

Pathological Study of Language Problems in Bilingualism

【作者】 车勇鹤

【导师】 单兴缘;

【作者基本信息】 哈尔滨理工大学 , 英语语言文学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 在一个日益多元化和多语言的世界,越来越多的家长意识到,他们的孩子要学两个或两个以上的语言。很多人支持儿童应该在成长过程中习得两种或三种语言。然而,在双语或多语的习得过程中也伴随着各种各样的问题,并引起了家长和专业人士的讨论和思索。有的学者认为,同时习得两个或两个以上的语言将混淆儿童的语言发展和导致语言病理问题。与此相反,另一些学者则认为,这一论点并没有得到任何科学证据支持,双语习得将有利于儿童的语言技能发展。双语到底指的是什么?同时学习两种语言对于儿童来说是否是一个负担?孩子是否会将两种不同的语言代码混淆?为了使这些问题更加明确,本文将对双语的定义给出一个清晰明确的概念并试从病理学角度来解释双语习得中出现的问题。目前,对于语病学方面的研究还不是很多,其主要分为语言障碍、语言发展迟缓、失语症几大方面。而语病现象的产生又由很多不同的原因造成,例如生理原因、语言学方面原因、甚至是不具体的一些原因也可能构成语病。一般来说,语病主要由以下两种组成:器质性语言障碍和功能性语言障碍。引起语病的原因事实上也不能同语言输入质量,家长与儿童间的情感,儿童所处的语言社团相分离。然而,对于语病学方面的问题,有些是我们可以做的,有些是我们做不到的,而正是那些我们可以处理的问题对于一个研究语言的人才更重要。笔者将克拉申在二语习得中提出的i+1假说运用于双语习得中语言输入质和量的处理,基于“情感过滤假说”来讨论语言与情感在双语习得中的关系,并对语病问题与言语失误加以区分。通过运用乔姆斯基的“普通语法”中“原则和参数设置”对儿童语料库中数据的分析证明双语化不会导致语言障碍或语言问题。进一步研究似应扩展为其他语言范式。

【Abstract】 In an increasingly diversified and multilingual world, more and more parents have realized that their children are to learn two or more languages. Many have strong support to children growing up with a second or third language. However, different sorts of problems which accompany bilingual development are discussed and pondered deeply both by parents and professionals. Some hold the belief that hearing two or more languages simultaneously will confuse the children and lead to language pathological problems, such as language disorders, delayed language development, or even aphasia. By contrast, others claim that there is no scientific evidence in favor of the former argument and state that bilingualism will be better off for children’s linguistic skills.What does the bilingualism exactly mean? Is learning two languages a burden to the child? Will the children mix up the two codes? In order to make these issues clearer, this research re-presents a clear definitive concept of bilingualism and examines the bilingual problems from the perspective of pathology. Researches on the language pathology are mainly performed in language disorders, language delay, or aphasia. The phenomenon of language pathology could result from many reasons, such as biological factors, linguistic aspects, and even non-specific respects at all. Generally speaking, language pathology can be classified into two kinds: organic language disorders and functional language disorders. As a matter of fact, the reasons of language problems are not isolated from the quantity and quality of input, the emotional relationship with parents, as well as speech community to which the children are exposed. For language pathological problems, there are some we can not do anything. On the other hand for other problems we can do something. It is the problems that we can do something that are more important. In the research, Krashen’s“i+1”input hypothesis, is used to tackle the quantity and quality of input, and affective filter hypothesis to provide suggestions for the relation between language and emotion. This paper also makes distinction between language pathological problem and speech errors in term of the reason causing them. Through the analysis of the data from the CHILDES according to Chomsky’s UG, especially Principles and Parameters-setting, the hypothesis that bilingualism will not lead to language disorder or problems is proved. Further research should be analysis with other linguistic paradigms.

【关键词】 双语习得失语症言语失误语病学
【Key words】 BilingualismAphasiaSpeech errorsPathology

