with SIMPACK.


