

Research of Data Exchange Technology of Heterogeneous Database in Manufacturing Industry Application Software Based on XML

【作者】 周长宝

【导师】 葛江华;

【作者基本信息】 哈尔滨理工大学 , 机械电子工程, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 随着信息技术的发展,信息化已经成为制造业提高竞争力的核心,制造业应用软件CAX、产品数据管理(PDM)、企业资源规划(ERP)等在我国是制造技术的重要技术领域。在我国制造业应用软件处于刚刚起步阶段。制造业应用软件系统集成可以有效的缩短产品形成周期,加速产品从设计领域到制造领域的转化。本文通过对制造企业信息技术应用现状分析,阐述了目前制造业应用软件所面临的问题,论述了制造业应用软件集成的必要性和重要意义,研究了异构数据的集成策略和方法。提出了一个具有高度通用性和可扩展性的基于XML(The Extensible Markup Language)的数据交换模型、研究了XML与关系数据库间的映射、异构数据的存取等;提出了一种数据交换系统体系结构,并作为集成开发系统的指导模型和基本原则;该系统提供了一个异构数据共享与集成的中间平台,可实现异构数据的透明操作和无缝集成。基于以上集成开发系统的指导模型和体系结构,本文以制造业应用软件PDM、ERP系统为例,阐述了PDM与ERP系统的区别与联系并且比较分析了PDM与ERP系统的三种集成方式,提出了相应的解决方案,实现了PDM与ERP间的数据共享集成。本文提出的解决方案具有通用性,可以有效的解决制造业其他异构数据库应用软件的数据共享问题。

【Abstract】 As the development of information technology, informationizing has become the core to improve the competence of manufacturing industry. Applied softwares such as CAX、PDM、ERP in manufacturing industry have become an important technology field of manufacturing technique in China, while they are just in a starting stage. Integrated system of applied software in manufacturing industry can shorten production generation period efficiently and accelerate product transfer from design field to manufacturing field.The present application status of information technology in manufacturing industry is analyzed in this paper, and the problems faced in applied softwares in manufacturing industry are expounded. Also the necessity and importance of applied softwares in manufacturing industry are discussed and the integrated method of heterogeneous data is researched. A data exchanging model based on XML which have height generality and expansibility is proposed, and the mapping between XML and relational database and data access of heterogeneous data are also studied. An architecture of data exchange is given, which is used as the guiding model and basic principles of integrated development system. This system provides a middle-platform of heterogeneous data exchange and sharing, and it realizes transparent operation and seamless integration of heterogeneous data.Based on the above guiding model and system architecture of integrated development system, the applied softwares PDM and ERP are taken as an example to describe the distinctions and relationships between them. Moreover, through compareing and analyzing three methods of integration of PDM and ERP, solution scheme and implementation method are proposed and the integrating and sharing of data between PDM and ERP can be realized. The solution scheme which proposed in this paper has universality, it can solve the data sharing problems of other heterogeneous database applied softwares in manufacturing industry efficiently.

【关键词】 应用软件异构数据库XML数据交换
【Key words】 Applied softwaresheterogeneous dataXMLdata exchange
  • 【分类号】TP391.7;TP311.13
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】174
  • 攻读期成果

