

An Intra-Industry Trade Based Study on the Competitive Advantage of Agricultural Product Exporting Trade of Our Country

【作者】 韩瑾

【导师】 高强;

【作者基本信息】 中国海洋大学 , 农业经济管理, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 加入WTO后,我国农产品出口面临着一个全新的国际环境,我国的弱势农业与国际强势农业在经济全球化这个巨大的竞技场中相遇,我国农产品出口出现了所谓的“比较优势陷阱”,为了将单纯的比较优势转化为在WTO规则下的竞争优势,最终转化为贸易利益,我国必须要调整自己的农产品贸易发展战略,全面提高本国农业产业的国际竞争力,以具有竞争优势的农产品参与国际竞争,分享国际贸易利益。如何在开放的经济环境中塑造和增强自己农产品的竞争优势,就成为理论界和决策层面临的极具挑战性的战略问题,也是一个非常值得重视的政策问题。在当今世界,产业内贸易在发达国家贸易中已逐渐取代产业间贸易占据主导地位,成为各国贸易利益的主要来源,发展中国家要真正参与国际经济大循环,加快本国经济发展,参与产业内贸易是不可避免的趋势。产业内贸易发生之后,面对国内外企业不同的竞争条件,国内企业必须寻找更高级、更持久的竞争优势源泉,使得产业的竞争向高层次发展。产业内贸易水平成为衡量一国外贸竞争力的标志,作为发展中的农业大国,为了尽量减少调整成本、获得农产品竞争优势,我们应当认真研究产业内贸易的性质、我国农产品产业内贸易的现状以及促进农产品产业内贸易发展的措施,进而促进我国出口产品结构的升级,进一步提升我国农产品国际贸易的竞争优势,最终达到促进经济发展的目的。本文采用理论研究与实证分析相结合,定性研究和定量评价相结合的研究方法,在实证分析时既有历史纵向考察,也有跨产品类别的横向分析。本文对我国农产品产业内贸易和竞争优势发展状况进行了实证分析,研究认为我国农产品竞争优势不强,并有所下降,我国农产品产业内贸易现在仍然以产业间贸易为主,但产业内贸易也在不断扩大,产业内贸易贡献率在不断提高。本文同时对农产品产业内贸易影响因素进行了分析,研究认为农产品产业内贸易的发展主要受到交易费用、产品差异、规模经济、市场结构等因素的影响。本文通过研究我国农产品产业内贸易,探索我国农产品产业内贸易发展的客观规律,以期能够结合中国的具体国情,通过有目的发展产业内贸易,形成中国具有国际竞争力的企业和主导产业,提高我国的农产品产业竞争优势,达到促进经济发展的目的。最后本文提出了通过发展产业内贸易提升农产品竞争优势的一系列对策建议。企业层面,建议发展差异产品,加强技术创新,培育规模经济;产业层面,建议促进新型产业和主导产业的发展;政府层面,建议提高交易效率,改善竞争环境。

【Abstract】 Since China join the World Trade Organization(WTO), the competitiveness of Chinese products in international trade has changed a lot under the influence of various factors . Scholars have found the so-called“Trap of Comparative Advantage”in the performance of the export of agricultural product since China’s entry of WTO. Today china is pushed by a more opening market, How to improve international competitiveness of china’agricultural products become more and more important. It will be a great barrier for a large developing country toward modernization during the new century if it isn’t solved properly. So it has a special significance for economic study and policy advisory.After World War Two, especially in 1970s’ and 1980s’,a series of new trends occurred due to scientific & technological development and international competition variation, one is that intra-industry trade (importation and exportation coexists in one industry) takes a large part in international trade, which is unexplainable by conventional theory. According to Theory of Comparative Advantage, because of great difference of factor endowments between developed and developing countries, mutual demand makes international trade happens between these two kinds of countries. But actually, trade happens mostly among developed countries, mainly within industries including large quantity of goods with similar factor intensity. IIT of agricultural products is the fact in international merchandise trade. Since China has entered WTO in 2001, the importance of intra-industry trade is more and more outstanding.Based on the domestic and foreign economists’ research and connecting with China’s situation. This paper analyzed the factors affecting IIT and competitive Advantage of our country’s agricultural product. After the analysis of the development and trade structure of our country’s agricultural product exporting trade by IIT index as well as the analysis of the change in competitive advantage by competitive advantage index, this paper draws on a conclusion that IIT counld increase the industries competitive advantage in the development of agricultural product exporting trade of our country. Finally, bases on the previous accounts, some suggestions are put forward to comply with this trend.


