

CERCLA and Its Experience in the Soil Pollution Prevention Legislation of Our Country

【作者】 游彦霞

【导师】 徐祥民;

【作者基本信息】 中国海洋大学 , 环境与资源保护法学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 目前,我国土壤污染问题严重,土壤污染形势的不断恶化已成为影响我国工农业可持续发展的重大阻力,对我国的经济建设和发展提出了严峻的挑战。国内的学者已经认识到土壤污染问题的重要性,开始积极探求解决我国土壤污染问题以及进行土壤污染防治的有效途径。国外发达国家在上个世纪五六十年代就开始有了农业立法和相关的土壤保护法规,并随着社会的发展进步不断进行修改和完善,形成了科学有效的土壤污染防治制度体系,其先进经验值得学习。本文旨在通过对美国CERCLA以及与之相关的一系列补充性法律法规的分析,探究美国在土壤污染防治方面的制度和措施,并在对这些制度和措施进行全面认识的基础上,结合我国的具体国情,批判的引进其中的精华部分,以期为我国的土壤污染防治立法提供有益借鉴。本文一共分为四个部分:第一部分是土壤污染防治与土壤污染防治法的产生和发展。这部分介绍土壤污染的概念、发生原因、结果的严重性和各国土壤污染防治的实践和意义。同时,介绍土壤污染防治法的产生和发展状况。第二部分是我国土壤污染防治法的建设现状。这部分阐述我国土壤污染防治法的产生与发展阶段。介绍我国土壤污染防治法的立法现状、相关法律规定以及地方立法在这方面取得的成绩,对我国土壤污染防治法的建设现状进行综合概括。第三部分是先进的美国土壤污染防治法。这部分主要介绍较早制定并不断完善的美国土壤污染防治法,分析该法在补充完善过程中的进步之处。针对该法的特色——超级基金作详细分析阐述,总结其良好的国际影响和域外效应。这些为我国借鉴CERCLA的先进经验构建国内土壤污染防治法提供了依据。第四部分是以美国土壤污染防治法为借鉴完善我国法律。这是本篇论文的主体部分,也是本篇论文的创新之处。这部分主要建议借鉴美国土壤污染防治法构建我国的土壤污染防治法。该部分论述在我国构建专门的土壤污染防治法的必要性,并对我国土壤污染防治法的立法定位和基本结构作出界定。建议结合我国的基本国情,在我国的土壤污染防治法中实行连带、无限、不溯及既往的归责原则,并对我国污染土地的清洁治理程序和措施做出明确具体的构建。在分析美国CERCLA制度和原则的基础上,主张土壤污染防治法的立法原则要与环境法其他原则协调一致,实行谁污染谁治理原则、公众参与原则和预防和治理相结合原则。主张建立土壤污染防治基金制度、土壤危险等级评估制度、土壤污染应急处理制度、污染土地综合治理制度等土壤污染防治基本制度,为土壤污染防治工作的开展提供制度保障。

【Abstract】 Nowadays, Soil Pollution is a serious problem in our country. Soil pollution goes worse and it comes to be a big hinder of Sustainable development of our industry and Agriculture. It is also a great challenge to our economic construction and development. Scholars of our country have already recognized the importance of Soil Pollution Control. Then, they begin to seek the effective ways to solve the problem actively. In the 1950s and 1960s of the last century, There were Agriculture Legislation and other relevant soil protection laws in Developed countries. These laws become perfect with the progress of society. And it formed a Scientific system of Soil Pollution Control. The good experience is worth studying.This paper is aimed at seeking the System and Measures on soil pollution control in America by Analysing CERCLA and other Supplementary laws. It absorbs the Highlights of CERCLA selectively in the soil pollution prevention legislation of Our Country on the base of that analysis.This paper is divided into four parts:The first part is the production and development of soil pollution prevention and Soil Pollution Control Act. This section presents the concept of soil pollution, the causes of soil pollution and the serious results of various countries and the practice of soil pollution Control and significance. At the same time, introduction of the production and development situation of soil Pollution Control Act.The second part is about our soil pollution control building situation. This section sets out our soil Pollution Control Act and the formation of the development stage. Introduction of soil pollution control legislation status quo, relevant laws and regulations as well as the achievements of local legislation in this area. Also , it gives the general evaluation About China’s Soil Pollution Control Act status.The third part is the advanced United States Soil Pollution Control Act. It introduces the earlier and improving CERCLA, and analyses the progress during its growth. It shows features of the law -- super fund and its international influence. These advanced experience provide a basis for our legislation on soil Pollution Control Act.Part IV is studying CERCLA to legislate our Soil Pollution Control Act. This is the main part of the paper. Also, It is the innovation part of the paper. The major job of this part is proposing to construct the Soil Pollution Control Act following CERCLA. This part tells the need for pollution control and defines the basic structure of soil pollution control act. We should se up related, unlimited, non-retroactivity principle of liability in light of China’s basic national conditions and soil pollution in Soil Pollution Control Act of China , make sure our clean governance procedures and measures to clear pollution soil. Based on the analysis of CERCLA, the legislative principle of soil pollution Control should be coherence to other principles of environment law. The principles of our soil pollution control act should be who pollution who pay principle, the principle of public participation , the prevention and treatment principle. We should establish soil pollution prevention fund system, assess system of soil danger rating, to soil pollution emergency management system, pollution soil treatment system and so on. It could provide protection on the work of soil pollution control.


