

Study on the Mechanics Trait of Tunnel Lining Constructure in Carst Area

【作者】 邵金超

【导师】 周晓军;

【作者基本信息】 西南交通大学 , 桥梁与隧道工程, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 掌握不同溶洞对隧道影响规律,开展岩溶区隧道衬砌形式研究,对提高岩溶区隧道安全性,加快岩溶区隧道的建设有着直接的推动作用。论文采用大型有限元计算软件ANSYS进行数值模拟计算。先对单线铁路隧道在不存在溶洞、存在溶洞以及溶洞尺寸和位置发生变化情况下,分别进行了建模计算。通过对计算结果汇总、对比分析,总结了不同溶洞对单线铁路隧道衬砌影响规律。再结合分析得出的规律,进而展开对隧道衬砌进行优化,并得出了一些针对岩溶区隧道设计和施工具指导意义的结论。论文主要研究内容包括:1、隐伏溶洞对单线铁路隧道衬砌影响规律的研究:分顶部隐伏溶洞、侧部隐伏溶洞和底部隐伏溶洞三种情况,在每种情况下对溶洞的尺寸进行四种变化,共12种工况下进行数值模拟分析了隐伏溶洞对单线铁路隧道衬砌的影响;2、提出了六种岩溶区单线铁路隧道衬砌优化方案:对侧部隐伏溶洞和底部隐伏溶洞各提出了三种优化方案;3、对岩溶区单线铁路隧道衬砌优化方法的优化效果研究:对六种优化方案分别进行数值模拟计算,通过与优化前隧道衬砌的受力变形对比分析,对优化效果进行总结;4、对岩溶区隧道衬砌的设计施工提出建议:根据理论分析的结果,结合隧道施工的实际情况,对岩溶区隧道衬砌的设计和施工提出了有益的建议。

【Abstract】 Obtaining the influence rules of the carst tunnel by different cave style, and proceeding karst tunnel lining style research has directly push forward to improve the security of karst tunnel and accelerate the construction of karst tunnel.The thesis adopts the large-scale finite element analysis software of ANSYS 10.0 to proceeding numerical simulation computation. The thesis builds different models to simulate various conditions including not existing karst cave, existing karst cave, changing karst cave dimension and position. The thesis generalizes the impact law of varied karst cave to the single-line railway tunnel by summary and contrast analysis to the calculated result. Further studies on karst tunnel lining optimization have been got under condition of obtained influence law. Last the thesis draw some significant conclusions to the design and construction of carst tunnel.Main contents of the paper:The study of influence law on concealed carst cave to single-line railway tunnel lining includes top concealed carst cave, side concealed carst cave and bottom carst cave. And every case has four dimension changes. The study proceeds numerical simulation analysis under twelve work conditions.The paper present six tunnel lining optimization programs including 3 the concealed side and 3 bottom carst cave.After six optimization programs numerical simulation computation, optimization effect study to the carst tunnel by contrast the analysis result of fore-and-aft optimization has been summarizedWith the practical tunnel construct case, the paper pushes forward the useful suggestion to the design and construction in the carst tunnel according to theory analysis results.


