

Research on the Education of Preventive Students’ Emergency Ability

【作者】 江敏

【导师】 刘达伟; 张滨;

【作者基本信息】 重庆医科大学 , 流行病与卫生统计学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 目的本课题通过对目前预防医学专业毕业生应急能力的调查,分析预防医学生应急能力培养现状、存在的主要问题,探索提高预防医学专业学生应急能力培养的对策,为加强预防医学生应急能力培养提供参考。方法1、深入访谈法按照事先拟定访谈提纲进行。调查重庆市疾病预防控制中心工作人员、预防医学专业毕业生及高校教师共20人。2、问卷调查根据深入访谈结果,分别编制问卷对重庆市疾控中心、卫生监督所工作人员、高校教师等127人和医学院校预防医学专业本科毕业生226人进行自填式问卷调查。对问卷调查结果用Epi Data录入,SAS9.0软件进行统计分析。结果预防医学毕业生主要预防医学基本知识的得分为52.07±19.07分;其中应急相关知识得分低于其它预防医学专业知识得分(P<0.05)。专业技术人员和高校教师都认为现在的预防医学毕业生基础知识比较缺乏,尤其是应急相关知识;他们的实际工作能力不足。预防医学专业学生在应急工作中的专业优势不明显。现在的预防医学专业教育缺乏针对学生应急知识和能力的培养。预防医学专业教学与实际工作存在脱节;缺乏对学生分析问题和解决问题能力的培养。预防医学生专业实习时间偏少,安排不合理。学生学习缺乏主动性,专业实习效果欠佳。结论随着社会的发展,突发事件的发生越来越频繁,对人群健康的危害也越来越大,我国对突发事件的应急给予高度重视。作为培养应对突发事件人才的预防医学专业教育,现在的培养体系已经不适应现代预防医学要求,需要进行改革。从而为应对突发应急事件培养大量高水平的专业人才。预防医学专业教育需要对现有的培养进行改革,有计划地加强学生应急能力的培养。在专业课程教学过程中适当介绍与本学科有关的应急知识和技术;增加与突发事件有关的课程;通过多种方式提高学生的综合素质。加强毕业实习过程中学生应急能力的培养。首先需要增加专业实习时间,将专题实习与专业实习相结合,让学生在专业实习的过程中完成毕业论文。其次,制定切实可行的实习计划和大纲,对学生进行实习前岗前培训。最后,通过毕业综合考试,督促学生认真对待专业实习。优化师资队伍,建立高校与公共卫生机构交流的有效机制,促进高校教师与专业技术人员的交流,促进教学水平的提高。

【Abstract】 OBJECTIVEBy survey the preventive graduaters’emergency ability condition, to learn the emergency ability and emergency training condition of preventive medical students, analysis the problems in emergency training, explore the methods to enhance the emergence ability of preventive medical students, and provide reference for the emergency training condition of prevention students.METHEDS1、In-depth interviewBy pre-studied out syllabus. Twenty persons including the staffs in Chongqing disease control center、graduaters from preventive medical department and teachers in universities were investigated.2、Questionnaire surveyAccording to the result of in-depth interview, questionnaires were worked out respectively to survey 127 persons, which include staffs in disease control center and health intendancy、teachers in universities and 226 graduaters from prevention department in medical universities. All the data were inputted by Epi Data, analyzed by SAS 9.0.RESULTSThe score of some basic preventive knowledge is 52.07+19.07; the score of related knowledge of emergency is lower than other preventive knowledge (P<0.05).Professionals and teachers said the preventive graduaters are absent of basic preventive knowledge, especially the emergental knowledge and are lack of practice ability. The preventive graduaters have no predominant professional advantage in emergency work.Nowadays the prevention education is lack of the training of the emergental knowledge and ability to students. The teaching in school isn’t adapting to the practice needs and rarely trains the ability to analysis and resolve problems.The practice plan is unappropriate ,the prevention students have no enough practice time in school, and study passively. The result of practice is not so good.CONCLUTIONSWith the developing of society, the emergency incident is more frequent,and the damage of it to people’s health becomes more. Our country has paid attention to the emergency incident and the training of emergency ability of prevention students.The prevention education become unadaptive to the modern preventive practice, should be reformed,should enforce the training of emergency ability by introducing related emergency knowledge and skills, adding some curriculum about emergency incident and promoting the comprehensive stuff of students using multiple methods.The emergency ability should be enforced during the practice. First is to add the practice time, and let them complete the thesis during the practice by combing dissertation with specialty practice. Second is to work out feasible practice program and outline, to train the students before the practice. The last is to have a general graduate test to force them pay attention to special practice.The teacher staffs should be optimized, the communication between the university and public health institute should be established to promote the communications between the university teachers and specialists, to emprove the education.


