

Study on System of Internal Harmonious Management of Administrative Organization

【作者】 刘小杰

【导师】 王琪;

【作者基本信息】 中国海洋大学 , 行政管理, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 进入21世纪,全球化、信息化所带来的巨大变革正席卷全球,传统的一切都受到了前所未有的挑战。对于我国这样一个发展中大国来说,这一挑战在提供机遇之外,更意味着非常严峻的现实:任何一个组织随时随地都会面临着改革变化的需要,并且要对这些需要作出迅速而有效的反应。在行政管理领域,这种变化主要表现为公众对行政组织要求的不断增加,行政组织职能和行政组织范式需要不断改革完善才有可能满足需要。在这种情况下,自公共管理学说引入国内后,学术界给予了极大的关注,以期这一新兴概念能够解决我国行政组织的“着陆”问题,由此,新公共管理研究方兴未艾。不可否认,这种集中于行政组织在经济社会发展中的角色以及其与社会、企业、产权等相互关系的研究,对于推动行政组织转型和市场经济发展具有重要作用。但在一过程中,人们却往往忽视了行政组织的自我管理,忽视了对其内部管理制度的研究,也正是这一缺位导致了目前行政组织自身出现的许多难以克服的顽疾。本文采取了规范研究与实证研究、宏观研究与微观研究、历史分析与结构分析有机统一的研究方法,通过对行政组织进行多层次、静态和动态相结合的考察研究,分析了我国行政组织改革的历程与困境,围绕“行政组织内部和谐管理”这一主题,以我国行政组织内部和谐管理的制度创新为研究对象,以构建一个优化、有序、和谐的行政组织系统为研究目的,在构建和谐政府的背景下,针对行政组织内部管理,尤其是内部管理制度中现存的问题与弊端,以和谐管理理论、制度理论为分析工具,明确我国行政组织内部管理改革的制度创新途径。本文在充分理解和谐与和谐管理思想的基础上,详细阐释了行政组织内部和谐管理的内涵,对其要素和作用机理进行了深入分析。指出行政组织内部和谐管理要素中的制度和谐贯穿于行政组织内部和谐管理的始终,是其灵魂和主线。追求行政组织内部的和谐管理,根本是要实现其内部管理制度的和谐。在此基础上,通过对和谐管理理论进行制度分析,提出了由和谐管理理论与制度理论相互借鉴糅合而产生的制度和谐理念,强调实现行政组织内部和谐管理,要以建立制度化管理体系为基本,谋求制度化与人性化、约束与激励的平衡,既要重视和谐管理理论的“双规则”,又要充分尊重制度和谐对行政组织内部和谐管理的理论与现实价值。作为结论,本文明确了行政组织内部和谐管理制度创新的基本内容,包括非正式制度创新、正式制度创新和实施机制创新三部分,并提出了制度创新规划,即要实现中央制度创新与地方制度创新的统筹兼顾,重视核心制度创新与配套制度创新的协调配合,谋求自创式制度创新与借鉴式制度创新并行。最后,结合2008年的大部制改革,对我国行政组织内部管理改革的制度创设进行了展望。

【Abstract】 In the 21st century, tremendous changes brought about by the globalization and informationization are sweeping across the world, all the traditionas are suffered from the unprecedented challenges.For a developing country such as China, this challenge brings us not only opportunities but also grim reality: any organization will be faced with needs for reform and change anywhere, and these needs should be given a quick and effective response.In administrative areas, such major changes are mainly performed in continuous increasing requirement from public for functions of the administrative organization,it is necessary to perfect functions and paradigms of the administrative organizations in order to meet needs. In such circumstances, since public management theory was introduced to domestic, academia has given the emerging concept great concerns with a view to solve the "landing" problem of administrative organization in China, from then, research on new public management is on the rise.It is undeniable that the research which concludes roles played by administrative organizations in the in the economic and social development and its relationship with society, business and property rights plays an important role in promoting the restructuring for administrative organizations and development of the market economy.But during the process, people often ignore self-management of administrative organization, neglecting the research on internal management system,it is the absence that led to many current defects difficult to overcome emerged in administrative organization.This paper taken in the normative research and empirical research,macro-research and micro-research and the research methods combined with historical analysis and structural analysis,according to methods of multi-levels, static and dynamic to research administrative, analyzing the history and plight of reform in China’s administrative organization.On the theme of "The harmonious management of internal administrative organization ",taking the system innovation in harmonious management of internal administrative organization as a research object,planning to build an optimized, ordered and harmonious system of administrative organizations. In the context of building a harmonious government, in view on the internal management of administrative organizations,particularly the existing problems and shortcomings in internal management system,resorting to analysis tools as harmonious management theory and the theory of system, clearing system innovation ways to reform of management in our internal administrative organizations.On the basis of fully understanding harmony and harmonious management thinking, this paper elaborates the connotation on the internal harmonious management of administrative organization, deeply analyzing its elements and mechanism, pointing out its soul and the main line is that system harmony in the internal harmonious management elements of administrative organization is always throughout the the internal harmonious management of administrative organization.The pursuit of harmonious management in interal administrative organization is to achieve its harmony in internal management systems. On this basis, according to the system analysis on harmonious management theory, putting forward the concept of system harmony born by the combination between harmonious management theory and system theory, stressing to achieve the harmonious management in interal administrative organization, we should establish institutionalized management system as basis to seek the balance of institutionalization and humanity, incentives and constraints, it is necessary to attach importance to the "double rules" od harmonious management theory and fully respect the theory and practical value of system harmony to harmonious management in interal administrative organization.In conclusion, this article clears the basic content of management system innovation in harmonious management in interal administrative organization,including three parts: informal system innovation, system innovation and the implementary mechanism innovation,and put forward system innovation plan, proposing to achieve the central and local system innovation, stressing the coordination of core system innovation and supporting system innovation to seek the parallel implementation of self-creative system innovation and referred system innovation. Finally, referred to the big-sector institutional reform in 2008,outlooking the system creating on reform of management in our internal administrative organizations.


