

The Aiming Technology Research in Optical Non-contact 3-D Measure Instrument

【作者】 刘安章

【导师】 刘泊;

【作者基本信息】 哈尔滨理工大学 , 精密仪器及机械, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 几何参数的测量一直是计量领域的重要研究部分。作为基础的长度测量,随着新的测量理论的提出和新测量技术的应用,从一维、二维(2-D)、三维(3-D)以至高维空间,都成为人们关注和研究的内容。光学式测量技术以其非接触、自扫描、高精度、快速获取等手段,正好满足了工业测量和检测方面的需要。非接触三维测量仪是由CCD图像传感器、PSD位置传感器、光栅传感器、光学成像系统、数据采集系统、激光发射器和计算机及相关的机械结构构成的光学非接触式三维测量装置。众所周知,边缘瞄准的精度的高低决定了一个测量仪器的性能,本文利用光学测量具有的非接触性、全场测量性和高精度性的特点以及光电传感器设计了一种非接触式光学测头。该检测仪将三维测量分为平面二维测量和Z方向的一维测量。平面二维测量主要利用CCD成像技术,图像处理技术,亚像素细分技术等实现了对被测物边缘的自动”描准”,自动计算。文中详细介绍了该检测系统具体的检测方法,设计了相应的机械结构和软件计算系统。在理论部分探讨了和图像处理技术有关的概念和一些基本算法。Z方向的一维测量利用PSD频率响应高、接口电路简单、数据采集快等特点,设计了一种非接触激光测头。和平面二维测量用CCD进行非接触瞄准类似,Z方向的一维测量用激光测头进行非接触瞄准。在理论部分介绍了PSD的相关知识,在实践部分设计了相关的硬件电路和机械结构,最后结合其检测结果,对存在的误差以及造成误差的原因进行了讨论,对测量结果的分析表明了检测方法的正确性。

【Abstract】 The geometrical parameter measurement becomes an important part of metrology. As the basement of the measurement, the length measurement has caught people’s attention and become research content from one dimensional, two dimensional(2-D), three dimensional(3-D)to high-dimensional space with the new measurement theory present and the new measurement technologies applied. The measurement technology based on optics is a non-contact, since scanning, high-precision and fast access profile measuring method. And it has been a promising technique in all fields of the industrial measurement and detection.Non-contact 3-D measure instrument is consisted of a CCD picture sensor, position sensitive detector, an optical grating sensor, an optical image formation system, a data capture system, laser transmitter and an optical non-contacted three-dimensional measurement consisting of computer and interrelated mechanical structure. It is well known that the performance of a measuring instrument is determined by its edge aiming precision. Making use of various photoelectric sensors and the characteristic of optics measurement, such as non-contact, whole-filed measuring and high precision, this paper designs a non-contact optical probe. The detected device divides three dimensional measurement into plane two-dimensional measurement and one-dimensional measurement of Z direction. Plane two-dimensional measurement make mainly use of CCD imaging technology, image processing technology, sub-pixel technology and other technology to achieve automatic aiming, automatic calculation of the edge on measured object. The paper detailed introduces the idiographic measure principle of the measuring system, designs the relevant mechanism and software system. In the part of theory, some image processing and several common computational algorithms of the sub-pixel edge measurement were discussed. PSD is characterized by high frequency responsibility, simple interface circuit, fast data collection and so on. On Z direction one-dimensional measurement, the paper design a non-contact laser probe. Like plane two-dimensional measurement, the device aim the measured object with laser non-contact probe in one-dimensional measurement of Z direction. In theory, the relevant knowledge about PSD is introduced firstly, in practice the relevant design of the hardware circuit and mechanical structure are introduced. At last , the paper discusses the reason causing the error with the measuring results. The analysis of the measuring results indicates the correctness of the measuring method.


