

Studies on Technique of Large-scale Seed Production in Atrina Pectinata

【作者】 于瑞海

【导师】 李琪; 杨爱国;

【作者基本信息】 中国海洋大学 , 渔业, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 栉江珧隶属于软体动物门(Mollusca)、瓣鳃纲(Lamellibranchia)、翼形亚纲(Pterimorphia)、贻贝目(Mytiloida)、江珧科(Pinnidae)、江珧属(Pinna)的贝类。是一种经济价值很高的海产贝类,它的后闭壳肌特别肥大,可制成名贵的“江珧柱”,肉质细嫩肥白,营养丰富,是味道鲜美的海珍品。近十年来,由于过度捕捞和环境条件的恶化,我国栉江珧资源量急剧下降,在许多海区已经很难采集,单纯依靠野生的栉江珧资源已远远不能满足国内外市场的需求,开展栉江珧的人工繁育和增养殖势在必行。栉江珧的人工育苗从上世纪八十年代研究开始,至今虽然已研究二十多年了,但还没有达到生产性育苗的技术水平,存在幼虫间粘连、上浮群居以及成活率低的问题,为此本人从2003-2005年承担了山东省科技兴海项目—栉江珧人工育苗技术开发研究项目。三年来我们主要从亲贝升温促熟开始,通过亲贝强化饵料营养,进行多种单胞藻和代用饵料混合投喂,以及逐渐升温促熟,利用肥满度指标和解剖观察,决定栉江珧人工诱导产卵时间;产卵诱导除了常规诱导外,我们开发出过氧化氢诱导法及维生素浸泡后再加解剖精液或卵液诱导法等新的诱导方法,诱导排放率达90%以上;通过及时选优,幼虫培育时合理控制幼虫密度,前期培育3-4个/ml,后期培育1-2个/ml,严把幼虫饵料关,根据发育时期不同,投喂不同饵料,前期以金藻为主、扁藻为辅,后期扁藻为主角毛藻、金藻为辅,定期添加一次光合细菌,饵料质量保证投喂新鲜、无老化、无污染的饵料,科学换水与充气,及时分级筛选何移池等系列技术措施,克服栉江珧育苗中易发生群居上浮和幼虫粘连的技术难题,使育苗生产顺利进行。当个体达到400微米以上时,开始投放附着基,并开展了无底质采苗、池底铺砂采苗、袋装扇贝附着基和细砂吊在池中采苗法、铺砂浮动网箱采苗的采苗方法试验,从附着变态率和单位采苗量,稚贝成活率和生长速度等方面综合分析,试验结果表明:无底质采苗眼点幼虫的变态率最高,30%以上,刚附着变态后的单位水体出苗量最高,但栉江珧稚贝经过半个月的培育,此时表现出生长速度最慢、成活率最低仅20%,因此无底质采苗在600um以后,必须转入铺砂的浮动网箱或网袋中,否则影响稚贝生长和成活率,个体和成活率均小于其他采苗法;其次为网袋装扇贝附着基和细砂吊在池中采苗法,变态率为30%左右,效果较好,成本相对较高,但生长最快,因此稚贝平均大小最大;再次是铺砂浮动网箱采苗,仅次于网袋装扇贝附着基和细砂吊在池中采苗法,稚贝生长速度较快,稚贝培育期间成活率最高,因此,适合于稚贝后期培育,成活率最高;最差为池底铺砂采苗,变态率只在20%左右。通过试验结果,从中选出了铺砂浮动网箱采苗和网袋装网片附着基和细砂吊在池中采苗两种比较理想的采苗方法,提高稚贝的附着变态率,其附着变态率达30%以上,促进稚贝的快速生长和成活率。经三年的共同努力,共培育平均壳长2.2mm的稚贝1亿多粒,平均出苗量达13.4万粒/m~2,在国内处于领先水平,形成一套生产性育苗的技术路线。

【Abstract】 The pen shell (Atrina pectinata), which belongs to Pinna, Pinnidae, Mytiloida, is a commercially important marine bivalve. It has a large latter adductor muscle that can be processed into delicious "Dried Scallops" which is enrichment in nutrition. However, during the recent 10 years, the resource of A. pectinata in our country has experienced significant declines because of excessive capture and the deterioration of the environment, now it is difficult to collect them in many natural sea areas. To fulfill the needs of markets both in and out of country, it is urgent to promote the artificial breeding and reproduction of A. pectinata.The research of artificial seed production in A. pectinata had started from 1980s, but has not established the techniques for large-scale seed production by now. There are some problems such as conglutination among larvae, convergence on surface and low survival rate. So, from 2003 to 2005 we undertook the project of the development of seed production techniques of A. pectinata which was granted by Shandong Province.During the three years, from the beginning of calefactively induced maturation, we enriched the nutritional diet of broodstock, feed them with a mixture of microalgae and ediable foodstuffs and employed temperature-induced maturation to observe the changes of relative fatness to decide the artificial spawning time of A. pectinata, also we exploited new inducement methods using Hydrogen peroxide or first by dipping in vitamin and then adding spermatic fluid or ova fluid obtained from dissection, which have an inducement rate above 90%. During cultivation, the larvae density was controlled by 3-4 individuals per milliliter in prophase and 1-2 in anaphase. The diet lists were also altered along with their growth, they were fed mainly on Isochrysis galbana Parks 3011 with auxiliary Platymonas subcordiformis in prophase, and Platymonas subcordiformis with auxiliary Chaetoceros mulleri and Isochrysis galbana Parks 3011 in anaphase, photosynthetic bacteria was also demanded every regular time. The microalgae supplied as diet were ascertained to be fresh, non-aging, non-pollution in quality. To prevent the conglutination and convergence on surface among larvae, we adopted series methods including water and air changes, grade culling and transfer between concrete tanks.When the larval length reached 400μm different substrates were deposited to carry out different kinds of seedling collection including collection without sediments, collection with sand on the bottom of the tanks, collection with substrates of scallop and sand hanging in the tanks and collection with sand in floating cages. In general perspectives of metamorphosis success, the unit picks of seedling collection, growth speed, our results showed that seedling collection without sediments has the highest metamorphosis success of eyebot larvae which was above 30% and the best output capacity of unit water body just after metamorphosis, but half a month later the growth rate became the slowest with the lowest survival rate 20%. So the seedlings that were collected by this method must be transferred to floating cages or bags with sand on the bottom after 600μm. The second best method was collection with substrates of scallop and sand hanging in the tanks which had a metamorphosis success of around 30% and the fastest growth that contributed to the biggest spat in average, but the cost was comparatively higher. Next to this method was collection with sand in floating cages, it had a rapid growth and the highest survival rate which was suitable for cultivation of spat in later period. The worst effect came from collection with sand on the bottom of the tanks with the metamorphosis success of only 20%. From the experiments, we found out that collection with sand in floating cages and collection with substrates of scallop and sand hanging in the tanks to be two ideal seedling collection methods which had a good impact on promoting the metamorphosis success rate, growth rate and survival rate of spat of A. pectinata.In a collaboration of three years efforts, one million spat with average size of 2.2mm were reared with an average output of 13.4000/m~2, and a set of technique of productive scale seedling rearing of A. pectinata was created, which is in the leading level of China.


