

Qingdao Port Development Strategy Based on Supply Chain

【作者】 马辰

【导师】 朱意秋;

【作者基本信息】 中国海洋大学 , 工商管理, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 青岛港已经跻身世界大港前十强,外贸吞吐量多年保持全国沿海港口第二位,进口铁矿石吞吐量居世界港口第一位,进口原油吞吐量居全国沿海港口第一位。从经济总量特别是进出口总值和港口吞吐量看,青岛在山东半岛经济区和八城市经济带中明显处于“中心龙头”和“窗口”地位。仅仅在我现在从事的公司,就有两条大型集装箱船以青岛命名,分别是以星青岛(ZIM QINGDAO)和青岛之星(QINGDAO STAR),其他的公司也纷纷以青岛命名自己经营的船舶,象中远青岛(COSCO QINGDAO),中海青岛(CSCL QINGDAO),马士基青岛(MAERSKQINGDAO),海丰青岛(SITC QINGDAO),长锦青岛(SINOKOR QINGDAO)等等。基于港口在国际物流中的地位作用,港口城市对物流国际化也将发挥越来越重要的作用,临港物流园区的建设也成为港口城市日益关注的焦点,如何利用港口城市的地理优势,结合自身的经济发展进行物流的全面整合,从而使物流最大限度的发挥作用,满足用户和物流企业的双向需求成为物流供应链上各方共同解决的问题。基于青岛港的物流发展为出发点,结合青岛自身的发展特点和物流发展环节中涉及的地理位置、人力资源、产业链等要素,从供应链视角阐述了青岛港的物流发展的现状与未来,提出了促进青岛物流业发展的几点构想并进行了探讨。港口环节供应链中合作伙伴应强调直接的、长期的合作,强调共同实现共有的计划和解决共同问题,为顾客获得最大满意而共同努力。物流供应链的发展基础就在于它整合了供应链上下游的资源,实现了供应链各方的成本最低化和运作高效化。在竞争中合作是物流管理的精髓所在。青岛港位于山东半岛前缘,居北方海岸线的中心,是中国北方最大的海港,是世界各港联系中国大陆的重要门户。青岛港口物流产业要得到长足发展,必须与主要船公司、货主和具有战略互补意义的港口结成联盟,实现双赢。青岛港同世界各大船务公司有着密切的合作关系,航线众多,航班密集,港口实施齐全,集装箱运输业基础较好。对于青岛市,临港物流园区是一个很好的模式,一方面,利用好港口城市的天然优势,在港口城市中或周边地区建立物流园区;另一方面,在物流园区内形成内部供应链,而放在全国或全球范围内,物流园区也可以作为一个大供应链上的结点。除装卸运输外,青岛港口物流中心重点发展加工、仓储、配送和包装等服务。青岛港所处环境、面临的机遇和挑战及可取资源,决定了对港口物流的发展目标、重点进行总体谋划,是青岛港临港物流的必然选择,同时是港口物流企业经营思想的体现,是制定企业发展规划的基础,经营决策的依据,对现代港口物流企业发展起到十分重要的作用。通过与荷兰的鹿特丹港,比利时的安特卫普港,中国的香港,新加坡港的比较,青岛港有自身的优势,也有很多的不足。青岛港要确立“新亚欧大陆桥东方桥头堡”的主枢纽港地位,具备辐射华东、华北、西北及中原的强大功能,建设北方大宗散货物流中心,还须进一步加快港口物流基础设施建设,完善港口现代物流服务体系,改善整体物流环境,为客户提供更加高效、优质、快捷的服务。目前,青岛港在国际和区域上的竞争力还相对处于弱势状态,在东有釜山号称东北亚第一大港;北有大连和天津,前者也号称要做东北亚第一大港,后者有汽车的进出口牌照,并且是京城门户;南有上海和宁波的市场竞争形势下,只有抓住国际物流网络形成的有利时机,进一步完善青岛港的物流服务功能,使青岛港成为国际物流网络中的一个重要节点,才能有效提高青岛港的国际竞争力。

