

On the Artistic Techniques and Themes of the Works of Margaret Atwood

【作者】 白荣梅

【导师】 曹先娥;

【作者基本信息】 内蒙古大学 , 外国语言学及应用语言学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 玛格丽特·阿特伍德是享誉世界的加拿大著名女作家。在四十多年的写作生涯中,她成功创作了包括小说、诗歌、剧本、文学评论在内的各种作品。她被誉为“加拿大的文学女王”,其作品因题材新颖、形式多样而受到各国读者的好评,并获得了包括“加拿大总督奖”和“英国布克奖”在内的诸多奖项。阿特伍德本人及其作品也因此成为加拿大国内和国际文学领域研究的焦点。阿特伍德的童年时代是在加拿大的安大略省及魁北克省的北部林区和渥太华及多伦多等大都市交替渡过的。年复一年的穿梭于丛林和都市之间的生活给她留下了难以磨灭的印象。这一时期的阿特伍德在母亲的指导下如饥似渴地阅读各种书籍,并在父亲的鼓励下尝试着写作,立志要成为一名优秀的作家。青年时期的阿特伍德有幸在多伦多大学维多利亚学院接受专业训练。这所学院汇集了诸多杰出的教授,其中就有令人景仰的文学理论家诺斯洛普·弗莱。1961年,年轻的阿特伍德在美国麻省的拉德克利夫学院师从杰罗米·巴克莱教授,攻读文学硕士学位。这段异国求学的经历让她深切感受到加拿大本土文学的重要性,也更加坚定了成为一名加拿大作家的决心。二十世纪的六十年代末,妇女解放运动在西方世界风起云涌。作为一名思想犀利、观察力极其敏锐的女性作家,阿特伍德在很多作品中,借助于女主人公之口,描述当时不平等的社会现实、妇女面临的生存与来自于男性的压力、以及她们始终不放弃希望、不断追求心灵和身体自由的顽强努力。二十世纪八十年代,她完成的作品不仅反映了当时存在的社会现实问题,也勾勒出人类自己有可能制造出的灾难。写作之余,作家还积极参加很多领域内的人权保护活动。二十世纪九十年代以来,阿特伍德开始关注人类赖以生存的环境面临的问题。她不仅期待人们通过其作品了解人类与自然应和谐相处的法则,也期待人们能真正致力于保护环境的各种活动。由于具备深厚的艺术素养、深谙文学批评理论、拥有社会责任感,玛格丽特·阿特伍德在其作品中采用了灵活多变的艺术手法以反映具有深远社会意义的主题。本文作者旨在总结这些极具艺术表现力的写作手法,分析其作品中揭示的主题,探讨其多样的写作手法在表现主题中发挥的作用等,以期对这位文学巨匠有更深入的了解。作者在准备论文的过程中阅读了阿特伍德的主要作品以及国内外的一些评论文集。在写作过程中主要采用叙述、举例及对比作家在不同时期完成的作品等方法,阐明作者对阿特伍德作品中常见的艺术手法及主题的理解和分析,以及这些艺术手法在揭示主题过程中发挥的重要作用。

【Abstract】 As a "queen" of Canadian literature, Margaret Eleanor Atwood enjoys high international prestige for her remarkable contribution to Canadian literature in novels, poetry, short stories and literary review. Her works have been very popular with the readers all over the world and won many awards, such as "Governor General’s Award" and "Booker Prize", etc. The writer and her works have come to be the focus to which the researchers home and abroad have paid much attention.Atwood spent her childhood both in the forests in the north of Canada and the big cities, such as Ottawa and Toronto. The changes between the rural and urban life provided her with a lot of materials for her later writing. During this period, she also read a lot of books with the instruction of her mother. In her twenties, Atwood received the professional training in the University of Toronto given by many prestigious professors, such as Northrop Frye. Later, she studied in Massachusetts of the United States of America. With the acknowledgement of the literature, she realized the significance of Canadian literature and determined to be a real Canadian writer.Atwood experienced the time full of social changes in the 1960s and 1970s. From then on, she has been concerned about the fate of the women who struggle for the independence and liberty vigorously. She revealed the unfairness and harm to the women in the male-centred society in her works. In addition, she tried to awaken the ecological consciousness of humans by means of her writing and active participation in the social affairs.In expressing the significantly profound themes, such as the feminine consciousness and the ecological consciousness, Atwood superbly makes use of various artistic techniques, such as the Gothic elements, the underground/underwater journey, the metaphorical language and paradoxical structure, and the duality in her works.The thesis aims at analyzing the various artistic techniques frequently employed and the significant themes expressed in the works of Atwood. In completing it, the author utilizes various ways, such as narration, explanation by citing examples, comparing the works in different periods of time to justify and document her understanding of Atwood’s artistic techniques and the themes frequently expressed in the works.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 内蒙古大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 02期
  • 【分类号】I711
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】244

