

Analysis on Function and Effect of the Food Safety Regulation in the Aquatic Product Trade

【作者】 陈靓

【导师】 邵桂兰;

【作者基本信息】 中国海洋大学 , 国际贸易学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 食品安全关系到人类的生命和健康,成为对外贸易中的一道重要关口。受世界贸易大环境以及种种因素的影响,水产品贸易越来越多的受到来自于食品安全方面的限制。而国内对水产品食品安全管制的研究尚属于起步阶段,缺乏系统性的理论支持以及深入的理论研究,因此对水产品贸易中食品安全管制的研究具有理论及实践的双重意义。对水产品进行食品安全管制是有其理论依据的。水产品食品安全管制的理论依据遵从三大主线,即水产品市场的特性、食品安全理论以及管制相关理论,三条线索相互补充共同阐述了食品安全管制的必要性:水产品市场的多环节性、敏感性以及外部性等特性表明市场无法运用自身的力量约束水产品的食品安全,因此需要政府出面对食品安全加以管制;水产品的公共产品(利益)理论、社会责任论、柠檬市场理论等食品安全理论分别从消费者、企业、市场的角度论证了政府需要对水产品食品安全进行管制;而市场失灵理论、非分散化基本定理、公共代理人理论以及最优干预政策理论等管制相关理论则从不同的角度说明了政府对水产品食品安全管制的必要性。水产品食品安全管制行为的实施与否实质是一种博弈现象。作为贸易双方的策略,进口国政府往往通过考虑消费者福利的变动、生产者效应的变动、实施成本以及进口水产品的产品质量预期等决定是否实施水产品食品安全管制。而水产品的出口方则根据提供较高食品安全的水产品而产生的附加成本、利润改变的程度以及对进口国实施食品安全管制的预期决定提供水产品的食品安全程度。双方的策略选择最终会达到混合策略均衡。而进口国政府实施食品安全管制后,依据影响的不同可划分为三种类型的效应:①宏观效应,表现为限制效应、扩散效应以及竞争效应;②国别效应,表现为消费者福利效应、生产者福利效应、生产者成本效应以及市场效应;③对中国水产品贸易的特殊效应,表现为经济发展阶段的特殊效应、生产竞争效应、生产成本效应以及企业责任效应等等。而相关的案例及计量分析也证明了上述效应的实际存在。结合中国水产品贸易的实践来看,中国水产品出口的主要市场国在食品安全管制上存在着共性——主要目标市场国均为经济发展较为成熟的国家,其国内对食品安全的约束相当强,水产品的食品安全管制均有较强的溯源性、集中的管制体系以及不断升级的管制手段。然而,就水产品食品贸易管制对中国水产品所产生的效应上,依据各目标市场国对中国水产品的依赖程度不同所产生的效应也不尽相同,其中欧美的水产品食品安全管制往往成为新一轮全球范围内食品安全管制的开端、日本的水产品食品安全管制带有明显的贸易保护色彩,而韩国的水产品食品安全管制则因对中国水产品的贸易依赖程度高而显得比较温和。另一方面,从中国面临食品安全管制的现状来看,虽然中国水产品出口的食品安全总体水平不断提高,但食品安全领域仍然存在着许多的潜在威胁。水产品的食品不安全的因素遍及原料生产、加工、贮运、销售直到消费的整个过程,出口水产品抵御食品安全管制措施的匮乏使中国一旦遭遇食品安全管制往往受损严重。此外,出于世界水产品生产结构的失衡等国际原因、平衡贸易并减小贸易赤字等目标市场国的原因以及投机心理等中国自身的原因,中国成为水产品遭遇食品安全管制较多的国家,而水产品的食品安全管制对中国的贸易水平、消费者利益、生产者利益等产生了多方面的影响。基于上述的分析,在减少食品安全管制的消极影响方面,政府、行会、企业应当改变现有的运作模式以发挥各自应有的职能,具体来说,政府应着力于新型的食品安全监管体制、行会应当提升其监督耦合的作用,而相关企业则应立足于食品安全的新思路对“成本——收益”决策进行二次选择。通过上述三方的明确分工以及职能的重构以达到降低遭遇水产品食品安全管制的频率、减少消极影响的目的。

