

The Study on Situation and Countermeasures of the Supply of Rural Public Goods in China’s Wester Areas

【作者】 李继宏

【导师】 丛志杰;

【作者基本信息】 内蒙古大学 , 行政管理, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 农村公共产品是指在一定范围内农村居民消费、享用的,具有非竞争性和非排他性的社会产品,涉及农村公共设施、公共事业、公共福利、公共服务等各个领域。现阶段我国农村公共产品总体供给不足,尤其是西部地区农村公共产品供给不足,农民急需的公共产品远远不能满足农民的需求。近年来,对西部地区农村公共产品供给状况的研究已成为学术界关注的热点。全文共分成三个部分:第一部分选取了基础设施、基础教育、公共卫生和社会保障等四个指标,通过对数据进行对比分析,指出现阶段我国西部地区农村公共产品存在供给总量不足、供给水平低,以及西部地区城乡公共产品供给差距大等问题。并从城乡差距,区域差距,全面建设小康社会和社会公平等方面分析了农村公共产品供给不足的危害。第二部分分析了制约西部地区农村公共产品有效供给的原因。导致西部地区农村公共产品供给现状的原因是多方面的,本文主要从公共政策的角度选取了如下几方面原因:非均衡的经济社会发展战略、财税政策、城乡二元社会政策、供给主体单一、政府职能的缺位和错位以及决策过程中农民话语权的缺失等。第三部分提出了改善西部地区农村公共产品供给的对策。继续推进西部大开发战略、改革和完善财税政策、建立和完善城乡统筹的社会政策、实现供给主体的多元化、合理划分各级政府职能,明确各级政府责任、农民要充分参与农村公共产品供给决策等。

【Abstract】 Rural public goods is non-exclusive and non-competitive social product which in a certain range rural residents consumption and use .It involving rural public facilities, public utilities, public welfare, public services, and other fields. At this stage of China, the supply of rural public goods is insufficient in general. Especially the western rural areas inadequate supply of public goods, the fanners of much-needed public goods far from meeting their needs. In recent years, the academic research on the west state of the supply of rural public goods is become a hot spot of concern.This essay divided into three parts:The first part selects the infrastructure, basic education, public health and social security four indicators, through the data were analyzed, pointing out that, at this stage of China, western region of rural public less than the total supply of existing products, the low level of supply and there is big gap between western areas of urban and rural on the supply of public goods. Analysis the hazards of less supply of western rural public goods from the following aspects: the urban-rural gap, regional disparities, comprehensively building a well-off society and social equity. The second part analyzes the reasons which constraint the effective supply of rural public goods. There are many reasons for this question, this paper from the perspective of public policy selects follows several reasons: non-balanced economic and social development strategies, fiscal and taxation policies, the urban and rural social policy, a single main supply, the absence and decision of government functions and the dislocation of the farmers the right to speak.The third part points out the countermeasures to improve the supply of public goods in western rural areas. Continue to push forward the western development strategy and reform and improve fiscal and taxation policies, the establishment and improvement of urban and rural areas of social policy co-ordination to achieve the diversification of the main supply and reasonable by all levels of government functions, clear responsibility at all levels of government, farmers in rural areas to participate fully in public goods supply decision-making.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 内蒙古大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 02期

