
(艹洽)草(Koeleria cristata(L.)Pers)坪用特性研究

A Study on Turf Quality of Koeleria Cristata (L.) Pers

【作者】 周澎

【导师】 王艳荣;

【作者基本信息】 内蒙古大学 , 生态学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 在2005年6月~9月、2006年5月~11月期间对(艹洽)草(K.cristata(L.)Pers)野外适应特性进行了考查;在2006年3~11月、2007年3~11月对栽培条件下(艹洽)草的坪用特性进行了观测及草坪质量评价;研究了(艹洽)草的抗旱性以及不同的土壤水分供给水平对(艹洽)草生理生态特性的影响。得到以下结论:(1)(艹洽)草的生态适应范围十分广泛,在内蒙古地区,除了西部荒漠、中北部草原化荒漠、东北部寒温带针叶林区以外,其分布几乎遍及其它各州。(2)在呼和浩特地区栽培条件下,(艹洽)草3月上旬开始返青,4月下旬进入生殖生长阶段,5月底开花,6月中下旬种子成熟,11月中旬开始越冬,绿期为250d左右。(3)栽培条件下(艹洽)草平均丛高为13.4cm,修剪后(艹洽)草补偿生长迅速,在4~5周内完成丛高及株高的补偿生长;移栽一年后,(艹洽)草分蘖动态呈“J”型增长曲线,平均分蘖数从返青初期的33.4个/丛,增加到入冬前的141个/丛,移栽两年后,(艹洽)草分蘖动态呈春秋高夏季低的双峰型曲线,在低温条件下,(艹洽)草分蘖仍在进行,2007年返青分蘖数比2006年入冬前的分蘖数平均增加31个/丛。(艹洽)草分蘖枝条的平均成穗率为33.5%;平均单穗结实数为341.7粒,平均单穗有胚净种子达117.3粒,平均单穗净种子总重为0.0181g,种子平均千粒重为0.15g。(艹洽)草种子在20℃室温下,4d后开始萌发,发芽一周后达到高峰,总发芽天数为20d,平均发芽率为52.8%、发芽势为38.2%。(4)(艹洽)草光合能力高于对照草地早熟禾,来自不同分布区的(艹洽)草日平均光合速率比草地早熟禾高0.42~5.77μmolm-2s-1;(艹洽)草日均蒸腾速率小于草地早熟禾0.35~1.28mmolm-2s-1;(艹洽)草瞬时水分利用效率高于草地早熟禾,来自锡盟草原的(艹洽)草日平均瞬时水分利用效率较高。(5)(艹洽)草植株低矮,叶型叶色独特,返青早,绿期长,在相同坪用评价标准下,(艹洽)草的综合评价值为6.14~7.86,美国草地早熟禾综合评价值则为4.43~6.69;(艹洽)草对低温、干旱、病虫害的抗性也高于草地早熟禾,尤其在秋季当草地早熟禾草坪质量显著下降时,(艹洽)草还可以保持较好的坪用表现。(6)在干旱胁迫下,投影盖度为30%左右的(艹洽)草在未封蜡处理下经过18d蒸散失水,土壤含水量达到15.12%后,发生暂时萎蔫;在封蜡处理下经过21d蒸腾失水,土壤含水量下降到7.06%后,发生暂时萎蔫;未封蜡处理下(艹洽)草存活35±1.1d,封蜡处理下可存活44±2.2d;(艹洽)草萎蔫系数为0.064,小于草地早熟禾萎蔫系数,利用土壤水分更为充分,更能够抵抗干旱。(7)(艹洽)草丛高、株高、叶宽、生物量积累均随土壤供水量下降而下降,在相同水分条件下,(艹洽)草生长缓慢,其丛高增长量和生物量积累量都显著低于草地早熟禾;当土壤水分维持在田间持水量(FC)的40%时,(艹洽)草盖度最大,而生长在20%FC下的(艹洽)草盖度较小。随着土壤供水量的降低,(艹洽)草根冠比呈增大趋势;(艹洽)草日均净光合速率降低。随着土壤供水量增多,(艹洽)草蒸散量增大,不同土壤供水量处理下(艹洽)草蒸散量存在极显著差异,在40%FC水平下的(艹洽)草比60%FC水平下(艹洽)草可节水88.72mm,节水率为22.58%。在60%FC、40%FC、20%FC供水水平下,(艹洽)草在整个实验期间分别可比草地早熟禾节水293.49mm、212.71mm、52.31mm,节水率分别为60.93%、54.13%和16.03%。综上所述,(艹洽)草植株低矮,密丛生,返青早,绿期长,具有较高的坪用价值;(艹洽)草生长缓慢,其丛高增长量和生物量积累量都显著低于草地早熟禾,可以有效降低刈剪次数,降低草坪养护成本;(艹洽)草抗旱性较强,在40%FC供水条件下培育节水型的(艹洽)草草坪是可能的。