【Abstract】 Food safety is vital to human’s life and health, so the regulation of food safety is an important task in the foreign trade for all countries. Under the circumstance of the world trade and kinds of factors, aquatic product trade suffers more and more regulation of food safety. Domestic research on the regulation of food safety stills lies in the beginning stage and the regulation lacks systematic theory support and deep theoretic research. Therefore the safety regulation in Aquatic product trade has the dual meaning in theory and practice.Regulation on the safety of Aquatic product is based on available theory. It has three basic theories namely aquatic product market characteristic, food safety theory as well as control relevant theory to regulation. Three clues supplement each other, elaborating the necessity of food safe control: such factors as the aquatic product market’s multiple links, sensitivity as well as the exterior characteristics and so on indicate that the market is unable to restraint aquatic product food safety through its own adjustments, therefore the government needs to enforce control on food safety. Such food safety theories as the public product (benefit) theory, the social responsibility and the lemon market theory prove that the government needs to regulate food safety in the aspects of the consumer, the enterprise as well as the market. But such relevant theories as the market malfunction theory, the non-decentralized fundamental theory, the public agent theory and optimized intervention policy theory show it’s necessary for the government to enforce safety control from the different angle.As the importing country government’s one kind of strategy, the government determines whether to implement regulation on product safety, considering that the consumer welfare’s change, the producer effect’s change, the implementation cost as well as the import aquatic product’s quality. However the aquatic product exporting country determines the safety degree of the export products on basis of the aquatic product additional cost, the profit changes as well as food safety control implemented by the importing country. The bilateral strategy choice will finally achieve the mixed and balanced strategy.After the importing country government implements the food safety regulation, and on basis of influence of regulation it can be divided into three types as follows:①The macroscopic effect. It performs as the limit effect, the diffusion effect as well as the competition effect;②The nationality effect. It performs as the consumer welfare effects, the producer welfare effects, the producer cost effect as well as the market effect;③Chine’s aquatic product trade’s special effect. It performs as special effect, production competition effect, production cost effect as well as enterprise responsibility effect and so on. However econometric analysis on the relevant cases has also proven the above effect.Looking from the Chine’s aquatic product trades practice, China’s major trade partners are those countries with mature economic development. They have strict restrain on food safety, glorious, centralized regulation system of the aquatic product safety as well as continually upgraded regulation manners. However, as for the effect on China’s aquatic product trades, aquatic product trade regulation has different effects on basis of target market countries’different level of dependency on China’s aquatic products. And European and American aquatic product regulation becomes beginning of the new round global food regulation. The Japanese is characteristic of trade protection while the Korean seems moderate as a result of Korean high dependency on China’s aquatic products.In the other hand, looking from food regulation China faces at present, although the total level of the safety of Chine’s exporting aquatic product has been continually improved, still many latent threats lie in the food safety field. The aquatic product unsafe factor spreads the whole process of the raw material production, the processing, the storage and transportation, the sale and the expense. In addition, China lacks measures against food safety regulation, and once China encounters food regulation, usually suffers serious loss. In consequence of such international factor as the unbalance of the world aquatic product production structure, such target market country’s home factor as balancing trade and reducing trade deficit and such China’s own factor as congenial psychology, China suffers more and more food regulation, and aquatic product safety regulations have various of effects on China’s trade level, the consumer benefit, the producer benefit and so on.Based on the above analysis, to reduce the negative effect of food regulation, the government, trade association and enterprise should change the present operation pattern and activate respective proper functions. Specifically speaking, the government should manage to establish the new food safety supervision system, and the trade association should improve its the function of supervision and cooperation, and the relevant enterprises ought to start from the food safety and carry on the second choice to“cost-income”. Through above triple parties’specific division and restructuring of function the goal will finally be achieved that China will encounter less and less aquatic product regulation and negative effect is gradually reduced.

  • 【分类号】F203;F752.6
  • 【被引频次】8
  • 【下载频次】485
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