【Abstract】 Qingdao Port has been among the world’s top 10 before the Chittagong. Foreign trade throughput for many years to maintain the nation’s coastal ports second place,Imports of iron ore throughput of the port first in the world,imports of crude oil throughput in the nation and coastal ports first.From the total economy,and in particular the import and export value in port throughput,Qingdao in Shandong Peninsula Economic Area,and eight cities in the economic zone is significant "leading centre" and the "window" status.Only in my company,there are two large container ship named in Qingdao,ZIM QINGDAO and QINGDAO STAR,and other companies also have their own names to Qingdao ship operators,as COSCO QINGDAO,CSCL QINGDAO,MAERSK QINGDAO,SITC QINGDAO,SINOKOR QINGDAO,etc. Based on the harbor in international physical distribution status function,the port city will also play more and more vital role to the physical distribution internationalization, also becomes the focal point which near the port physical distribution campus’s construction the port city pays attention day by day,how using port city’s geography superiority,to unify own economic development to carry on the physical distribution the comprehensive conformity,thus causes the physical distribution display function maximum limit,satisfies the user and the physical distribution enterprise’s bidirectional demand becomes the question which on the physical distribution supply chain all quarters solve together.Based on the Qingdao port’s physical distribution development is a starting point,unifies essential factors and so on geographical position which,human resources,industrial chain in the Qingdao own development characteristic and the physical distribution development link involves,elaborated from the supply chain angle of view the Qingdao port’s physical distribution development’s present situation and the future,proposed promoted Qingdao logistics development several to devise and to carry on the discussion.In the harbor link supply chain the partner should stress that direct,long-term cooperation,stressed that realizes the plan which and the solution common question together altogether has,obtains biggest satisfaction for the customer,but joint effort.The physical distribution supplied chain’s development foundation to lie in its conformity supply chain upstream and downstream the resources,has realized supply chain all quarters cost minimizing and the operation highly effective.The cooperation is the physical distribution management essence is in the competition.Qingdao port located at the Shandong Peninsula predestined affinity,occupies the coastline center,is north part of China the biggest harbor,is world various ports relates mainland China the important gateway. The Qingdao harbor physical distribution industry needs to obtain the considerable development,must with the main boating company,the cargo owner and has the strategic supplementary significance harbor to form an alliance,realizes win-win.The Qingdao port has the close cooperation with the world each big shipping company,the route is numerous,the flight is crowded,the harbor implementation is complete,the container shipping industry foundation is good.Regarding Qingdao,near the port physical distribution campus is a very good pattern,on the one hand,uses the good port city the natural superiority,in port city or peripheral locality establishment physical distribution campus;On the other hand,forms the internal supply chain in the physical distribution campus,but places in the nation or the global scale,the physical distribution campus may also take one to supply on chain’s point greatly.Besides loading and unloading transportation,Qingdao harbor physical distribution center services and so on prioritize processing,warehousing,allocation and packing.The Qingdao port locates the opportunity which and the challenge the environment,faces and may take the resources,had decided to the harbor physical distribution’s development targets,key carries on the overall to plan,is the Qingdao port near the port physical distribution choice inevitably,simultaneously is harbor physical distribution business mentality manifestation,is formulates the enterprise development plan foundation,the operating decisions basis,to modern harbor physical distribution enterprise development very vital role.Through with Holland’s Rotterdam port, Belgium’s Antwerp port,China’s Hong Kong,the Singapore port’s comparison,the Qingdao port has own superiority,also has many insufficiencies.The Qingdao port must establish "the new Asian-European land bridge East bridgehead" the main hub port status,has radiates East China,North China,northwest and the area south of Yellow River formidable function,north the construction the large amount bulk cargo physical distribution center,still needs to further speed up the harbor physical distribution infrastructural facilities,the perfect harbor modern delivery service system, the improvement overall physical distribution environment,provides for the customer is more highly effective,high quality,the quick service..At present,the Qingdao port also relatively is at the weak trend condition in international and the region competitive power,has Pusan in the east is known as the Northeast Asia first big port; North has Dalian and Tianjin,the former is also known as must make the Northeast Asia first big port,the latter has automobile’s import and export license plate,and is the national capital gateway;South has Shanghai and under Ningbo’s market competition situation,only then seizes the proper time which the international physical distribution network forms,further consummates the Qingdao port the delivery service function,causes the Qingdao port to become in the international physical distribution network an important node,can enhance the Qingdao port effectively the international competitiveness.

【关键词】 青岛港港口物流供应链
【Key words】 Qingdao portport logisticssupply chain
  • 【分类号】F274;F552.7
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】343

