

The Prevention of the Traffic Accident under the Criminal Pollicy-Prevention is Always Better Than Cure

【作者】 梁晓彤

【导师】 李卫东;

【作者基本信息】 内蒙古大学 , 法律, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 改革开放以来,我国道路交通事业迅速发展,机动车保有量不断增加,截止2007年底,全国机动车保有量已达到15,977万辆,全国机动车驾驶人超过亿人。交通事业的发展为我国经济建设、社会发展和人民生活水平的提高起到了积极作用。但是,随着道路交通需求不断增长道路交通的矛盾也日益加剧,交通拥堵增多,交通事故上升,尤其在进入本世纪以来,我国连续四年每年因道路交通事故死亡人数均突破10万,经济损失数十亿元,造成的危害十分严重。前任公安部部长周永康在任职期间就指出:我国正处于道路交通事故的高发和频发期。面对日益严重的交通事故问题,如何谋求对策、预防道路交通事故发生是当前社会发展中的重要课题。要解决道路交通事故给社会带来的诸多问题,必须从现代科学的角度,运用行之有效的社会政策,采取各种手段,有效预防交通事故的发生。刑法学家李斯特所言:“最好的社会政策就是最好的刑事政策”。那么我们针对道路交通事故这一社会问题,运用刑事政策的理论,从刑事立法政策、刑事司法政策、刑事执行政策、刑事社会政策上分析道路交通事故的预防,构建完善的交通犯罪刑事制裁网是非常必要的。而我国现行刑法只将造成严重事故的行为划入犯罪圈,在控制范围和刑罚配置上存在不尽科学、合理之处,本文拟借鉴国外相关道路交通犯罪立法,从刑事政策角度提出了道路交通犯罪的预防体系论,运用刑事政策的观点对我国的现行道路交通犯罪立法作适度矫正,并在探讨道路交通犯罪及其刑罚配置的理论基础上,对我国的相关道路交通犯罪的立法提出了建设性的意见。

【Abstract】 Reforming and opening up in china, the road traffic has been developed speedily, the number of vehicles in the whole China has reached to 1.5977 billion; at the same time the number of divers of vehicles are more than a billion. The development of the road traffic has an important and positive impact on the improvement of the economic, sociality and the people’s living standard. However, on the other hand, as the increase of the vehicle, the conflict between the demanding of the road traffic and the highly increased vehicles has become serious. As the consequence, both the traffic jam and the traffic accident are going up swiftly. Especially, in the new century the death caused by the traffic accident has broken one million, the economic lose is more than 10 billions, and the damage of traffic accidents for every side is unbelievable severe. The ex-president of Police Bureau, Zhou Yongkang had addressed: "in our country, the occurring of traffic accidents is at the peak time. Therefore, it has become a very important issue that how to prevent the happening of traffic accidents. In order to solve a sorts of social crisis’s caused by traffic accidents, it is necessary to take advantage of the advanced science technology combined with the government policy and then to take the efficient action to prevent and reduce the occurring of traffic accidents. As Mr. Lee, the export of criminal policy, said: "the best government policy is the best criminal policy." Therefore to build up the mature and comprehensive government punishment decree based on the theory of criminal policy and the analysis of the prevention of the traffic accident is obviously necessary. However, in our country according to the current criminal laws only the severe consequence of the traffic accident can lead to the restrict and the punishment of the criminal law. Hence in my opinion, the foreign criminal policy of road traffic should be introduced and the system of the prevention of traffic accident based on the criminal policy should be implored. Moreover the current criminal policy for the traffic accident should be moderately adjusted according to present situation. At the same time, in my thesis some constructive suggestions have been given for the criminal law of traffic accidents based on the current theory of the criminal law and policy.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 内蒙古大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 02期
  • 【分类号】D631.5;D924.3
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】204

