

Research on Electronic Ballast Used for High Pressure Sodium Lamp

【作者】 霍菲阳

【导师】 魏新劳;

【作者基本信息】 哈尔滨理工大学 , 电力电子与电力传动, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 国家绿色照明工程的实施,促使各种绿色、高效、长寿命、光色好的照明光源被相继开发应用,高能量气体放电灯(HID灯)就是最为典型的新型光源,而在HID灯家族中,高压钠灯(HPS灯)因其在光效、寿命、光色、光穿透性等方面的优点而被更加广泛地开发和应用,但是与之匹配的电感镇流器却由于功率因数低、损耗大、体积大等缺点,已经不能满足人们对照明设备的绿色、节能的要求。所以设计一种高功率因数、高光效、体积小等优点的电子镇流器,已经成为HPS灯照明系统的迫切需要。本文就是基于此而开展研究工作的。本文首先对与HID灯及其照明技术有关的国内外技术资料进行了查阅、分析和综合,较全面地掌握了HID灯的工作原理和特性,并对HID灯在实际应用中出现的问题有了基本了解,对以往在解决这些问题方面已经进行过的技术研究工作进行了简单总结。基于对现有HID灯数学模型优缺点的分析和掌握,本文在HID灯的数学模型建立方面进行了大胆尝试。在对高压开关技术中的两个电弧放电数学模型各自的适用范围和缺点进行分析研究的基础上,大胆提出了一种HID灯正常工作时的数学模型,该模型与以往的模型相比,具有待定参数少、适用范围宽、待定参数的确定容易等优点,仿真结果表明,在对HID灯的外部电气性能描述方面,该模型具有与现有复杂模型相同的效果。该模型可以被应用在各种需要对HID灯外部电气性能进行仿真的场合。作为对所提出的HID灯数学模型的一个应用,在论文的最后,利用通过试验得到的250W高压钠灯在50Hz下的电压、电流波形,建立了该HPS灯外电气特性的数学模型,并利用Matlab的Simulink仿真环境将模型应用于该灯的电子镇流器逆变器主电路的设计工作中,结合对逆变器控制驱动电路、启动电路和功率因数校正电路的设计,最终完成了对HPS灯电子镇流器的设计计算。所遵循的技术路线完全可以用于其它类型的HID灯电子镇流器的设计工作中。

【Abstract】 The implementation of national green lighting engineering urges the development of different types of light source with green, efficiently, longer life and good lighting color. The high intensity gaseous discharge lamp (HID) is the most typical new light source. Because of its advantages in lighting efficiency, life, lighting color and lighting penetrability, the high pressure sodium lamp (HPS) is more broadly applicated in the family of HID lamp. But the inductance ballast, with lower power factor , much more loss and large physical volume etc, makes the HPS lamp can’t satisfy people’s request for lighting equipment of green and energy saving. The development for some kinds of electronic ballast, having high power factor, less loss and smaller physical volume etc, has become insistent requirement. The research work in this thesis is carried out according to this viewpoint.A number of domestic and international technique data releated to HID lamp and its lighting technology have been refered, analyzed and comprehensively synthesized firstly. The working principle and characteristic of HID lamp are cognized. The problem involved in the application practice of HID lamp is fundamentally understood. And, the technique research works about HID lamp and its application practice carried out by former researcher are simply summaried.Based on the analysing about the merits and shortcomings of present HID lamp’s mathematical model, the author makes some trial research works on the mathematical model of HID lamp. According to the analysis for the applicable frequency range and defects of two mathematical models used for electric arc discharges within high voltage switch, the author presents a kind of mathematical model for normally worked HID lamp. Compared with former models, this model has the advantage of less parameters, wide applicable frequency range and easy method of parameter settle etc. Simulation research shows that this model has the same performance of former complicated model in aspect of describing the exterior electric characteristics of HID lamp. This model can be used in various situations in which the exterior electric performance of HID lamp is concerned.As an application of the HID lamp’s mathematical model put forward in thesis, according to the voltage and current waveforms acquired from a test of a 250W high pressure sodium lamp working at 50Hz, this HPS lamp’s mathematical model has been established. In Matlab’s Simulink environment, this model is sued in the simulation of the inverter which is the main part of the electronic ballast circuit designed for the HPS lamp. Combined with the design for the driving and controlling circuit of the inverter, the pulse-up circuit of the lamp and the power factor correction circuit of the whole electronic ballast, the author completed the design work of electronic ballast used for the HPS lamp. And the technique route run through this design process can be completely used for the design work of other types of HID lamp’s electronic ballast.