【Abstract】 The field adaptation of K.cristata(L.) Pers was reviewed in June to September,2005 and May to November,2006;In March to November,2006 and the same time of 2007,the turf quality of K.cristata under cultivated condition in Hohhot was evaluated;The characteristics of physiological ecology and water-use of K.cristata under controlled soil moisture,and,the drought resistance of K.cristata under 100%FC was studied in March to November,2007.The results suggested that:The ecological adaptation scope of K.cristata was so wide that it could live in almost each state except the desert,the Steppificated Desert and the cold temperature coniferous forest region in Inner Mongolia.Under cultivated condition,K.cristata turned green in the early of march,its multiply growth began in the late of April,it blossomed in the late of May,its seed matured in the middle to late of June,it stopped growing in the middle of November in Hohhot,the green-up period was about 250d;its grass height was not more than 60.2cm.its tuft height was about 13.4cm After transplanting and adapting,the dynamic of tiller number of K.cristata was tendency of "M".In winter,it could also grow at the hard cold condition,its tiller number of regreen was 31/clump more than that of the last year.The photosynthesis ability of K.cristata was stronger than that of the CK(Poa pratensis),the average photosynthesis of K.cristata was 0.42~5.77μmolm-2s-1 bigger than that of the CK,the average transpiration of it was 0.35~1.28 mmolm-2s-1 bigger than that of the CK,the instantaneous water-use efficiency was 0.72~0.97μmol CO2/mmol H2O bigger than that of the CK.Under the same standard of evaluation,the score of K.cristata was 6.14~7.86,the score of the CK was 4.43~6.69.In the fall when the CK was unwell,the performance of K.cristata was quite better.The resistance of K.cristata was better than the CK.Under -3℃,few of young tillers were frozen,but the population did not change much.It responded slowly to drought.Its disease resistance,harmful insect resistance was better than the CK.Under controlled soil moisture,the tuft height,the grass height,the leaf width and the biomass of K. cristata reduced when the moisture has dropped,but its root/shoot ratio has enlarged.Its tuft height was between 0.52 to 9.21cm,its grass height was between 2.61 to 12.38cm,its leaf width was between 0.1 to 0.2cm.Its degree of coverage at 40%FC was the biggest in the three treatment.The evapo-transpiration enlarged when the moisture has been increase,and it’s remark for the evapo-transpiration in soil moisture.At 60%FC,K.cristata could save 293.49mm water,the ratio was 60.93%,at 40%FC,it could save 212.71mm 293.49mm water,the ratio was 54.13%,at 20%FC,it could save 52.31mm water,the ratio was 16.03%,and the evapo-transpiration at 40%FC could save 88.72mm water than that at 60%FC,the ratio was 22.58%.It’s possible for K.cristata to be turf at 40%FC,also,it could save mach water at that level.At 40%FC, beside the rain,it needed 53.74mmwater in June,43.64mm water in July,76.91mm water in August, 43.09mm water in September,the total was 217.39mm.Began from 100%FC,with evapo-transpiration,30%degree coverage of K.cristata needed 18d to get to temporary wilting,when the soil moisture was 15.12%,after 21 day’s transpiration,it became temporary wilting,then the soil moisture was 7.06%.Only with evapo-transpiration it could live 35±1.1d,Only with transpiration,the time was 44±2.2d.Its wilting coefficient was 0.064,while that of the CK was 0.093,so it could use the water in soil more fully,and could resist drought better.

【关键词】 (艹洽)草分布生理生态坪用特性
【Key words】 K. cristataDistributionPhysiological EcologyTurf Quality
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 内蒙古大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 02期

