

Military Colonization: The Military Administration by Germany Navy in the "Leased Tsiaochou" (1897-1914)

【作者】 崔文龙

【导师】 曲金良;

【作者基本信息】 中国海洋大学 , 历史地理学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 19世纪末、20世纪初,德国进入垄断帝国主义阶段。德国垄断大资产阶级迫切需要在国外获得原料产地和投资市场。1890年,威廉二世上台后,顺应了国内垄断资本家的要求,推行对外扩张的“世界政策”。在东亚,威廉二世把在中国取得一个海军据点提上日程。在经过一番论证和考察后,他最终决定侵占胶澳地区。1897年11月14日,德国海军侵占胶澳,从此开始了在该地的殖民统治。以往对于德占胶澳的研究主要集中在德国占领青岛期间的城市规划、港口建设、市政管理和商业经营对青岛和山东经济发展的影响方面,而对于德国海军当局在这一租借地的军事经营没有进行系统研究。本文把德国海军在“胶澳租借地”的军事经营作为研究对象,运用历史学、历史地理学和社会学的方法从军事管理体系、军事设防、市政建设和经济建设四个方面对这一问题进行考察。通过对这一问题的系统考察,澄清人们对于德占青岛历史的模糊认识。同时,通过这一研究得出军事殖民的特点,弥补当前学术界对军事殖民研究的不足。文章第一部分论述了德国海军侵占胶澳的原因和过程,使我们对德国海军侵占胶澳的历史背景有所认识。文章第二至第五部分是本文的核心内容,从军事殖民管理模式、租借地的军事设防、军事模式的市政建设和服务于军事目的的经济建设四个方面对德国海军当局的军事殖民统治进行研究。首先,德国海军当局建立了军事殖民管理体系。租借地的管辖权被授予德国海军部,一名德国海军军官担任租借地内的最高行政长官—总督。身为海军军官的胶澳总督作为德皇的代表拥有最高的民事和军事权力。总督和在军队中一样,被赋予了对任何事情的最终决定权。第二,德国海军当局围绕租借地进行了军事设防,构筑了军事防线,修建了大量的军事防御工事。第三,军事殖民当局按照军事模式进行了市政建设规划。第四,为了发展海军,军事殖民当局采取了一系列促进租借地经济发展的措施。文章第六部分论述了军事殖民统治方式的调整。德国海军在租借地内的军事殖民统治遭到了中国商民的抵抗,同时也受到了来自德国国内的批评。在这两方面的压力下,德国海军当局不得不调整统治政策,并最终考虑把租借地置于民事管理之下。文章最后一部分对全文进行总结。通过对德国海军在胶澳租借地军事殖民统治个案的研究,归结出军事殖民统治的特点。

【Abstract】 At the turn of the nineteenth century into the twentieth century, Germany entered into the monopoly imperialism stage. After William II assumed the reins of government in 1890, he carried out the policy of expansion by following the demand of the monopoly capitalists. This policy is called the“World Policy”. Acquiring a stronghold in East Asia for the navy was put on the agenda by William II. After some discussion and demonstration, he finally decided to invade and occupy the“JiaoAo”area. On November 14th 1897, the Germany navy seized the area, and the colonial rule was established ever since then.The previous research on this subject concentrated mainly on the city planning made by the ruler and the effect to the economic development of Qingdao and Shandong Province. But systematic research of the military colonial administration has not been conducted till now. This thesis deals with the military colonial administration and does the research from four aspects: the establishment of military administration system, the military defense, the town planning, and the economy constructing. The thesis does this research in historical, history geographical and sociological terms. With the research to this subject, the blurred cognition to this history can be clarified. And through this research, we can educe the characteristic of military colonial administration, and it is useful to fetch up the shortage of the currently academic research.The first part of this thesis discusses the reason and process of invading and occupying the“JiaoAo”area by the Germany navy in order to make the history background of this problem clear to people.It is the core element of this thesis from the second part to the fifth , which deals with the military colonial administration of the Germany navy through four aspects: the establishment of military administration system, the military defense, the military town planning, and the economy constructing for military purpose.First, the Germany military authority established the military administration system. The jurisdiction of the area was granted to the Admiralty of Germany. A military officer from the navy assumed a leading position in the area. As the representative of the Germany emperor, he was vested with absolute power, both in the military and the civil field. The satrap had last word on everything, just acted as in the navy. Secondly, the military authority fortified the district, with constructing the military lines and building military contravallations. Thirdly, the military authority marked out the city planning according to the military pattern. Fourthly, the military authority adopted a series of measure to develop the economy for the sake of developing the navy.The sixth part of this thesis discusses the adjustment of the military colonial administration. The military colonial administration taken by the Germany navy authority encountered the resist by the Chinese merchants and ordinary people in the area. And it was also criticized by the dissenter from Germany. The navy military authority cannot help but adjust the policy, and ultimately took the civil administration into account.The last part summarizes the whole thesis. In this part the characteristic of the military colonial administration was summed up through the study of the military colonial administration in the“JiaoAo”area by the Germany navy.


